Thanks Obama
Thanks Obama
I assume the rest is bs too
>typical household income rose by $2800 - that's the single biggest increase on reccord
Damn... Really makes you think...
>Played nice with one of the last commie dictators of the Cold War
>Played into the climate catastrophe hoax
>Destroyed the concept of marriage by allow fags to leech off the benefits
How the hell can he act like those three are good things?
I sometimes forget there are people who still unironically reject the fact that humans are warming the earth at a dangerous rate.
It cannot be denied that the earth is warming
But there is insubstantial proof that we will destroy the Earth by 2020
ok. lets go point by point...
*income rose due to inflation, but didn't come anywhere near enough to match the inflation rate.
*no shit people at the bottom rose more. $0-$1 is a 100% increase
*obamacare. lol
*graduation rates rose because requirements plummeted. a monkey could graduate an american highschool
*we were promised complete pull-out from the middle east. 165,000 is barely a dent in our presence there
*we didn't do anything with cuba. their dictator died and they were finally able to come out of hiding and make their own decisions.
*oh good, the gays are free to roam
-More people moving to the USA means higher mean for income, but that's like saying those who made $0 before now make $2800.
-bigger increase in what? Money? Because that's a lie. But perhaps you mean percentage wise. In which case the lower and middle class could get a 100% household increase and STILL not be as much money as the 1% with a 1% increase.
-20 million people on Obamacare paying most of their annual income on with the premiums that rise every month
-No kid left behind act. Forces kids to graduate even if they fail by having graduation rate tied to teachers salary.
-Obama had nothing to do with that, osama bin laden has been on the hunt for years.
->implying they even had nuclear weapons
-Cuba still hates America and there's still strict regulations on going there.
-Nothing is going to change.
-marriage is still unequal. Women get 50% of mans stuff even WITH prenups. Oh you mean gays? Marriage was never a state right it's a privilege and violates many Christian pastors beliefs.
Well yeah there is insubstantial evidence for that thing that no one believes. No shit.
Why do conservatives always come up with these really ridiculous figures and say "This is what scientists believe and thus we cannot trust them"? Why do you love fooling yourselves?
>income rose due to inflation, but didn't come anywhere near enough to match the inflation rate.
Did you just make that up or do you actually think inflation rose over 5% last year?
>No shit bottom
That's a higher percentage increase
Nice criticism. Next you'll be bringing up FEMA death camps.
>Grad requirements plummeted in 2016
>165,000 is barely a dent
There are less than 4000 troops in Iraq. Why do you keep making stuff up?
>We didn't do anything with Cuba
Wrong again, retard.
>He doesn't believe the accepted science
Wrong again, retard
>He thinks gays don't have a right to marriage
Wrong again, retard
Not an argument