Only countries with a monarch can reply to this thread.
-- USA need not apply. --
Only countries with a monarch can reply to this thread.
-- USA need not apply. --
TFW no big strong ausbf
God bless
canzuk when?
Can I join? We have King Phillip.
Fuck you
ITT boot lickers
except me
The God Emperor is the worlds monarch
Why is Mr.Burger so mean?
not yet he's not
>thread says no burgers because there autist
>burgers join thread and be autist
inb4 a fucking leaf by a yank :)
fuck the queen sadiq khan for president
Found the pakis.
Wad up mah niggah?
We stopped listening to monarchies on july 4 1776 faggot.
Yeah u listen to wall man 4 gubmint now
ooga booga infidel
>Great Britain spends heaps on money defending American from French invasion
>asks American to pay half the bill
>wtf no, we independence now!
A nation founded upon kikery.
we have the God Emperor now, he Trumps your monarch.
>Britain starts war with France on American soil
>Americans help
>After war not allowed to settle lands we won
>Not allowed to do anything without British approval
>Suddenly starts garrisoning troops without consent
>Heavy taxes
Man really gets the eggs frying
You listen to a decrepit 90 year old for gubmint
You're a right failure mush.
I thought we were making vast oversimplifications on government
you forget your place: we have a God-Emperor now.
I guess Britain should have just left France alone, they surely didn't want more land during their expansionist conquest of the American continent.
Would you have liked that? That England just left the Americas with France still there.
Monarchy BTFO
>still cucked
delete this
every thread in the world belongs to america
What does this have to do with our government?
is he cool?
We've had our share of we wuz mayan and aztec monarchs and a short lived but glorious mexican empire with Maximilian at the helm, but other than that, we're a country of peasants.
>Heavy taxes
You retard, the taxes were tiny.
What's up my friends
Oh sure I'll trust you on that. I trust Brits implicitly.
Well I believe my ancestors would've liked it if we could settle on that new land we took from the France.
This is now an America thread
Who else want their tea thrown into the harbor?
We have something far better than a monarch though...
Goold old times, when we fought in the same team as the tommies.
Hi. We have 9
You wouldn't even exist as a nation if it wasn't for England fending of France.
That's just not enough for you greedy Americans though.
I was going to post something like this. This is the total truth. The TRUMP Dynasty is real.
Fuck off serfs.
Dat Commonwealth feel.
Fuck u i got freedumb
Every man in the USA is the King of his own castle.
Like I care about tea.
Unless the government invokes imminent domain.
what's a monarch ?
britain reporting in
Until the cops burst in with a no-knock warrant and kill your dog. Or they just plain feel like ordering you about with no warrant.
Subject of the sultanate of Belgium reporting in
it was something like a 2% increase on tea.
Did someone say USA thread?
Sure is nice being our own country, right fella- oh, its australia.. Im sure your get independence someday lil buddy.
>someone else's queen is his queen
>britcucks pay for all the queens shit
>lets aussies have her FOR FREE
>implying that doesn't happen in Britianstan or Soviet Canuckistan
Queenie is on her way out.
Thoughts on Irish immigrants?
My brother just moved to Melbourne
Lol wut?
Shart police kill more people in one month than the British police have in the entire history of the UK.
Please look at
Then read
>Britain starts war with France on American soil
Then think of how France was most likely going to abandon it's claims on America due to them only having one large city despite owning the largest tract of land. The reason for this is conditions were so shitty in Britain that they left Britain to go to America, unlike France were it was improving. I guess you were too busy fighting Emus to learn this basic piece of information.
At least we actually kill criminals and not citizens who didn't buy a fork license.
>her majesty's royal tears
patriotic kek
>the queen of a foreign nation will never mire your bulge
one shot at life...
Reporting in. Fuck republicanism.
Never faggot.
monarchies are the worst form of government
Only countries with the strongest military in the world can reply to this post. -- Non Americans need not apply. --
My country was doing fine until we kicked the monarchy out, then the level of corruption got over 9000.
You have to go back