Can we get a flat earth thread going?
Can we get a flat earth thread going?
I never understood flat Earth. So what, is it just a flat disk that you could just fall off at the edge? What do the laws of physics do at that point?
This is more /x/ than Sup Forums related, when mods start to delet these
and OP, go fuck yourself
The Earth is not flat and the Bible does not say it is.
>inb4 Isaiah
The Hebrew word means globe not circle.
>(((laws of physics)))
why do white men let jews think for them???
These threads are examples of fucking shilling to discredit Sup Forums and support the "fake news" narrative.
Well it would confirm the Bible is factual. And there is an abundance of evidence toward it. Plus, all NASA images are essentially photoshops, pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle, so it's entirely possible that the entire space program is faked.
There is a video on YouTube of some flat earthers who sent a camera attached to a weather balloon very high into the atmosphere to try and see the curvature. No matter how high they got, it was entirely flat in all directions. Even the Red Bull sponsored dude who did a space jump and fell to the earth's video shows the earth flat in all directions. There is just no visual proof of it being a globe.
Expanding Earth is better.
The laws of physics were discovered by white men
we literally have a camera sitting at L1 taking photos of our planet every however many minutes that shows the curvature pretty fuckin well
not an argument
you like to think that huh
But why is it expanding?
Fuck you cuck, you support the biggest lies and only exposing little lies!
CGI effects are pretty powerful today too
If earth was round, airplane pilots would have to dip the nose of the plane down every 20 minutes or they'd fly into space.
More research is needed.
The Earth is a (((sphere))). Now go give (((NASA))) all your money so that they can do (((research)))
The concept of an atmosphere doesn't make any sense either if you apply real science to it.
>Spheretards will try to refute this.
No it is a fact.
i find it hilarious that marxist death cultists (aka atheists) have a heaven that they call "space" and "transhumanism". makes me kek hard.
fish eye lens bro
Still, what happens to you at the edge?
Sup Forums got to a point where even /x/ laughs at us. just end it already
You encounter a massive wall of ice (Antarctica) that continues until it hits the Firmament.
I love these satire threads.
can someone explain how the sun appears to go over the horizon?
>Biblical Truth
Go fuck yourself, weebcunt.
the force of gravity is stronger on the gas than the pull of the vacuum
yes, particles escape, but particles also reenter
stop with your pseudoscience bullshit