Afrikaanse draad vir afrikaans. Maak julself gehoor in hierdie draad en wys ons is ook 'n deel van Sup Forums.
Suid Afrikaanse draad
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Are you one of the 5 human white people left there or are you one of the billions of nigger orcs?
ooga booga where da boer women at
White man. One of 8 million still holding onto civilisation in Africa.
No, leaf, we call them plaasmeisies, farm girls.
Is it true that proud afrikaaners are still allowed to have their own white only enclaves there?
Kak in jou maa se poes
ik heb een dokumentarie van Suid Afrika en die 1970s geschoot.. het war sad.
That's my best Afrikaans impression. I learned a bit because i had a very good Boer friend. The loss of the Boers will be forever a tragedy in my eyes..
ey stinkneger jullie kunnen toch gewoon nederlands verstaan en lezen?
We have Orania, but that's a meme tier place
Speak some fucking English, bitch.
Nederland groot
More like plaagmeisjes
Vind ik wel lekker zo
Godspeed lad.
jy sal letterlik meer ex pat afrikaaners kry op pol as mense nog van SA. Hier is letterlik meer joode was troll op die forum as boertjies.
En eet dit!
Ooga booga that's dutch muhhfugga
Ek kan, kan jy my verstaan kaas kop?
Solank as wat ons suksesvolle draade het, is dit reg met my. Maar die Jode moet weg.
Goeie dag mede boer
orcs don't talk afrikaans
hey broeders hoe gaat 't daar nou met jullie? Ik ben 5 keer in de RSA geweest en vond 't een schitterend land. Is 't gevaar van de kaffer een dagelijkse realiteit voor jullie?
That's sad...
I guess my next question is how do your women like all the rape and are you a fan of all the inevitable violence with niggers?
Hoe seker is ons van die flae is nie kaffers nie
Keep up the good fight broers!
Lived in ZA for a while, wonderful, proud people, great country. Sad it is going down for years now.
Die kaffers is werklik in elke deel van ons lewens, behalwe as ons tuis saam mede familielede sit. Die land is wel pragtig en het 'n goeie geskiedenis as gevolg van ons wittes.
Ja.Jou huis voel soms soos n vokken tronk met die hoe mure en elektriese draad
sanne slepe seven sakken sout sonder sei seg sei sleep swaar
Is this that 1337-speak I keep hearing about?
I'm not too sure about the black on white rape, to be honest. It is something I don't like to think about. The inevitable race war might not go our way this time, unless, say a certain dutch politician, or American business man helps us out.
Dag sê
Vreet 'n peel, veraaiers.
wie is beter? jack parow of die antwoord?
Just damduikers who live there.
i fink you freeky
Nie vokken een nie albei is kak
mijn respect voor jullie voorvaders is groot. Blijf sterk!
zelfs als ik 't hardop lees snap ik het niet kek
Die antwoord se musiek is beter, Jack parrow is 'n grap. Die antwoord is ook meer bekend. As mense glo dit is wit kultuur in suid afrika, is hulle slegs onkundig.
I want to learn Afrikaans. Any virtue in it?
Dankie, sal sterk hou, maar ons almal weet ons benodig 'n redding van ander wit mense. Snaaks genoeg omdat hulle ons in hierdie situasie in die eerste plek gesit het.
Absolutely no reason what so ever to learn it.Its a dying language
Very easy for English speakers, but also highly useless
>Afrikaanse draad vir afrikaans. Maak julself gehoor in hierdie draad en wys ons is ook 'n deel van Sup Forums.
Afrikaaner thread for Afrikaans. Make yourself at home in this here thread with us and mock and deal with Sup Forums
We'll, I'd kill niggers at your side, fellow white man
It's the least spoken western germanic language, feels like a VIP club in some respects like that. Otherwise it's a prettier dutch, no offense to my nederlandse broers en susters.
So do people just speak English there in Safa then?
gf is an afrikaner
you guys have my eternal sympathy, youll get your country back
Last bit is 'and show we are also a part of Sup Forums'
Most whites and coloureds speak afrikaans and the rest of sa english or nignog
Well not really we had a slight increase in white births. bee at least is doing something good for Afrikaners.
Afrikaans is also the biggest language in south africa and will probably be for at least 50 years.
I speak it better than some other Europeans I've seen on Sup Forums.
>orcs don't talk afrikaans
hoerah voor die boer, hoerah
Kom vind uit, kaffer.
Nie die manier hoe dit by skool en uni verwyder word nie
>a prettier dutch
It's retarded as shit.
Afrikaans really is Dutch baby talk.
What's the plan for you guys? Prepping for an enclave to secede from the country a la Orange Free State 2.0?
Isn't it true that Boers have been there literally longer than most of the Bantus anyway? Wtf it's more your country than theirs if that's the case.
What language is spoken in belgium.flemmish?
Africa is for the africans, fuck off back to europe you white niggers
>prettier dutch
its almost the same except the sentences don't make sense
Yes this is partly true
>speaking Afrikaans on Sup Forums
They're africans, dickhead. You don't have to be a nigger for that.
Sannie se sy sal sewe sakke sout sleep, sannie se sy sleep swaar.
>Basically dutch reformatted
>european invaders are african
Then you have to go back too retard.
Boers have literally been in Africa for centuries. Should everyone who isn't pure Indio be deported from the Western hemisphere?
Kaaskoppe, nee ek grap. Ek stem saam afrikaans moet nie eers bestaan nie en wittes moes eder nederlands lewendig gehou het. Ek bedoel net die aksent is nie so, hard op die ore nie.
flemish in the north and french in the south
being from the north I can understand afrikaans if I focus on it
learning something new everyday.
It's funny how some nogs have these Dutch names like Andries en Johan.
Nah mate, die antwoord is just shit. Hate their portrayal of afrikaners. Jack parrow at least moved away from that shit act, and although he kinda went local African to please the masses, his music isn't too bad.
> personal opinion
White people don't want to secede from here so no
We built it, it's ours.
Yeah i was taught that flemmish is the closest language to afrikaans
south africa is theirs by right of conquest, just as colombia belongs to the colombians by right of conquest and america is american by right of conquest
So you gonna stay and fight? I've run into some other SA people online and they're pretty demoralized, although they were Anglos.
I'd lobby for you guys if you decided to secede.
Want laaskeer het dit mos so goed vir julle gewerk...
By that logic you should probably leave your shit country too.
Whites will never be allowed to have power again in africa under the anc rule
>prettier Dutch
>Grammar and spelling simplified to the point that it sounds completely retarded
Fuck your niggerfied Dutch.
Hitler dood, wat nou?
goedendag vrienden
it comes from being a somewhat older form of dutch, the dutch have modernised and streamlined their language more and thus it doesn't really sound like afrikaans anymore
so yeah, I can belief that flemish is closest to afrikaans (be aware that flemish isn't so much a language but rather a collection of dialects)
Ons sal sien afriforum is nou die grootste onwikkelaar met afrikaans en die mense wat in die agtergrond is werk hard om afrikaans te behou as 'n belangrike taal.
kaffers is ongeorganiseerd en elke jaar druk hulle hulle eie kinders in 'n grooter gat met hulel engels only policy.
Of anglo descent here. Some days I wake up utterly dreaded and hopeless. We had the potential to be a country that rivaled America, and one in Africa! One day we'll be back, when whites realise we have lost respect from other races, retaking south Africa will be one of the ways we can show we are to be taken serious, still.
Naand kêrels. Wat gaan aan in hierdie draad?
Goeie dag my belgiese broer
Ja vooral dialect.
Versta je A of B beter?
A) Ik zen die da gedoan et
B) Ik ben degene die dat heeft gedaan.
A) Kzen na ni eel zeker van da.
B) Ik ben niet heel zeker van dat.
A) kanekik da ok zenne.
B) Ik kan dat ook hoor.
I'm going to be visiting SA soon. What should I expect? Any particular do's or don'ts?
Kaffers vok hulself met al die toitoi kak by uni's
also don't forget
A) asjeblieft
B) alstublieft
Why is Afrikaans such a meme language? There's no real benefit to being fluent in it.