He killed a Pedo and got 17 years in jail

Did he do the right thing or no?

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yes. This is why we need to start killing jews.

If the guy was guilty, yeah.

>life of child of another man is worth more than mine

he claims it wasn't out of anger but he knew the mother of one of the victims?

he's lying about being so self-righteous. he did this for another reason.

Kill All Pedophiles

No its called civilization

(guy who's a cuck)


No, the guy was not convicted.

Due process exists for a reason. If you oppose due process you are a nigger.

He clearly wasn't smart enough about it.
But he knew the consequences owned the decision and did it anyway.

No, heroes like this are the ones that should have their statues erected


>this user would let pedos and rapists go free

should have gotten a medal instead!

if this happened in a first world country like the USA or Canada the police and court system probably had a good reason to let him go. vigilante justice is only valid in places where courts don't do anything.

Yes, he did because one less faggot pedo on the earth. They never stop.

Sounds like he was jealous to me.

If society is cucked enough where you can't lynch them anymore without getting shit on, why bother?

>if this happened in a first world country like the USA or Canada the police and court system probably had a good reason to let him go.

Yeah maybe the cops accidentally interviewed him before giving him the magical miranda warnings so the whole case had to be dropped.

Get real. Our justice system is corrupt. This dude did the right thing and owned the consequences like a man.

I was watching a documentary about the frankincense trade yesterday and the women presenter went to Saudi Arabia, where long story short shes talking too the guy in charge of policing.

I think we should adopt their policy on punishment, let the family of the victim decide whether the criminal be punished or not and let the court decide the punishment.

Yeah he did it for the vaginal jew

Wow, so this guy's a judge, a crime scene investigator, and knows everything that the police and court does?



Should have demanded a jury trial and rolled the dice on nullification.

If you shoot the pedo's dick off with a shotgun, he'll probably survive but be unable to rape anyone and you'll get a lot less than 17 years in prison for it.

Of course, if you're in a country like the Netherlands where murderers get 10 years, you might as well just kill the piece of shit.

His reasoning is more "I didn't do this irrationally".

You gotta read between the lines.

He was probably treated like a king in prison. Even prisoners have a code.

Jury nullification is the bee's knees!


Jurors are brainwashed and infact will be banned from jury duty for this or even proposing it unless the trial is already midway.

Our justice system is corrupt. In fact, I remember some people were handing out pamphlets to jurors that explained to them all of their duties including the ones the jew-faggots didn't teach them and they were imprisoned.

He clearly doesn't respect the law against murder. So in a situation where your friend's child was raped why would he wait for due process? Pretty redundant but I think your post was excessively unneeded.

The American justice system's motto: A well-informed citizen is our WORST customer.

prolly bullshit
a majority of murders go unresolved, only a retard would get caught

If it's true, then he's more of a hero than 99.9% of our military veterans fighting overseas for corporate interests.

This man sacrificed 17 years of his own life to protect children from being molested by a man the government was too inept to prosecute.

It wasn't in a burst of anger
He didn't see the guy and go apeshit
He was filled with righteous fury and did what needed doing

>He was probably treated like a king in prison. Even prisoners have a code.

No honor among crooks and mentally disabled people. This is not hollywood.


Nah in the kind of prison he's going into, there's going to be a LOT of guys just like him who murdered for similar reasons who are the majority.

He appointed himself Judge Judy & executioner.

I don't advocate breaking the law or killing someone, but I would buy that man a beer to be completely honest with you fampai

he's our next president boys.

no he should have hid the body better

up here in Canada there are a few farmers fields that every year at tilling time uproot a few bodies

Pedophiles are treating terrible in American prisons. Americans really hate pedos

He may have not been treated like a king but I guarantee people respected him.

>3 cases
>could be pending
>could be convictions
If he awaited conviction, then the jury found the guy guilty, i could justify it.

In these cases you dont really know if the person is guilty unless you were there.
He may have killed an innocent man.

are treated*

First and foremost, the jpg is unsubstantiated, like every other jpg on the internet. Likely false.

Second, this sister fucking hick is about as bright as a rock. The courts come down especially hard on kiddy diddlers as does the police and investigstors. Common knowledge. Police , police. Shocker! So This inbred fucker was talking with his cousin/lover wendy, who heard from her meth dealer which, btw, had heard from his brother who heard the initial from patrons at the rodeo in which he dresses up as a clown for said job.

So wendy relayed that back to the retard inbred from the OP. But in reality, the guy never diddled a child and was beaten to death regardless.

Ya know, people are so stupid. I guarantee a situation like i described has happened many times somewhere to someone. So with that in mind, the answer to OPs question is NO. He didn't do the right thing. How would you feel if someone inbred redneck broke into your home to night, raped your wife, suffocated your baby girl, and then cut you down after you had to watch it all first.

How would you like that?
Simply because "he heard" a rumor about your family being in a satanic cult, and "nobody was doing anything about it"

The answer is so obvious NO to the ops question.


leaf sad that pedo died.

don worry maybe pedo can be prime minister canada soon

did the triggered pedoshits get here yet?

all pedos deserve to die, fuck their rights and just gas them already


He also may have killed a guilty man

I feel like communities know best when it comes to this sort of thing. Locals take care of it one way or another, through legal means or not so legal ones.

Judge Dredd

yea like they came down hard on the pedo whom hillary defended

>due process

lmao, yeah a system now that persecutes innocents and protects the guilty

Post approved by Kek

>Did he do the right thing or no?
Obviously not since he didn't get away with it.

This desu, could've just been some horny teens that wanted it, but still got branded a pedo for not being 18.

The rule of law should be respected. It exists for a reason. This man deserves the sentence he received.

Justice systems all around the world are so fucked when it comes to every kind of shit. Everybody's too pussy to take cunts for a helicopter ride so you get convicted murderers and rapists running around without anybody even watching them

He did. And hes a hero for that unfair amount of jailtime.

.t Schlomo Goldbergstein

Only thing that separates humans from animals are laws

Waste of good gas, desu. Either a good rope or preferably a rusty blade that's blunt. Shame to snap a good rope accidentally.

Innocent until proven guilty, boot licker

You actually believe this? The kike run system is not about delivering true justice, it's about prosecutors and judges moving their way through the system, and getting as many people into the prison industrial complex as possible. The system CANNOT be legit when you have a majority private prison system that can actually sue the state for not having enough inmates. It's fucked to the core, and men like in OP's article are how true justice in society should be dealt. It's not always right but it's better than our ((judicial system)).

Disgusting how many people ITT find this degenerate act heroic.
I hate pedos as much as the next guy, but my hate is stronger for people who think they can just murder anyone they deem immoral. He's a murderer and should rot in jail like the pedos.

t. cuck

>it exists
it's a nice concept, but "rule of law"only applies to th e common people.

Fucking eh he did.

All pederasts should fucking hang.

are you implying that a large organization called the STATE and a DECLARATION OF RIGHTS is necessary when dealing with local crimes?

ara ara

>I feel like communities know best when it comes to this sort of thing

not really.


>social contract

here we go, i'm not a libertarian or ancap but you cunts are retarded, there is no voluntarism to be seen here

>anyone they deem immoral

Listen, Netherlands, maybe in your neck of the woods some forms of child diddling are acceptable, but if local law enforcement or court system cannot properly address true crimes that pose a threat to innocent people, then the system is broken and members of society MUST be the executors of justice. It's not a grey area like he was a little too drunk and crashed into his neighbor's shed, he was diddling kids and nobody did anything.

explains why northern europe going to become over run

I've always said if I get diagnosed with cancer or some other terminal disease, or if/when my wife dies, I will use the sex offender registry to hunt down pedos until I got caught or killed.
Yes he did the right thing.
t. Victim of child rape.

>the kikes

Hello there infowars fanboy.
Shut the fuck up.

Anyways if you want to whine about the justice system then fine, but suggest something better than having some redneck inbred kill people on hunch that he got from a story that was passed down from his fracked out friends.

Come on man.
Otherwise someone could juet accuse you of being a pedo and by your approval of the op, i'd assume your brutual death by the hands of redneck with a hunch is justified in your eyes?

If the guy is tried and its proven without doubt, then let the hangman hang him on that day. Otherwise its just hearsay

I'm just poking fun at the lolbertarian m8

Murder is worse than pedophilia.

Getting killed is worse than getting molested.

Shut up Achmed

hang yourself subhuman kike

This attitude is why Germany is a lost cause

Monsters hunt children. We hunt monsters

I'm torn on shit like this

I don't like vigilante justice

But at the same time the justice system is literally not doing their job. With the gangbangers here in Chicago they just have a catch and release policy.

People aren't going to be victimized forever and just let it happen.

If the government doesn't do the job, the people will.

If it's your own child, yes. If its some other child, no. Where were the fathers of the boys?

>I don't like vigilante justice
Why are ball lacking cucks like this on Sup Forums?

No it is your american degeneracy spilling over into europe that is at fault for our decline.
You yanks founded a country on rebellion but only became powerful once there was law & order. People that ignore the law when it suits them is the definition of degeneracy.
You may cheer when someone murders a pedo because you are not one, you may cheer when someone murders a socialist because you are not a socialist, but when they come for you there will be no one left to fight with.

>t. Victim of child rape.

kek, what a fag!

i bet you liked it.

That how real justice works moron


You're taking the word of some methhead with poor decision making skills at face value. That's a bad idea user.

Because justice can only be served when you have the whole picture, not just some hurt feelings.

I thought the registry doesn't actually publish the nature of the crime? I remember some vigilante trying some shit thinking he was hunting rapists but accidentally ended up killing a guy who wanted to hire a hooker and had done nothing else wrong


You come hard on kids faggot

If the recent shit about Clinton has proved anything, the US Legal System will support whoever has money and power regardless of what they're actually guilty of.

Yes. This dude is a hero.


Those prisoners worthy of respect anyway. No telling with mentally unstable niggers

>due process is for cucks
>dat flag

I get it, sometimes you have to bring the fucking hammer down and bend the rules a bit when shit is already out of control.

Like Duterte, flips are already knee deep in shit, so vigilante justice doesn't hurt and might actually do some good. Sometimes you've just got to clean house.

>he uses a bullshit made up conspiracy theory to disprove the legal system of a country he's not even a citizen of

fucking LOL

might as well say that rapists can go free if they're strong enough to wrestle a kangaroo