Jews are inferior NO NO NO WAIT Jews control the world

BUT WAIT they are mean and sneaky so it doesn't count NO NO NO WAIT

They're rats. Anyone with half a brain can run things with money

But I don't have a problem with Jews as much as Muslims. They're the real enemies. I think all should form a coalition against Islam, then once that's out of the way we can duke it out between each other.

gas the kikes

jews are genetically superior both spiritually and intelligently. inbreeding made them ugly, weak, and prone to mental illness though.

No on here questions the intelligence of Jews, people hate them because of the shit they always pull

They are MORALLY inferior, they are intellectually superior. Learn the facts before you start on your transitional reddit shitposting career, burger.

NO NO NO WAIT i SPEAK FOR all of Sup Forums now

WAIT WAIT WAIT emotional intelligence is real...WAIT!

Wait so purity is bad and mixing is good?