kek Americucks are fucking idiots
Too late to change your vote now. You're stuck with Drumpf.
t. tourist from Britain
kek Americucks are fucking idiots
Too late to change your vote now. You're stuck with Drumpf.
t. tourist from Britain
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i love the god emperor and everyday i am reminded of why i love him.
i can't wait to vote for him again in 2020.
>implying any new president has an idea of what's going
He's a jewish puppet, but at least he didn't go full schizophrenia mode like madam Clintoris
>haha you guys put the guy you voted for in office, what a bunch of morons
a once great and proud country with a spledid history of centuries will be destroyed in about 8 fucking years
I'm perfectly fine with him being President, don't regret my vote. That may change depending how things look in half a year and he's had a chance to begin changing things and what he does with actual power and not just the bantz.
I love how much the media hates him
>I am now a cruz missile posters go mainstream
nono, hillary lost dude.
>unibiased quality journalism as its finest
He is not even in office yet and they are still pushing the "lol he is lost and has not done anything" narrative.
CNN can attempt to write history all they want, but Obama will go down in history as one of the most shady POTUS in History.
Underrated post.
I bet 7k on Trump winning the election.
I'd bet another 7k on Hillary being prosecuted in 2017.
He's not going to leave it too late so people forget. Not too early to get Obardoned.
It will be in the spring or summer of 2017.
>all trump voters are one person
wtf I hate dump now
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
I've yet to meet or see one single Trump voter in real life, who has "changed their mind." This is just more fake news and attempts at media mind manipulation.
I'm glad people woke up to this (((trick)))
Im glad you have accepted your fate, Hanz.
just like voters "regret" Brexit lol
nice projection
your fate is inevitable
thats what mass 3rd world immigration does to countries
I live in Oakland/SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area. What now, Faggot?
>will be
Buh, look around. Germany is already un-savable
>prosecutor in chief
I didn't want him to be president when I voted for him to be president, I just wanted him to put Hillary in prison. Now that I see that he's not going to put Hillary in prison I regret not voting for Hillary.
Time machine when?
>le xd
Fuck, I chortled at this. Gj hanz, tell us more about your country.
>lets add millions of arabs under 40 to this
you are going to have a shockingly arab future
>the media tells the truth
get out
I hated having to vote for him, but I'd rather see his flaming train wreck than Hillary's smooth strap-on. I can't think of a worse candidate than Trump...but he had my vote because -somehow- the other option was orders of magnitude worse.
didn't know the flag for Greater Arabia looks so similar to a cuntry that is so irrelevant
They are going full "BREXIT voters regret, people! Wait, no, ignore all the people contacting the MP to tell them to vote for BREXIT or else!" mode now, aren't they?
what in the fucking world makes you believe the people disappointed with Trump for not prosecuting clinton would have voted for her?
did you, by any chance, get hit by a rocket last night?
wtf, i love hillary now
Yeah. The ultra lib faggots in California and new York sure seem to have it together.
I loved Trump until the UN bullshit then he started worshipping 'muh jew' and muh israel'
Yeah the MSM said the exact same thing about brexit.
>"Oy Vey! The people decided, but they aren't happy! We told you goyim."
>fake news
I've read how 99% of Trump voters would've done it again. Meanwhile only 96% of Clinton voters would've done the same.
KEK shills BTFO
Your shilling didn't work over the election year what makes you think it will work now? Especially with these fake conversations you are having with yourselves. Why do you still try? Sad!
Who cares if germany's destroyed in 8 years at least the german people won't be under all that holocaust guilt anymore
>history of centuries
The road I live in has more history.
He's not even the president yet.
It's impossible to predict what he's actually gonna do.
What are you talking about? America was never great since it was always racist you shitlord.
nice fake news idiot
No doubt.
>The same people who weren't even able to find the numerous amount of Trump supporters to put into the polls have somehow found supporters who said they regret their decision even though he's not in office.
He knows exactly what the fuck he's doing.
He's going to start a war with China
The Chinks are already arms racing.
kiss those military bases in Japan and S korea good bye uncle sam.
>just like voters "regret" Brexit lol
FIRST thing that came into my mind
Can we stop speculating about this fag's presidency at least until he fucking takes office? Fuck
>i wish i voted for hillary since you are not prosecuting her
nice #FakeNews
You seem confused
We dont have merkle in power, you do
We arent letting in millions of rapefugees
You are
china units are shit tiers anyway, even the gla rekt their shits
No you don't.
>"Yes he loves banana cake, he eated it, instead of the cake with poison, because he loves the taste of it"
>"Trump Supporters"
>These anonymous internet comments that are totally legit
Modern journalism, everyone.
you amuse general Anvil
I don't know about cali, but outside of NYC, the only county that went blue in NY was Erie (& only by 5%). If it wasn't for that shithole called NY, the rest of the state would have been solid fucking red. They really don't speak for the rest of the state
You've got bigger problems that what the Americunts are up to, Hans-Ahmed.
why are you faggots constantly competiting on whos cucked less
autistic as fuck
Yet another Israeli on / pol/ just wonderful what we are becoming....
more like general fatty if you ask me
Heinrich, at least we don't have mass rapes every year.
Remember when they tried this with Brexit, and promptly not BTFO when people uncovered the actual statistics?
Every night I feel like garbage because I cannot attain that high that I had on election night. I try to relive it by watching Youtube videos of election coverage but it is never the same. I wear my red MAGA hat 24/7 - the only time I take it off is to shower and poop (out of respect). Every one of my attempts to regain that ecstasy have been met with disappointment and a feeling of helplessness. The happiest moment in my life was attending this rally of his. Pic related.
My name is Paul, and I have Post Trump Election Jubilation Depression.
The Independent is owned by a jewish anti-Putin Russian oligarch who is extremely buttmad, every single article by them is a fucking lie like "over 200% of Trump voters regret voting for him"
You act like theyre doing a complete 180 and flipping back to being blue pilled lefties though- they are not.
Theyre asking for someone even more extreme than Trump.
You should be glad Trump won the election, because there are people out there who would love to run for election and are prepared to take things to a far more hardcore level, had Hillary won.
every time i post something theres always some genius who has to state the obvious or show their autism
> lol kike!!!
> lol israeli i bet you are responsible for X
> lol go away sclomo
neck yourself
flags have ruined Sup Forums
they're still putting out fake news
Sup Forums is run on servers in tel aviv where mossad analyses the political mindsets of the goyim in preparation for future propaganda expeditions and tactics.
free information is valuable
Test not spam
>I'm so disappointed you didn't put Clinton in jail.
>I should've voted for Clinton.
This is a thread about America. Not Germany. Stay on topic
better trump than
Worst president elect ever! Needs to be impeached
Brexit and then Trump, 2017 is looking bright.
I couldnt vote, but i supported him and tried to redpill everyone on him throughout the election, but i regret it now.
He isn't going to go through with what he said, he cant stop sucking off Israels dick, and i know that whoever becomes president will never want to piss off Israel but i thought Trump will unbiased.
What Kerry said in that speech was 100% unbiased facts, the vote in the UN was the right to do, and Trump talks shit.
He is still better than Hillary, but i thought he isn't a politician, what he says is what he thinks and means, but im starting to think otherwise every day.
Obongo fooled me in 2008 and now Trump fooled me in 2016
the US will always be cucked.
He has been acting president for exactly zero days.
Can 2017 surpass 2016 meme levels?
The future is in your hands!
t. Cletus, the toothless inbred hillbilly redneck high school dropout meth head from Alabama, posting from his 1995 Ford pick-up truck
How long has Merkel been in charge over there?
This is the same shit we saw after the Brexit vote
>Hurr, look at these three random tweets, people that voted for Trump/Leave sure are regretting it! It's a mass movement of regret!
>I'm so disappointed you didn't put Clinton in jail
What's fucked is that his promise was to do some sort of special prosecutor thing by an executive order, if she should be cleared by the FBI.
The lying press told people she's in the clear, and for the election, she was. But there are multiple ongoing federal investigations into the Clintons (especially the dirty shit the Clinton Foundation has been up to) by the FBI.
But the plebs still listen to the lying press. Sad!
When does the funding end CTR user?
your madness just shows how insecure you are about your own future
Yep, Germany's fucked. Self-awareness is a great thing.
>Destroyed in about 8 years
Yet your leaders managed in less than 2
The lack of awareness is disturbing
Well yeah I was just assuming for the purpose of the argument that the basis of the argument isn't a lie.
I guess in a way I fell for that double lie.
We're not insecure about our future. We don't like watching you kill yourself from the (((conditioning))).
You bros have been demoralized and subverted, and now the destruction of your identity is in full swing. Yet you do nothing.
10/10 shitpost.
Change my vote? What for Hillary Clinton? Weak sauce, Limey!