Is he /ourPope/?
Is he /ourPope/?
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he's redpilled af
>pedos = gays
>root out all gays
>I want fanatics for god because fanaticism is love
>former pope was very popular but I prefer reliable few than the distractable masses
>tolerance is over
>sin will no longer be forgiven lightly
Also trolls the Italian PM into banning Muslims and abortions
I really, really want this show to be good but since it's on HBO I know it'll end with him having secret gay orgies in the Vatican.
who is that?
no he is actually a sympathetic character and faggots pedo's and liberals are the bad guys
>pedos = gays
>wanting pure un-corrupted love from someone who isn't a slut who has been fucked in every hole is the same as two faggots fucking in the ass and not contributing to society and reproducing.
This is the Pope we deserve. Would convert Cathoilc for this guy 2bh.
That's Pope Pius XIII
It's probably an attempt to show popes can be extremists too but has the same effect as Man in the High Castle.
Have you seen "La Grande Bellezza"?
The director is an italian guy who is pissed at how Francis ruined Rome Catholicism.
The director is the same as The Young Pope lel
It's not quite pedos=gays but one character tells the pope about looking at pedo cases as important and the pope is like "lets look at the wider problem, gays".
Vatican II ruined Roman Catholicism. Francis is just the logical extension.
That's what i was saying. My bad i worded it badly.
I'm liking this guy's work desu
I'm absolutely watching it. FYI the first episode is January 15th.
It's on torrents already. has the entire first season with good quality
we're discussing religion in the call
Orthodox is the only way.
I was so sad when he died at the end of episode 10 after the Venice public speech.
>Atheism is the only way
Why not convert to Catholicism and become that guy?
hes not dead, there will be a second season
I cant wait, show is goat tier
Atheism is literally "no way".
Eh Orthodox has some merits but since Putin "everything inside the state" policy the church has been infiltrated by KGB agents.
if he was the pope, I would be religious
He's an atheist with a self-pity complex. Textbook Christian.
i wish catholic church would elect someone like him
Actually he litteraly can perform miracles. He just has a crisis of faith because of the rampant faggotry
orthodox church is an ideological branch of KGB since Stalin.
I'm worried that everyone of our political persuasion will be watching this show and the libshits will raise a hissy fit and make him a liberal faggot in the second season
Yes, yes he is
The US is going to get a fire lit under their Catholicism, when this airs.
>has a ripped roo on the loose in his garden
>kicks pedos out and decides to kick fags out as well
>doubles down on abortion
>BTFOs corrupt clergy
I just uploaded Pope Pius XIII's first homily.
It doesn't give away any spoilers, but it lets you know what kind of guy he is.
You have to upload his speech to the cardinals, shit was EPIC
Tbqhf I want this too
I will tomorrow
>"lets look at the wider problem, gays".
yup, he's our guy
i like how he kicks out all pedos and faggots to alaska
This video contains content from Fremantle International, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
oy vey
>Kekichen Alaska great town, 8000 people
You too ?
They shut it down
What's a good site to upload video that wont be seen without a link?
blocked in 239 countries kek.
The one thing i am interested in is who financed this and who is making it.
I would seriously consider to be a Catholic if he was the pope. Francis is not inspiring at all and the pope before him was an old hag.
Yea me too, if a jew did finance this then Why?
Benedict XVI wasn't bad, he just had weak pulse and that allowed the enemies of the Church to overthrow him.
It was ruined a long time before that. Second Vatican was just the final nail in the coffin.
tubeunblock DOT org SLASH watch?v=nmrDZ051U1c
based Paolo Sorrentino made it.
And dumb EUfucks funded it
also, picrelated triggers all polacks. Based Paolo
What's that effect? From what I know of Man in the High Castle it's about freedom fighters against American Nazis. Can't think of any way that works well for us.
And that effect being redpill?
Hell yeah
only effect Man in High Castle had is putting me to sleep. I felt asleep like 5 times while watching it. Never happened before.
Young Pope is beautiful.
>(((jude))) law
He definitely embodies Christic values and is more adequate to the Papal task than any other known exemples.
The only issue (and it is a big one) with this Pope, is his lack of /or/ crisis of faith, which is an absolute nonsense to every value he incarnates.
i reuploaded but it will be taken down here as well because streamable are cunts :(
just download the whole show instead, torrent websites already have it with good quality
Christianity ruined Europe. We lost our true religion because of some Jews.
Fuck Judiasm
Fuck Christianity
Fuck Islam
The the sons of Abraham be forever cursed.
It was a joint production between Italy, Spain and France. So it doesn't have much Hollywood meddling, don't get fooled by Jude Law presence.
Get the fuck out nigger
My personal favourite line,
"In our abuse of forgiveness we have become a laughing stock."
Is it really an uncucked non-propaganda movie
I haven't watched anything in years because i can't find anything that it not propaganda
Thats the end of first season.
He's a wet dream for us Traditional Catholics. We're actually hoping for the pendulum to swing after Pope Francis steps down in a few years. We might get a similar pope to this TV character, today the two popular cardinal candidates are called Cardinal Burke (left in pic) and Sarah (right in pic).
Their beliefs are almost same as guy in OP and aren't afraid to stand up for them. God willing one of these men will become the next pope.
It's not propaganda. At least there isn't a moment where you get told to feel " wow pope BTFO liberalism and secularism ftw lol" in fact it's red pulled in fags and his parents were hippie liberal degenerates who abandoned him in an orphanage
I was surprised it's supported by HBO, because at least in the first season there is no propaganda and it seems to be anti-establishment (what modernists support).
Hopefully the second season is just as good.
I haven't watched it but from what I've heard, all the Nazi characters are likeable and relatable, while all the rebels are human scum.
I hope to God we get someone like Cardinal Burke, not Cardinal (((Dolan))) or Cardinal (((Marx))) anyone have any idea when pope francis will step down?
if you're watching this show for final scene, you're doing it wrong.
absolutely wrong
I don't agree.
Whether or not God does or does not exist ultimately doesn't matter. That doesn't have an affect, the values espoused by the Church do.
They show him faltering, but he sticks to his guns.
This, largely. The Rebels are total assholes. While also being altogether unlikable people, they also do shit like provoke the Japs so they'll commit reprisals, so it'll increase anti-jap sentiment.
>an american pope
>a black pope
Never gonna happen, that would be the nail in the coffin for Catholicism.
>based as fuck speech
>then snap back to reality
>anyone have any idea when pope francis will step down?
Either Benedict XVI or Francis have to die first. Having 3 popes at the same time would destroy any credibility.
Whats wrong with Anerican clergy? Have yiu ever heard of Fr. Charles Coughlin? Pic related. They're forced to hide their power level because (((LBJ))) signed a law that pulls tax exempt status of a parish if the clergy man gets political like this bad goy did back in the 30s
I though Pope Francis said he was planning on stepping down? Is he just waiting fir Benedict to die first? How old are both of them again?
>redpilled American Traditionalist Pope
>it's now possible
WEW, this timeline grows more interesting by the day
Look up Fr. Coughlin and jews on youtube if you want to see his powerlevel, the clip is like a minute and a half long and hes giving a speech in a stadium. Its worth thw watch
I thought every Italian knew there has only been one pope for 2 centuries now? The Black Pope, Jesuit General.
Book: "The Roman Catholic Church in Italy" by Alexander Robertson, DD (1903)
Page 51 of said book:
The position of Pope Leo XIII. in the Church to-day is simply that of a slave of the Jesuits. This is so universally recognized in Italy that when he says or does something outrageously disloyal the Italian press as a whole regards him in pity, rather than in anger, reserving its indignation for the Jesuits, saying, "Povera creatura (poor creature), he has to do what he is bid." The General of the Jesuits, the 'black Pope," is the real and only Pope. The one who bears the title is but a figurehead. It is the Jesuits' policy he pursues, their voice that speaks through him, their hand that guides him. When illustrating this fact to me, Count Campello, who was a great friend of the late Pope Pio Nono, drew a circle, and said, "Within that circle he is free; if he crosses it, he is a dead man." That is to say, in minor affairs he has a certain amount of freedom, but the moment he dares to act for himself in important matters, against the will of the Jesuits, he runs the risk of being got rid of, and the means the Jesuits threaten to use for this purpose is that one so indelibly associated with their name and history, poison. There is no exaggeration in the late Emile Zola's reference to this in his Rome, when he represents Pierre saying, "What! Poison? Again? The Pope poisoned!" To which Prado answers, "Why, yes, poison,...poison with all it's legends, poison which kills like lightening and leaves no trace, the famous recipe bequethed from age to age, through emperors and the popes."
Orthodox trumps Catholics any day
It's fucking hilarious what you cucks do, jews can be as political as they want but burgers can;t.
It's nearly the same as when jews told you to fight ww2 while getting you to exempt them from military service so they dont have to fight.
The truth right here. Woden was /ourgod/ and the kike religion needs to be sent back the sandy hellhole it came from.
There's nothing wrong with American clergy, don't get me wrong. But electing a pope from a protestant country doesn't seem posible.
Because entering a seminary isn't easy for a lot of guys.
Plus the gay lobby was pushing a lot of faggy shit in there to make sure the priests coming out of them were degenerates who would toe the modernist line instead of guys who truly suppressed their carnal desires to serve the church.
Benedict XVI was forced to resign because between him and JPII they were rooting too much of this shit out. I blame them though because Benedict should have called them out and exposed these scumbags for what they are out to the public, PR be damned.