>isis released an image of the gate of my university campus
I-i am afraid guys
>isis released an image of the gate of my university campus
I-i am afraid guys
you guys really have a fucked up cult.
>Sand lizards killing cockroaches
You know, we shouldn't intervene with nature, its inhumane.
Attack all american forces near you for your protection. Pre-emptive stirkes are the only way to get rid of american CIA scum. Continue attacks against americans and israelis until """""""terrorism""""""" stops in your country. Nobody seems to have figured out this is the solution yet. But after enough jewish and american casualties, I think they'll reconsider their literal reign of terror.
Which uni
University of İstanbul.
>midterm exams starting at 3 of january
>i can't just skip it i have to go almost every day until 17th
Basically ISIS's version of "some of you guys are halal. Don't come to class tomorrow"
Isn't there a way for them to delay exams or whatever for security reasons? I would think ISIS making a direct threat is enough to cause alarm, here if someone even makes a bomb threat anonymously the whole place shuts down
We started a hashtag on twitter it went trending topic and our dean (faculty of law) tweeted they will take all neccessary measures but i don't trust our govermet for doing anything right. I'm seriously afraid. I wish i could bring guns to campus.
Everyone should be equipped with a bag of pork rinds so when some faggot goes "ruh roh snackbar" you throw it at him and he flinches in fear and starts crying.
Except CIA/Mossad actually delivers.
OP you need to fucking listen. Tell anyone who will listen to you to foment anti-israel, anti-american sentiment to the point of killing and expelling both entirely from your country. Zero tolerance is the only way forward through this terrorism bullshit the seditious western jewish government is currently in love with. Look at Syria. The only thing they will obey is a superior or to some degree equal show of force in the region.
You are not being realistic.
Then enjoy what your country is about to become. Don't say I didn't warn you. The only thing americans and kikes respect is a vulgar show of force. They're stupid and savage evil barbarians. Show placidness and enjoy terror attacks.
fucking hell this is scary.
You should find out some important dates for ISIS from their ideology. Even if it's in the 4th century or something that irrelevant. These fuckers usually have a date fetish and aatavk on those days. Good Luck.
looks like a cool building desu
It is but i don't wanna die there ;_;
Erdogans fault, tell him to fuck a goat and everything will be fine
Call the police non emergency number and tell them to fucking reinforce your school,bro.
The dean probably did this:
Listen, if you can't trust the government anymore, then start citizen watch groups to monitor suspicious activity. Just don't go american trump hick retard and start trying to assault random people. At the very least remain alert. Remember, the entire middle east is in a state of war with the jewsa, whether you want to be or not.
well then Bismillah, efendi why are you so worried?
Because they are incompetent fucktards.
I will man, thanks.
why do they hate your flag so much ? Its halal as fuck.
Ottoman flag became associated with islam later. It is nothing islamic. ISIS hates everything associated with islam after mohammad's death.
ISIS hates everything associated with islam PERIOD because it's a jewish/christnigger organization. ISIS is no more "muslim" than al qaeda. They're all the exact same thing: CIA/Mossad proxy mercenary armies. If anyone believes that all these groups "just happened to slip out of CIA/Mossad's control whoopsie-daisy!" they're drinking the kool-aid.
Ideology of ISIS predates long before foundation of CIA.
Unless they actually start searching you, you absolutely should go armed.
My friends children in University all go to school armed with a compact pistol.
Thanks achmed
Scout the best hiding places i guess.
Was your campus some part of a religious site before or why would they use that? I mean other than to scare you people.
people are not afraid of death, they are afraid of what is after death.
Supposedly. Don't get me wrong, muslims have spilled plenty of blood on their own, but ISIS is a fraud. They want to create a unified muslim caliphate but they won't touch muh precious israel? Come the fuck on. Even the US admits they both created the fuckers AND have received oil from them. And again, that's what the US openly ADMITS.
>Belonging to a jewish religion
They relased a smilar illustration before night club attack, the attack was right at place i marked.
Holy shit.
If you aren't allowed to carry guns on campus look at the building plans to find out the fastest escape routes so you can get the fuck out of there in case you hear someone yelling allah akbar.
Pretty silly thing to post desu
So start fighting back. People aren't fangless anymore. Hell even 4chinks has shown the power of idiots with access to social media. So put it to good use. Start fomenting hatred for the american and jewish fucks that keep attacking you with ISIS. Start openly talking about how ISIS is a front for jewish and american aggression.
Fuck off, CIA.
>Muslims killing other Muslims because they aren't Muslim enough
wow, what a shocking development in the year of our LORD twenty seventeen
IS is engaging in defensive jihad atm (i.e retaliating against attackers), once they have a capable caliphate then offensive jihad begins
Dont worry, we already have stockphotos of red colored Eifeltowers and Brandburger Tore
Nice talking point. One problem: IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT.
Well good luck in your exams and be safe I guess.
lmao, how is it bullshit
What is the hashtag?
take (safety) measures
RIPIP "Roach Intellectuals"
Listen bro here's how you survive:
Go early as fuck
Exit as late as possible
Although I think the attack will be on Boğaziçi or İTÜ. İTÜ has shit tier security.
No i plan to stay as short as possible.
Because literally everything about CIA merc armies is lies. Everything.
better run
better run
faster than their bullets
you have no proof it was created by cia, i have proof it follows islamic rules
Good luck. Avoid group of masses.
You non Turks can laugh as much as you want
But the fact is we will experience the same things, they're just experiencing the beginning
Good luck fella.
You don't deserve the day of the RAID
You fucking arab, deal with it
it's an immanent justice for what you did to Armenians and Greeks
>muslim in this thread not wanting to go to paradise as fast as possible
It's like you guys have no faith.
Just be aware when you go to school, but if you have a strange stomach feeling then leave asap. If you absolutely have to go, get their 3 hours eailer and scout out the area. Pack your backpack with extra material that might help stop 7.62 rounds. Other than that, good luck m8.
In European Union, Arab fucks you.
Jesus fucking christ you untermensch piece of fucking pig balls.
Report it to the authorities, get police all around your university. It's better than getting blown up.
Ayy lmaos can suck my dick.
>In Roachland
Wait you shitskin roaches have universities?
the problem that ISIS literally would target anyone and choose as easy targets as possible even if its a kindergarten
OP, can you own body armor in Turkey? Try to get level IV if possible.
i dont think the mean that they will target this university. it obvious that they choose this gate because it looks historic "gate" to turkey.
>sandmonkeys killing eachother
No one cares
when was this image circulated? because the quote was from baghdady's speech in 11/2016
>they posted the biggest landmark in istanbul
>they must mean the club
i dont thinkso abi senpai
>Train terrorists to overthrow a government you want out of the way
>They magically "just become ISIS and get out of our hands lol!11!"
gun cant stop a bomb or a truck
Then fight with your fists
im asking for proof you still didnt give it to me
Why do you even need universities in Turkey
You don't need a degree to make kebabs or drive taxis
>muh plausible deniability
OMG is like this totally has never happened before or something! How dare you insinuate that america would ever train terrorists then continue to control them while lying about it and claim they're not under their control anymore!
Fuck off, CIA. Kill yourself. No, literally. Fucking kill yourself.
Oh shit. Time to transfer
your tinfoil hat is showing... still no proof
good riddance roach
They stole it from someone else and claimed it as their own, now, nothing important happens there
plan escape routs.
you know the uni. plan ahead. check the exits, entries, all possible combinations. go through the worst case scenario.
y-you'll do just fine.
what are you talking about turk bro? muslims are peaceful. they're you're kin! have fun user.
The United States, through the CIA, supported the Mujahideen jihadists in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s (before the Soviet invasion, although it was substantially scaled-up thereafter) in order to destabilize the Communist government there. After said government was overthrown in 1992 and the Mujahideen won, they quickly introduced an Islamic State and began infighting. A few years later, the Taliban were able to gain the upper hand and take control of a war-weary Afghanistan. The Taliban allowed Al Qaeda safe haven in Afghanistan shortly thereafter, and the rest is, as they say, history.
because isis was stronger a few years ago and could have randomly attacked their supposed greatest foe.
im talking about IS not the taliban
I need a group of wanna be operators to infiltrate Turkey with me and extract Anzu back into the United States
Things might go to shit quick but at the end of the day I'll promise all of you a self with queen roach herself once she is safe
they need to learn about how ottoman ships sailed to the moon and how to make suicide vests
>Most of the top ISIS leaders were in the same Iraqi prison, run by the CIA
>ISIS started just after the "Sunni awakening", when CIA paid Sunni militants a ton of money to not bomb US troops
>Conveniently the same Sunnis just haappened to decide to follow the ISIS leaders trained in that CIA run prison
>Fully confirmed that gulf states are funding ISIS directly
>Despite this fact, US increased money and arms deliveries those same countries
>US arms all the "rebel" groups who are allied with and who share the exact same ideology as ISIS
>The US arms always end up in ISIS hands somehow quickly after delivery to the "other rebel groups"
>Many captured rebel and ISIS leaders admitting they are all being funded by US
>Many documents found on captured ISIS proving the support
>Pictures of John McCain and other US forces with ISIS leaders
>Many instances of US bombing ISIS opponents and dropping supplies directly to ISIS
>Multiple US/Israeli intelligence assets have been captured directing operations in ISIS territory
>Many US air force / military have spoken out about it - they don't want to be allied with ISIS
>US gov was caught paying to create ISIS propaganda videos
>US does nothing, no diplomatic, economic or other pressure against countries that support ISIS
>Israel facilitates transfer of and buys ISIS oil
>Turkish president says he has other video/audio evidence that ISIS run by CIA
>Israel treating wounded ISIS fighters in their hospitals
>US letting ISIS armies get away, not bombing them
>All the videos military releases of bombing ISIS are of empty huts or cars, almost never fighters, they also release much less footage than others
>US dropping flyers every time before they "bomb" ISIS, warning them to leave
>US claimed they didn't want to bomb ISIS oil tankers "for environmental reasons" LOL... any excuse not to bomb ISIS!
This list never ends. You'd have to be a shill or an idiot not to see it.
>be OP
>arrive 3 hours early
>scouting out the place
>checks every entrance and exit, front and back
>carry a full and heavy backpack as armor just in case shit
>get shot by police for looking like a fucking terrorist
I wonder if they still allow them or others to chill in their hoods now. Cause they still control huge parts of Afghanistan.
Say what you want about ISIS, but terrorist movements in Islam are never going to disappear.
Christianity is a weak structure and was easily toppled and reformed after the enlightenment, Islam didn't reform because it has a much stronger build in structure that protects it.
Movements like ISIS are always going to be there with the Middle-Eastern instability because generally Muslims will favor a selective monarchy.
Looks like the FBI forgot to expelle one more Russian shill
Or you are a proxy fag
If you are so privy to all this why don't you share direct sources
Or have your friends in the know release it
Why haven't they already
they were strong but not near capable enough to take on and invade a whole nation lol, there are rules to offensive jihad
(citation needed), also im sure all those attacks on US soil were planned by IS and the CIA
Fuck russia and the FBI. I stand for truth and fucking HATE liars and the wicked. I'm beyond sick of evil sociopaths authorizing lunatics and savages to kill civilians because it serves their realpolitik bullshit. These fuckers should be annihilated.
I wish there was more skinheads like me at Istanbul so we could beat those islamists on the streets. We need militant secularist street gangs.
Thats how Western Europeans feel about you.
Ah, I see. Fair enough. The U.S. armed and supported the moderate rebels in Syria (the Free Syrian Army), and over time the "moderate rebels" as a whole have become increasingly saturated by Islamist groups. At this stage, it seems to be more or less a questionable mish-mash of various jihadist groups. Many members of the FSA, including some trained by the United States, went on to join ISIS.
However, you are indeed correct (as far as I know), that there is no evidence of the U.S. (through the CIA or otherwise) ever providing direct assistance to ISIS.