I just got off the phone with my mom (she's in Michoacan) and she's telling me about long ass lines and rising gas prices in Mexico.

Apparently due to some "deregulation of the petroleum industry".

She's telling me a lot of people are pissed off and some gas stations won't let you get less than 500 pesos of gasoline.

Dafuq is going on? You guys collapsing already? Riots soon?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this what you want?

Lewds to grab your attentions?


You have to go back.

Mex is about due to be out of the oil

Hmmm is Mexico collapsing (more so than it already is)?

My mummy says cops are guarding gas stations because some towns people want to light them up out of anger.

Tis peak Earl

Must build wall before gubmint collapses and brown people be the milliobs flood norte

Just checked Pemex is state owned as I thought (typical)

You're probably right. An economic crisis in Mexico will cause a boom in illegal migration

Yeah it's state own.

>giving the government the power to run the domestic gas monopoly
>IQ over 90

I wish that shithole collapse but i don't think so.
The gasoline prices rises a 20% even when Peña said there will not be more rises over the price in 2015. The people are very pissed but i don't think this will be the revolution we are looking for.

Didn't you goblins light the Mexican white house door on fire?

What the fuck are you guys waiting for?

Your mom is stupid, it's not about that, it's about fuckers stealing gas from the pipelines, trucks and even setting gas stations on fire
Mexican liberals are fucking apes, fuck the leftists media who encourage that kind of behavior

Basically i don't know. There are riots in the country and even there are autodefense clans who protect the people from the cartels and ironically from the police. The goverment we have it's almost like a dystopia because the hard webs of corruption between the goverment (presidency, political parties, justice power and media).

Don't talk to me or my mama ever again asshole.

Nothing to worry about, just corrupt govt and corrupt businessmen fucking their people over for money. Nothing to see here just another day in Mexico

She's a dumb whore and you know it
She should be bitching about the 40% tax on gas instead of the deregulation, that's what fucking things up, also the stealing of the gas pipelines
Gas costs what it costs, you can't sell it lower than what it costs to produce and distribute, Mexicans are used to gibsmedats, fuck them

I watched Le Dictadura Perfecta and to be honest I was fucking disgusted. I sure hope that's not based on a true story

>bullying Shiro Poster's mommy

Irredeemable. Not surprising coming from a dirty Mexcrement, no wonder your country is shit, people like you inhabit it

Arent you a dirty chicano?

kek just wait until everything raises prices again lmao

I blame globalism

idiots hoarding gas before a price hike that's it.
Mexico had government set prices (subsidies) and its transitioning to free market (its going to tax the hell out of it also)
so they are expecting a 20% hike in prices
supposedly they will en up paying around 3 dollars gallon

The government monopoly on gasoline is coming to a close as the government is now letting other companies move in to sell gasoline.

I dunno user, you can find out when you go back on January 21st.

i blame niggers who keep stealing from the pipes

Yeah and?

Uhh what's that now?

What's happening on that day? And where and why will I be "going back?"

invade us already senpai


We don't want your plastilina

>i blame niggers who keep stealing from the pipes
You do know that the niggers stealing from the pipe lines are goverment and Pemex officials don't you, I just want to start setting gas stations on fire, fuck this shithole gov.

Do it.

it's michoacan, one of the most indian and fucked up states so it's not surprise, meanwhile in civilized and mostly white states everything is alright

>meanwhile in civilized and mostly white states everything is alright
So nowhere in Mexico?

Strikes all over the place due to gas prices skyrocketing

Day of the rope soon


That'll do that. Morena when. PRD when

Don't you know?
Those fuckers had their chance to revolt and instead chose to switch sides with the establishment

No one votes PRD anymore

you both know what he means - areas of mexico that have had lasting european admixture.

Mexicans aren't white. Get over it

Put your cringey ass memes away.

Fuck eh. I didnt know that. Is this why Morena became a thing? Can you elaborate?

Yeah well you're dumb.

>meanwhile in civilized and mostly white states
What is it with you Muditerraneans and claiming whiteness? You're not white!

Whiteness is a scale for Mexicans. All mexicans are white in their mind, some are just less white than others. Furthermore, whiteness isn't based on physical features or behavior, but how many European-looking great grandfathers you had.


Mexicans claiming to be "white" should be attacked on sight

>but how many European-looking great grandfathers you had.
How does that make sense when they were the Sandnigger kind of European, not the White kind? You don't hear Arabs or fucking Berbers claiming 1488% whiteness.

Europeans literally think of americans like this

True. The US isn't a white country anymore.

In the north of the country they consider himselfs "whites" when they actually already look like this

tas emputado wachito?


No pero apenas fui a montegay y me cague de la risa por como segun dicen son muy "arios" y estan bien cagados

>Shiro "Mexicans claiming to be 'white' should be attacked on sight" Poster

you're a dumbass. mexico doesn't have a leftist media and the shortage was originally due to PEMEX slowing down production at their refineries so they could profit from the price increase. Plus gas station owners were foraging gas so they could also benefit from increased gas prices. Not to mention more people stealing from the pipelines so they can sell it on the black market.

This is why socialism doesn't work.

>not wacho
vente pa sonora pinche guacho si quieres ver arios, hay gente tan palida que tienen las venas azules

Mexi bros help me out. I just got married to my wife who is from San Luis Potosi. I thought it was an okay city but then you guys posted this.... (pic related).

Did I fuck up mexifam? I thought skin color didnt matter in Mexico, shes dark.

No eres europeo ni gringo puto niño enfermo.

It has nothing to do with privatization and everything to do with government greed. The government is losing money because of low gas prices so they decided to increase the price of gas to generate more revenue and for gas stations (which are owned by the well-connected) to reap more profits.

Send pic of skin or not white
I don't think your white,you nigger

You done fucked up, Jeb.


Make it a meme please.

No, ya no voy a visitar pueblitos desolados por el narco, me caga que se me acerque a pedirme dinero para todo y mas en eso lugares donde no hay nada, llegas de la ciudad y te tratan culero nomas por que no eres de ahi. Aqui en la CDMX estoy bien.

you stupid mexicans think that white skin = white.

>spoiler alert: it doesn't

>mexico doesn't have a leftist media

Is this nigger serious??????



US refineries don't have to supply Mexico at a discount anymore,net phase is to reinstate the tariffs for imports and exports from and too Mexico .
IT's how mexico is going to pay for the wall ,did none of you people pay attention?

What classifies someone as white? Most people on here have never been clear on this.

Asi es, no soy europeo ni gringo
Pinche pocho, mejor saca tu green card para que trump no te regrese a tu pueblo desolado por el narco

puto wacho de mierdahahahhaha vente pa hermosillo, para que veas que bien estamos, tenemos el parque industrial más grande de toda latinoamerica y Audi abrirá una planta de autos aquí
>hurr durr
stay mad 60%

what's the leftist media?

I'm not white, nor do I claim to be.

La ciudad de mexico es la 4 mas grande del mundo, nada que envidiarle a ninguna ciudad.

Basically this:
>Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, and Protestant.

any derivation implies you have a nonwhite ancestor.

Poor Jeb with the aztec fever

they'lle be a few riots but it's chritmas season so noone really gives a shit


we have more than 2x as many whites as you have spics. pacquito.

>esta orgulloso de vivir como ratas
que se siente saber que el temblor del 85 paso en acapulco pero le afecto más a tu ciudad mal construida?

Why didn't we just exterminate all the races we conquered? It would of made the world a far better place

Why don't Celts and European Latins count?


Yeah and so what faggot? I was born here and have no plans on leaving. Instead of bitching con culito ardiendo, fix your cunt and fuck off.

it doesn't really as long as you you deviate too much from the norm everyone will treat you the same, the only place where race kinda matters is promotional jobs (kinda like race queens), but even then they'll usually prefer to hire a dark girl with a nice ass to some blonde flat chick

>be mexico
>preserve your whites and send abroad the shitskins to leech off from america
>destroy the most powerful country
enjoy your country while it last

No seas ardido compa y mejor acabe la primaria para salir de ese pinche pueblucho controlado por zetas o no se que pinche cartel este alla. Suerte user pueblerino.

>preserve your whites


>preserve your (((whites)))

you mean crypto-jews, moor rape babies, and middle eastern refugees?

enjoy the 2-3 million rapists, drug dealers, and criminals we're sending to your country in 3 weeks.

Wherever, they dont want you there even if you have the green card, they hate you user, have mercy for yourself and come back to your pueblito paletero hahahaha

>gringos unironically believe that trump won't back off
Most of our whites are foreigners that fell in love with mexico while being a tourist.

Hes loved among the mexicans, probably gets a lot of side pussy, probably speaks better spanish than you. Problem?

>green card

It's called a US birth certificate you cactus nigger. I'm not going anywhere and I don't give a fuck what any "white" has to say, I'm an American PERIOD

La jornada and anything Aristegui spouts.
Not to mention the entire "intellectual" community is leftist, especially those from UNAM

>Most of our whites are foreigners that fell in love with mexico while being a tourist.

kek so you admit mexico doesn't have natural whites

obama deported 4 really think Trump won't surpass that number? You know that Republicans supported putting 70000 border patrol agents on the border before Trump even came around? The only thing I don't believe Trump will do is deport the criminals immediately. I think he'll send them to private prisons so he can profit and then deport them to Mexico once their done.

I feel the PRI is just about to collapse, corrupt governors like that fat faggot Javier Duarte stole everything they could since they know the day of the rope is coming for them, Televisa and the PRI are in shambles, and its quite probable that Peña will be the fall guy for all of this, the gas prices, the deaths of the dissidents and all that. Then Carlos Salinas will reboot the PRI under another name like Obrador did with Morena and PRD.

The new party will feature the sons and grandsons of the ruling class, since the prieto class just kneels to any white guy with money, without thinking how that will fuck them in the ass later.

Peña and Gaviota will probably have a violent death to appease the anger of the prieto class, im sure that's one of the plans of Salinas, anything to get him out of trouble.

I dont care user, do what you want i just saying

no one in mexico is fucking literate. do you think people read newspapers in mexico? mexico has the lowest newspaper readership in the world.

>ni de aqui ni de alla
why do you buttblasted third worlders spam this meme? mexico is the only country in the world that hates their american diaspora. I wonder why? is it because you're too weak to make it across the border?

I just want to see a french revolution tier happening in Mexico funda

Neither is Mexicó