Thanks all you faggots that voted for this shill. Handed the whole world to kikes.
Thanks all you faggots that voted for this shill. Handed the whole world to kikes
The other option was not an option tho.
We would have gotten it anyway goyim.
Would you have preferred the George Soros sponsored candidate?
You never vote the jewish shill. Look what they did to Hitler after they fucked everything up. Blamed him and now everybody thinks he's a bad guy. Donald Trump is a moron.
Moron over nuclear war any day sir.
>still shilling for Hillary
>vote for him
>get a candidate that supports ethnic nationalist kikes
>don't vote for him
>get a candidate that supports globalist puppet master kikes AND ethnic nationalist kikes
It was either Trump or World War 3.
>Donald Trump is a moron.
>Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and anthropology. Mensa doesn't accept SAT scores from after 1994. However Mr Trump was a student at Wharton when it was possible to derive an accurate IQ core from known SAT scores. Given the usual requirements for admission to a top school like Wharton, I estimate that Mr. Trump has a 156 IQ at the minimum.
You just like him because he represents what all of you really are. Fat niggers.
Did they lower your pay in 2017 ?
>he graduated
user, there is no proof he graduated. There is circumstantial evidence that he didn't. Such as alumni class newsletters stating that he went there but left and the college yearbook no showing him
>implying there's not a single president candidate that's not controlled by kikes
Yea yea, because Hillary was a better option how...?
>all you faggots
It wasn't us.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>It was either Trump or World War 3.
Shills should get this through their fucking thick skulls. Until then we keep repeating.
Fuck with this shit. I get that he's still a better option than Hillary (though that isn't really hard, even Satan would be better than her), but don't try to make some genius demigod out of him, it's pathetic.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Hillary was the same and you know it. American (((democracy))) they call it.
>choice is trump or ww3
>trump increases nuclear stockpile, starts trade war with china
>ww3 with china
Hillary believed in the New American Century.
Trump believes in the New American Century, filled his cabinet with billionaires, and has dropped all talk of 'draining the swamp' or dealing with the banks/federal reserve/the jewish owned Military Contractor companies like Lockheed and GE. He's every Zionist's wet dream of a President- a brash fool who is not just willing, but eager to spread the U.S military as thinly as possible across the world for Jewish Interests.
The fact that Sup Forums can't see this, never saw this, and refuses to see this, demonstrates to me that this entire board has been just taken over by nihilists who don't really have politics at all, and just want to watch the world burn.
>implying that increasing nuclear stockpile means war
>implying that a trade was results in actual war
Are you senile? Nobody likes China.
Jump off the cliff.
was there a better option? name one
No, both (((choices))) were false.
The leftypol butthurt is surreal. Lmao
c'mon it's 2017 already
neoconservative who hates russia or israeli ally
pick your poison
Na. Trump is right about israel. It's an important strategic interest to the west.
Trump is right about most things.
Israel is of no strategic interest to the West. The USA already has larger and far more functional bases literally everywhere but Israel. Israel asks for tens of billions of dollars in U.S Tax Payer money every year to ciontinually fund their expansion efforts and offer nothing of tangible value back to the U.S. Israel protects and heals ISIS fighters, Israel has spied on the U.S for decades, Israel has sunk an American naval vessel and tried to pin it on Egyptians. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, etc.. All provivde larger bases of operation with more resourcers and a greater striking distance than anything in Israel. The CIA director from 1994-1999 stated that Israel is of absolutely no strategic value to the U.S for dominance in the region- and in fact, they are a massive thorn in the U.S policy. As a matter of fact, a great deal of hate for the United States within the middle east comes from the obvious shilling of Israeli interests.
There is no proof that Israel is of any strategic, economic, or social value to the West.
>The CIA director
Wow CIA. There's no reason to suspect that CIA operatives would lie to us is there? None at all.
>Hate from the middle east
Oh muslims would be our friends if only we would give them what they want. I've heard that before.
Not an argument.
>the election was a choice between a male zionist or a female zionist
shut the fuck up, nobody is gonna go to nuclear warfare, its mutually assured destruction.
the whole point of war is so the victor cab get whatever he wanted that the loser wouldnt originally let go of.
nuclear war leaves no spoils for the victor, should anyone survive.
take your timid ass back inside, scared little faggot
Fine: Your argument is flawed because it appeals to authority. Therefore I don't accept it.
you're welcome faggot
On the level you're looking at it, you're quire right, it's of no strategic value. In fact, it's positively an albatross, expensive and troublesome.
However, religion plays a role. Jews and some factions of Christians place great importance on the Holy Land, and pleasing those people keeps politicians in office. Also, keeping a presence around Jerusalem keeps the Muslims pissed at us. There must be some boogeyman with which to scare the populace into compliance, and Muslims are ideal: dark-skinned, different language and religion, aggressive and backwards.
>shut the fuck up, nobody is gonna go to nuclear warfare, its mutually assured destruction.
Yes mutual destruction of all the people who don't have luxury bunkers.
>the whole point of war is so the victor cab get whatever he wanted that the loser wouldnt originally let go of.
Okey then, what exactly did you ''cab'' in Afghanistan and Libya ?
I am inside already, thanks for the suggestion.
There wasn't a candidate that isn't a Jewish shill.
Hell, probably even that stoner guy has something to do with them, being a stoner and all.
America got handed to them 1948. Hasn't changed and never will.