What is Sup Forumss opinion on these guys?
where is the fucking snow?
What a bunch of fucking faggots. Who knows what they're doing behind the rolling camera.
Global warming is real.
>g-guys im not a faggot I swear
Appreciating the male form is not gay. They are super inspiring.
must be great for your knees
>proud of my swedish heritage, that i date irish girls
beta leftist
Closet homos
insecure faggot
It's ok to be a little gay user. Only real men have tasted cock without fear.
Like the video. Pretty motivating. Good luck achieving your goals for 2017.
You JUST know
They got the right idea.
But they are gay....so no.
Literally faggots
The point is to see the kind of body YOU could have to get a wife
Nice jorts.
1. They are not gay
2. Stop watching porn
stop having the gay
Pure autism.
i like how they are nationalist, but how can you be a proud swede and want to date irish and russian girls, that makes no sense.
it would be like me talking about how i'm a proud american and yet only date canadian girls.
God damn die faggot.
pure cringe
Dude in the middle looks like the golden one.
It is the golden one
Look kind of gay
Jesus stop with the gay meme. NB = STRAIGHT, you cucks don't get it.
Think he's from Ukraine or something
Faggots, 100%.
Just admit it, Liberace.
It's 2017 for goodness sake.
Is there a psyop going on to discourage white men from working out and bonding over it?
guy looks alpha but that shit was cringe af, more hand movement than a black rapper
What the fuck is he doing
No, what makes it gay is posting pictures of yourself on social media about it and whining like a little bitch when somebody calls you out for being gay.
Ever heard of /fit/?
They are inspiration, btw this guy has a simbol similar to sibols from Key of Solomon, which I interpret as 8 kinds of angels (division of zodiac)
Wonder if it is some pagan symbol.
Watch out, beta.
Is it the same Golden One who danced on fag parades for money? Wow Sweden, even your nationalists are so progressive :^)
looks like a bunch of fags tbqh
>typical kike attack intended to prevent bonding between White males
Ha ha, nice.
Seriously, it's like attention seeking whores duck facing on the internet.
Worth a laugh though, I suppose.
nice airshit sveden
everyone trying to pretend they have the right to bear arms and use them like us Americans. everyone being super jelous of Americans.
Swedish guidos. That is exactly what they are. Very interesting.
he looks and acts like a spoiled trust fund babby
Keep your homo to yourself
I would suck their cocks, no homo
you know who else was a trust fund baby?
I actually am a skeletor
The golden one got BTFO by some leftist cuck.
>America is the only place where you can own guns
what gay porno is this?
asking for a friend
Get fucked homo
They're assholes who deserve to die.
Ouch that fuckin hurt to watch.
Weaponized autism.
Idk which one you are, but I want to buy the sweatshirt in the OP video so get on that you northern faggot
>keep doing what youre doing though, cucks need to be hung
*dodges punch
hehe too slow
>how many layers of mental illness are you on?
>like 5 or 6 my dude
>you are like a baby, watch this:
>sexes up a boulder
It is, its a european sun wheel
fucked up if true
They are a bunch of cringe bags with their retarded speeches and shit.
>compared to your fat ass that sits at home an shit posts
Everyone has to start somewhere. Give them some time to get a following and get into the swing of making videos and theyll be alright. Theyll do more for the nationalist movement than your beta /r9k/ self
Did he just say "noone but jew"?
Not fat and I workout and assuming I am a nationalist just because I go pol shows how retarded you are.
on pol*
t. beta LARPer
>not bonding by giving your friend a brojob
Lol look at them homos
Picture is a bit faggy
Is that what they're calling gay sex these days?
this is cool, fuck the haters, they are pushing a positive message
>not fat
kek unlikely
>not nationalist
>in a nationalist thread
Oh my bad you crybaby
I read that with the Golden One's voice and, most importantly, his accent.
Oh my goodness their masculinity and hidden benors stir up all sorts of memes and taboo feelings inside me. T-THEYRE F-FAAAGS
You are probably the fat shit trying to cover up your insecurities. The Golden One is a retard who reads fantasy books all day and these "Northern Brothers" are autists who think they are about to go into some epic battle. They have the minds of a 12 year old.
>"""Male bonding""""
shit yeah, going lifting today......I have a latina gf though, race mixing....omg.
what is so gay about hanging out with other men, do you just sit at home all day and do nothing? i go weightlifting with male friends and we aren't gay
usually the men who only hang out with women are the ones who are gay
how did latinas end up in australia
The amount of kike hatred that these brothers attract shows this is exactly what they do not want to see.
>these guys are gay for doing something they believe in!
>reading is for retards!
>there no reason for them to try and take back their countries they should just be cucks
Well okay we know youre a beta cuck, do you have any arguments actually criticizing what theyre doing or is it all ad hominem attacks?
When you look at a man shirtless, your first thought is gay sex?
OP is nb
if you disagree with him, he'll say you're beta or something
I like their message but they look like semi-retarded and insecure teenagers.
loads of latin birds in oz these days, they come over with their shit tier degrees and end up as cleaners. works out for me, dated three of them so far. better than white whores, pretty intense loyal though.....which freaks me out.
>When you're not trying to cum from the vibrating dildo your boyfriends stuck up your ass so you can finish your video's intro
looks like something off a manowar album
>>these guys are gay for doing something they believe in!
no, they are gay because they are half naked alone in the woods and acting like faggots.
and you saying "hurr what they believe in!' is really gay 12 year old tier shit. You are very obviously some 18 year old faggot who looks up to these guys are some sort of big bro examples