Prove this wrong Sup Forums

Prove this wrong Sup Forums.

only leftypol can value human life. Conservatives just pretend to be against abortion. Much like the religious folk who hate the living yet love the unborn. You can't expect them to be logical and rational.

the mother is white

Where is the father? The father works and mother stays at home. What is the problem?

>conventional gender roles

I'm sure you're fun at parties.

I don't see a problem with this.

The kid is being encouraged to live a responsibly and healthy life rather than lounge about and be a wasteful loser.

but he's right

Of course. The kids have a blast too. How is your family?

Into the mine shaft he goes

t. Muhammed El-Fali Hajak

my job is to make sure someone's not murdered, it's not to ensure that people aren't irresponsible low-lifes

>I'M SILLY!!!!!!!!!


I don't remember anyone yelling at babies right after they've been born.

That being said I am pro choice.

>has no argument
>uses a Sup Forums approved reddit MS paint comic to reinforce his point

>pro choice
I hope you support other forms of eugenics too.

>take dick at party
>get knocked up
>kill the innocent for Satan
>keep the kid
>not responsable enough to hold a job
>not smart enough to find some cuck to take care of you

I support killing every down syndrome baby before birth among other things.

>the baby is white

Its called personal responsibility. You dont have a right to take money from people and expect them to be happy about it just cause you had a baby. You got to face the consequences of your bad decisions if you had a child out of marriage or with a lowlife husband or you have no skills or education to support your family with.

A society where you never face any consequences for your life actions, where its always someone else who has to pay for it, is a doomed society.

Don't know about him, but I do

>before birth
How do you feel about after birth?

>what are negative rights v. positive rights

One is great and should be widespread, the other is dangerous and should be limited because it's essentially slavery.


Where's the father?



It's punishing people for their mistakes and forcing them to accept the consequences of promiscuous behaviour

retard babies get kept in line or they get killed if we no longer have the resources to maintain them.

>not an argument
alright stefan settle down

The OP comic is a strawman logical fallacy

If the child is such a mistake then let the mother abort it.

Why would we do that, it rewards them with no consequences except mild temporary discomfort for acting like a degenerate whore

and he would be the last mistake, and a mistake to remind not to make them.

Not everything in life has to have a consequence. You're so out of touch with life that it's legitimately painful to read your statements.

Chopping up as many niglets as possible is in the interest of modern civilization.

If its a retard kill it after birth. Fuck downies drains on the system.

>Not everything in life has to have a consequence
But casual sex has the consequence of risk of pregnancy. It isn't something we're assigning to it arbitrarily because we hate women - it's the natural consequence.

The pro-life argument is that it's wrong to kill the thing once it's been conceived because it's an innocent human life, and human life has inherent value.

You should get out of the basement some time.
Everything in life has consequences, whether you want it to or not.

>it rewards them
Abortions are not pleasant experiences

>older woman gets pregnant
>this is somehow a financial problem
her finances were probably fucked and they are annoyed that she hasn't saved anything for the baby. rather reasonable imo

Yes but having to raise a child is even more unpleasant, just ask your mother

Republicans are delusional in that they hate single mothers, but also go out of their way to make birth control and abortion as difficult to obtain as possible. It's as if they want to maintain a supply of people to condemn.

Yet religious people give more money to charity that help the poor really makes you think?

So if I'm against killing children that must mean that I will finance other peoples families?

>we're killing it for its own good
>we're not monsters you see
>it's not our fault the state doesn't provide you for everything

>It's as if they want to maintain a supply of people to condemn.
>Takes the time to righteously condemn people he disagrees with on a Taiwanese finger puppet forum.

You really showed 'em, lad. Keep on signaling, for great justice!

>A Rapist
>Unable to afford the additional expense the child engenders

Birth control is cheaper than babies.

Nice projection, abortion exists to mitigate consequences. Perhaps you should leave your shitposting battlestation in the middle of an actual adult debate.

I'm going to kill my homeless, poor, and elderly family members.

Oh, you think that is wrong? Well unless you're going to use your own money to provide for them so I don't have to, you don't get a say in whether or not I murder all of them, you hypocrite.

>Not everything in life has to have a consequence

When was the last time you were outside, user? Have your mom take you on a field trip sometime to experience how real humans live.

1) Don't get pregnant if you can't afford it.
2) If you do get pregnant don't abort it, the unborn child has as much right to life as the mother.
3) If you give birth and you can not afford it pass it up for adoption, many barren couples are looking to adopt.
4) Conflating simple issues into larger ones by being extremists is just plain retarded, you are not retarded like the person who made this retarded comic OP?

Nice resort to ad hominem

Abortion exists to escape the serious life-altering consequences of promiscuous sex that have historically been the reward of loose women

Freeing them of that earned punishment only encourages that kind of behaviour resulting in low quality women

>conventional gender roles are bad because they are not fun

Are you retarded?

I don't even know how acting like a woman and ironing your own shirt should be somehow funnier but does this even matter?

Leftypol is getting out of hand

the comic is correct
left panel = cuckservatives, low IQ christians & statists
right panel = jewish media & their brainwashed slaves breaking down the nuclear family

The only reason I come to Sup Forums is to laugh at everyone and feel better about myself. The massive backpedaling on Trump has been delicious, for example.

Left panel: applying nap to human life
Right panel: Has nothing to do with it

You little fucking beta cuck faggot. I bet your gf is the man in your relationship. Fucking hang yourself faggot.

Fair laws should give the citizens the right to not be killed, but not the right to not die from starvation or illness.

I support planned parenthood since it kills niggers
Margaret Sanger may have been a degenerate feminist, but at least she made an effective nigger prevention system

I'm pretty sure they would still object if the mother tried to murder the newborn baby.

Where is the provider?

Oy vey If I want people to work I must kill children. Otherwise I'm inconsistent

>going to parties
Parties are degenerate dens of drugs and premarital sex

The cartoon is not wrong. It's justified.

Where is the father? Did she kick him out in favor of food stamps? She is to blame.

There's nothing wrong with women being "loose", it's her own personal freedom. Sounds like you're just projecting your personal frustration about women onto me.

Who are you quoting?

Our relationship doesn't have a dominant partner. We respect each other equally and switch roles when needed.

>Not posting the original

What's the point of civilisation if you can still die from starvation like in the wild?
Think about that. The REASON civilisation exists is to protect is from death, otherwise we would just live in the wild.


>What's the point of civilisation if you can still die from starvation like in the wild?
the point is that everyone works together and contributes so that together we achieve more.

we can't do that with leeches bring others down.

we also can't do that with jews leeching off of everyone either.

wtf I want to kill babies now

and there is nothing wrong with men preferring women who aren't loose.

Fathers are outdated according to the eternal libsgit. The government now takes over his job.

the state should not steal my money and use it to coerce doctors by force into not performing abortions
I dont care who gets an abortion but if we're using the NAP as a justification then I'm sure you can appreciate that preventing abortion with legislation is essentially socialism



I never said it was wrong to prefer that kind of woman. I'm just saying that a woman being "loose" isn't bad.

>the state should not steal my money and use it to coerce armed thugs by force into catching murderers
>I dont care who gets murdered but if we're using the NAP as a justification then I'm sure you can appreciate that preventing murder with legislation is essentially socialism

are you in favor of redistributing wealth to stop murder?


>so that together we achieve more.
To what end?

Civilisation exist to prevent death. You say it's there to do more but what more and for what end and for how long?

You don't need a father to have a family.

This. Conservatives only care about babies inside the womb but not the minute they come into this world. Sad thing really

It is bad to a man who prefers non loose women.

So the second panel is the one where the mother wishes she had killed the child instead?

My husband and I don't go to parties.
We've never gone to parties. We have 2 sons and working on a third one, no sane couple has time for irrelevant adult gatherings.

I am in favor of communities agreeing to pay local police and firefighting forces and refusing entry to those who refuse to pay.

Maybe conservative-cucks
The true right supports planned parenthood as it keeps the nigger population in check

Nihilist reporting in.

I couldn't care less.

To have a functioning family, you do.

checked so it seems

It is the state's responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of every human being. These include the right to life, to property, free speech, etc.

It is not the state's responsibility to raise or rear your children for you. That is the responsibility of the parents. The state should only intervene if the rights of the child are infringed upon.

If you're wondering why it's a bad idea to have the state pay for and raise your children, look at the nigger community in America.

OP's post isn't an argument either lmao

If there's nothing wrong with women being loose, why do I have to pay for their mistakes again?

>Civilisation exist to prevent death
to prevent MY death, not others.

if you aren't going to contribute then humans dont mind letting others die.

What are church donations for Five Hundred please.

You don't need government support to help a family, churches can provide a lot of the same things.

potential to become human =/= human

And besides I'm more than willing to sacrifice nigger and degenerate produced children to advance scientific discovery
Don't be a moralcuck

>grey haired mother
the baby is worthless

Being a slut has consequences.

Its time to grow up and understand that

ga in zweden wonen hoorndrager

I hate single mothers as well, because I am married and I actually cared about my offspring enough to wait before marriage. Single mothers, like my friends, virtue signal all over kikebook, and it got to the point where I was outright making fun of them and taking pity on their children for having stupid mothers.
They all dated Mexican and black men that left them.
Funny, isn't it.