Migrants Angry with Sweden, Expected Own House and Girlfriend

The eternal racist Swede strikes again! This time they won't give poor refugees their own houses, and places them in small hotel-like apartments instead.

>Presenter Katarina Gunnarsson notes that the Syrian’s room, paid for by taxpayers “looks like a hotel room”, but Mahmoud said he had higher expectations of life in Sweden.

>“I want a house”, one of them told Swedish Radio, bemoaning having to live in an apartment, which he said hampered his chances of finding a girlfriend.


I'm starting to get tired reading about how Sweden are treating these poor victimized people. How are they supposed to bring their whole families if they only got a small apartment? And how are they going to gang rape Swedish women in these tiny rooms?

Get it together Sweden!

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Sweden should just bring entire Middle East to them and legalize sharia law already LOL

''A wheelchair-bound woman was gang-raped by up to six migrants at a Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet''

I have no pity for these people

>this is an actual source
>believing in fake news
Oh Norge.. Aren't you supposed to be that smart one?

On the real side: migrants do have it hard here and they really do deserve a life on pair with ours. There's literally no reason they should be considered second grade citizens.

I'm sorry about his poor treatment, I don't understand why we treat them so bad. We just crowd them up by the dozens at shitty asylum detention centers with no hope of getting out into society with a job or an education. It's almost like we want them to leave.

They are sick! This is sickness!

thats an article from south africa baka


''migrants do have it hard here and they really do deserve a life on pair with ours''

LOL Swedish guilt is bigger then any Black Uncle Tom

did you read the article, faggot? or are you just a moonbat moran falling for the 'fake news' meme?

i dont give a fuck where it is. opening your doors to shitskin refugees is fucking suicide
you think there is a difference because one happens in SA and another in Sweden?

So easy to bait you niggers.

I don't blame him desu. I wouldn't want to live in a tiny shitty apartement either. They could've informed him before he moved to Sweden so he could move to a real first world country like Germany.

that is funny actually

Troll or not, still funny as fuck!

ITT dumb Syrian bemoans having roof over head, breitbart makes retarded story out of it.

I suggest you stop taking breitbart's cock in _all_ the way.

(((Fake News))) is code for Conservative viewpoints.

They can't actually refute the failures of the liberal leaning, so they're just going to try and change word definitions and throw up smoke to keep their plantation voters from thinking for themselves.

>do have it hard here and they really do deserve a life on pair with ours. There's literally no reason they should be considered second grade citizens.

Fucking kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit.

Breitbart is quite biased. However our country is indeed going to shit and I'm leaving for NZ in a month. Fuck this

Yet it's Liberal media that is promoting actual fake news

>the former Damascus resident complained.

“I’m 25 years old and have not had a girlfriend before. I’m still a virgin. I’m looking for a girlfriend, I’m looking for a wife. But this is impossible

Finally, average pol users can relate to refugees!

Would Norway annex some parts of sweden?

>I'm leaving for NZ in a month. Fuck this
Make sure you leave your cuck genes in Sweden before you contaminate that land faggot.


Only Swedish person can go on site full of Nationalists and say something like this.

>25 year old virgin
>wants everything handed to him
Guy sounds like a NEET to be honest

Why nz?

If you would rather flee your own country as soon as times get desperate you are worth nothing more than the shitskins you hate, because they are doing the exact same thing, fleeing instead of fighting for their country.

I can't Sweden isn't providing better accommodations. I suspect latent racist tendencies are to blame. Swedes need to really do some self-reflection and think about sharing their women. It isn't fair that these young men are being deprived of sexual experiences simply because of their race.

How difficult of a swim is the Rio Grande, Jose?

Way smaller than being shipped from apefrica nigger.


See, they're just like you.

Sweden needs Multiculturalism if they want to survive.Only when Swedes become minority in their own country,only then people can live in peace

>On the real side: migrants do have it hard here and they really do deserve a life on pair with ours. There's literally no reason they should be considered second grade citizens.
Kill yourself fuckings sossar. Migrants are shit, and they have been destroying this beautiful for country for ages.
Sweden for swedes!


>There's literally no reason they should be considered second grade citizens.

You will be sharing your country and it's resources equally with millions that will come.
When economy collapses and these mini nations of foreigners inside your country can not
be maintained with social security civil war will break out.

One of us


Step up your game, Sweden. This is unacceptable.
I mean, is THIS really how you want to be remembered?

I suspect latent racism is to blame.
#NotHuman #SwedenStepItUp #SwedenNotRacistTown

>get a gf
Oh come the fuck on are white people supposed to solve your every problem now?

Fuck this shit.
Kick these ungrateful fuckers out.

Now that's a shitpost
Nice (1)


Don't worry, our time is soon.

I have no more sympathy. If you invite an angry, rabies infested dog into your home, it's gonna claw all your possessions and bite a few people. These people are so incredibly delusional.

They think that these refugees are going to act just like westerners who happen to be having a bad spell, but these are lesser beings and it is so clear just by being around them for a small while. The trouble is by the time people have become redpilled they've already handed over all they have and their communities are ruined. This is what you get when you base your communities on cuck christianity

Save yourself norbro, we are an example of how bad social democracy can get

feminism i hope

Wow... I have only one thing to tell you people, you're a bunch of racist prematurely senile retards and your anger towards society is painfully obvious. I think your condition could be cured if you actually got some pussy and left your houses baka.

... Pathetic.

>“I’m 25 years old and have not had a girlfriend before. I’m still a virgin."

Goats don't count?

Oh look, a Progressive walks into a room, tries to shame everyone, gets laughed out, and exits on a slur against the mentally ill.

When will you learn that you are the hatemonger? When will you learn that diversity of thought is the only kind that matters? When will you learn that skin color means nothing?

Look up frontal lobe damage. A lot of feminists/lefties/etc have some form of frontal lobe damage.

cringeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hope you get bombed, Sven



Good God this word is so infuriating.
It's like the only people who say it are desperate teenagers trying to be fashionable of vocabulary but they haven't read a novel their entire lives and this is the best they have.

You are the dude at 9:29

Congratulations. You managed to be more retarded than Sven.

Based fucking Norway.

have a (You), Schlomo.

this is how russia deals with migrants blacks well ever take russia