What is going on there?
Is it a cold substitute of Israel?
Jewish Autonomous Oblast
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Why do people keep starting these threads about weird shit they find in russia on google maps
I dont know what the fuck this Oblast is but because of OP i want to know more.
It's the globalist base of operations from which Soros manipulates the world's media.
Jk you faggot its just adesolate cold strip of argicultural land. All the jews are long gone and it's full of underfed rural drug users.
It used to be full of jews.
They migrated to Israel during the 20th century, the place is like 1% jewish now, its just a historical name.
It uses the pride flag. Pure coincidence. No jews live there though because its not good enough for them.
Stalin exported all the Jews there
A lot of them have since moved to Israel, but some cultural influence still remains
>Judaism is practiced by 0.2% of the population.
Because admit that not knowing something and want to know more make us less ignorant, and thus should be encouraged?
>Stalin realises Israel isn't going to be a communist state under his control
>wants to stop all his jews going to Israel
>fuck it, i'll make my own israel!
>let's put it somewhere out of the way though so they can't jew me too much
The only problem in his plan was nobody went there because it was in the arse-end of nowhere.
Why do Jews need Israel, again?
In order to recognize jews as a people USSR needed to have a homeland for them. Then they chose the most remote location and put up a jewish homeland
More important question:
Why is Russia hiding a copy of greenland in their borders?
>The 2010 Census reported the largest group to be the 160,185 ethnic Russians (92.7%), followed by 4,871 ethnic Ukrainians (2.8%), and 1,628 ethnic Jews (1%).
Some idiotic commie idea. Obviously jews are not going to live there.
>this is their flag
muh religion is 99% of the reason.
i say we move them to west africa tho and have the containment country there instead.
lol came here to post this
Can we petition Putin for our own Oblast?
Because they've consistently shown they can't be trusted in other nations
Actually we could get our own little /Pol Oblast. I'm sure we could negotiate something great for us down there.
This would be way better than invading an island.
Thanks. Have a hug.
Fun fact: there are almost no jews there, its historical name for a project that didn't work as expected.
Stalin didn't want the Jews leaving to Israel because it would make the USSR look bad.
No, but you can actually get "free" land here if you have citizenship.
Is it possible to have a double citizenship in Russia?
Only if we have double citizenship agreement with other country.
Yes, but why?
Why didn't it work as expected? Seems like the Oblast was a better option than living in the desert among Muslims. Probably would have been more peaceful.
Because I want a Russian passport. I have relatives in Russia. In fact I was born in Ukraine. However I only have the German citizenship.
Go swap?
Nah I still want to keep the German one. Sry user. Though to be honest with you, there is nothing that you really want in Germany. It's not a country for us slavs. It seems this place is for Abduhls and Mohammeds.
>Only if we have double citizenship agreement with other country.
It's right above China... screw that noise... and smell
Then everyone would kill each over the moment an accusation of non-whiteness popped up.
Anyway, if you'll get a russian passport, i'll be glad to drink vodka with you.
I have german and russian citizenship
its possible
No Derek, don't you worry. We will only allow blonde people (like myself) move to the pol Oblast. An Oblast for the real white people. Only blonde men and women are allowed.
But I though Germany doesnt allow double citizenship
Germany does allow this. Do you know how many turks we've got here with double passports.
>tfw you realize Israel could have been anywhere
We don't hear about it because there are no Muslim terrorists living next door that need to be BTFO on a regular basis.
Did you serve in russian army? Or you have no benis?
There are some, but they had to work. As soon as they figured this out nearly all of them tried to get away from there.
Why do you have a problem with it?
Barely jewish, but they are lazy to change the areas and names, which are horrible and make no sense
No I was born in Russia, then moved to Germany because have some German ancestry.
I don't have to serve in your bydlo military any time soon.
There is no Greenland here, Tovarischski.
Who told you this?
who gave this map to you?
Delete this. Mods shut it down!