What books should a normie read to get redpilled?
Crime and Punishment desu
Does Mein Kampf count?
Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos
The Bible
> The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
> Art of War by Sun Tzu
normies dont read, they skim. nothing can help them but a real life conversation with a man that can kick their ass.
>Brave New World
>Manufacturing Consent
Swedish cuck tales volume 2.
The ultimate first red pill is Yuri Bezmenov,
The hungry caterpillar.
War is a racket and holocaust industry
Some user shared this, he said he would make a torrent too but i have yet to see it.Go on Sup Forums folder.
The Bell Curve. Just read the Chapter abstracts. 30 pages of hard red pill about race and class intelligence.
Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
Allan Watts
Who knows?
sounds like wannabe manipulative faggot's rules of "power"
cynism can be ridiculously bluepilled when brought to an extreme
Someone redpill me on Dostoevsky.
`you know it is an actual book right??
He's ok, one of the best Russian writers ever, I prefer " The Idiot " over his other works, Tolstoy is slightly better.
Always wanted to Read City of God, I'll have to pick that up soon
I work at. bookstore. This book is extremely popular amongst blacks. Never seen a white person buy one.
The redpill starter pack.
no idea, I always see it as an advice in self-help book threads. I'll give it a try but I don't have a good idea about slf-help books.
Jack London - The Iron Heel
Steven Weinberg - First Three Minutes
Elie Weisel - Night
Ka Tzetnik - Atrocity, Shivviti
Mans Search for Meaning
Keynes - General Theory of Employment
this book
Bible without the Bullshit:
Gospel according to Jesus - Stephen Mitchell
think about getting self help advice from Sup Forums then ask yourself whether you should read that book
The 48 Laws of Power is common reading fare of dipshit middle management "entrepreneurs" with 2 mortgages. It's next suggested book on Amazon is The Art of Seduction for fuck's sake
The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability (Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence)
by Arthur R. Jensen
Bitter Harvest
by Ian Smith
Brave New World
by Aldous Huxley
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Wealth of Nations
by Adam Smith
IQ and the Wealth of Nations
by Richard Lynn
You know he made up that story. Right user? Several of his claims are inconsistent with other reports and witness testimonies from the camps he was allegedly in. Like the massive pit where they were burning babies... Yea, that didn't happen.
>Animal Farm
>enlightenment Philosophy (Voltaire,John Locke, Jefferson, etc)
>Wealth of Nations
>Jefferson Bible
Pretty basic list to get started on the liberty and freedom redpill.
>the art of seduction
I read a book called "the tao of badass" just for the lulz.
the damn thing comes with marks on the margin so you can take your notes about your progress.
" Jefferson Bible"
Found the Heretic
>Night, Wiesel
Gotta sell those stories somehow. No, really, most "recounts" of stories are over-exaggerated in order to have a better chance at selling books. There is some truth to it, but there are also a lot of lies.
brilliant book by mishima, very partical advices on every level of modern existence
Edmund Burke's "Reflection on the Revolution in France"
Anything by Kierkegaard
For more historical stuff, i enjoyed David Hume's "History of England"
Read Joseph De Maistre over Voltaire.
The Decline of the West - Spengler
Characterizes history as a cycle and shows how the west is in decline.
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
Wonderful black comedy
A Rebours - Huysmans
A man's attempt to withdraw from society
Apocalypse - Lawrence
Hypothesizes that the Book of Revelation was predominantly jewish in origin.
You Can't Win - Black
Autobiography of a thief in the late 1800's
"Yellow Kid" Weil - Weil
Autobiography of a conman
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Geronimo Stilton.
Books like Moby Dick, The Call of the Wild, or Robinson Crusoe are also great because they remind men what life was like in the past, and the great responsibility that men carry in society.
Why exactly did you like "The Idiot" best over his other works?
I have only finished Crime and Punishment and currently working through Brothers Karamazov.
I like this one "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China"- good book for red pilling a woman, because it is formatted as a simple family bibliography telling the story of three generations going through the communist revolution. Starts with a story of the grandma, being a concubine or something back in an antiquated, classical, traditional type of China and then how their world evolves until the granddaughter ends up a class mate in high school to a bunch of communist red guard peers who attack people and destroy all tradition, family and beauty. It basically taught me about communism and even today I can't help but constantly draw comparisons between modern leftists/kikes/kike cucks/etc and these old communist kids.
Really a lot of old Chinese literature is pretty based.
What about PUA red pills?
Models -- Mark Ronson (newish)
The Game -- Neil Strauss (old)
Daygame -- Joe Locke (new)
Mystery Method -- Mystery (old but best)
Sun and Steel by Mishima is another huge redpill (an ironpill if you want to be precise)
I happen to have been compiling a list recently. R8 and h8.
>Faust - Gothe
A story about a true ubermensch who overcomes himself, finds fortune, and discovers what to do with it.
>Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
A good example of a great person who reacts incorrectly to incomplete persons
>The New Testament - various
Similar to Atlas Shrugged but on the opposite side of the spectrum
>The Complete Works of Plato
Teaches about temperance, honor, duty, and belonging.
>Beyond Good and Evil - Nitzche
To break the bonds of habit and tradition in search of a better self.
>Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Understand morality and markets and how they interact with eachother. Begin to grasp the fact that everything is a market.
>Capital - Marx
Whatever you may feel about communism, Marx makes insightful poknts about the role of capital and labor in a society, even if his reactions to his insights are useless and dumb.
>Calculism - anonymous
An amoral and purely mathematical aproach to life for the more autistic among us.
>Crime and Punishment - I forget
Know thyself... really KNOW THYSELF.
>Linear Algebra Done Right - Sheldon Axler
Shoyld be completed twice before reading Calculism. Once you understand the concept of abstract vector spaces you'll be more understanding of the idea of total vectorization of reality.
>Candidé - Voltaire
It'll help you to beter understand and accept the things which are out of your control, and value your past mistakes that cannot be undone or exchanged for a clean record.
>Candidé (would that be the Manchurian Candidé?)
Is this guy dyslexic or just a bullshitter who hasn't looked closely enough at any of the works he recommends to get even their titles and authors' names right?
Nice post user, a recommendation and a review. I'd recommend The Serbs by Tim Judah, it was after reading this book and reflecting upon it that I rejected multiculturalism. I'll buy a copy of your recommended book.
Sex and Culture by JD Unwin
I've read a lot of Czech books about communist era, some of which were written while in the regime and some were released after it fell. Don't know if they have translations, but if you find any of it interesting...
Bohumil Hrabal - Too Loud a Solitude
Petr Šabach - Občanský Průkaz (couldn't find the book in english, there's a good movie on the motive with subtitles though)
and Hovno Hoří, also from him, which has a movie adaptation Pelíšky (imo the best Czech movie ever)
In english there's Barbarians by the redpilled cutie Lauren Southern.
1984 also absolutely.