Hey guys I'm new to Sup Forums. I read on reddit this is a good place to get some alt right opinions! Anything I should know while I'm browsing?
Also what do you guys think of Gorillaz?
Hey guys I'm new to Sup Forums. I read on reddit this is a good place to get some alt right opinions! Anything I should know while I'm browsing?
Also what do you guys think of Gorillaz?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to fuck that adopted Japanese girl
Kill yourself
Sup Forums is satire.
Please fuck off
An hero, become one.
Alt Right doesn't exist nigger
new album when?
Everything written here is a work of fiction and falsehood.
That being said I like the Gorillaz. Theyve got a an interesting visual style, DARE is pretty bangin too.
Waiting for their new fucking album
Also don't go to reddit.
Neck yourself,and also dont mention the alt-right that is pussy shit....
Kikes are shilling against the Alt Right here.
This is the place for the cool, tough guy opinions make cool face make angry eyes sociopath smile in nazi uniform (looks super cool) and say curse words of the races all of my opinions on entire groups are founded on webms and Microsoft paint infographs (Jk I have REAL experience REAL struggle take that libtard)
this is now a NatSoc thread (NatSoc means national socialist not nazi because that is a kike shill word) B^)
Hyde wars should be in altright
also, stop aging, Noodle. I don't want you to die.
Look up the true information on Pizzagate.
Also, fuck mainstream media and celebrities.
This is Lady Gaga.
Have fun here~!
Subscribe to Milo and Mike Cernovich on twitter and shit.
Try to be positive about Trump. Like not kissing his boots kind of positive but still keep it in the right narrative.
Also if someone says anything bad to you, know it's just the style of this place. We are really nice guys and are mostly just saying bad things for the keks so always use your own judgement on when people are serious or not.
Anyway, enjoy your stay friend!
OP is a faggot!
This. Kike shills detected
((((((((Sup Forums))))))))) btfo
Go back to your intellectual hell hole.
Muh them jews are good faggot
remember kid whenever u c a jew kill him
You'll fit right in over there
You arequire totally misinformed. This is a philipinian underwater basket weaver forum. Our main problems are the lack of raw materials and fishes disturbing us while weaving.
go to Sup Forums if you want to talk about gorillaz