Is being 25 years old too late to go to college? I have a great job but I feel not having a degree pushes me back
Is being 25 years old too late to go to college? I have a great job but I feel not having a degree pushes me back
25 isnt old, go have fun op
Not here in America
25? You are basically dead. You should enjoy your last years gramps.
You are never old to fuck college pussy.
You will be with people 8 years younger than you
You are never too old, people still choose to get a college degree in their 50's in order to advance in their field
I have people that are 30 on my college
Do it now, you'll be done by 30
Too old.
Also one of my neighbors was working in a cafe and decided to get a degree, he was 45 at the time. And when he was 48 he started teaching at school
I started at 24. Nobody cares.
Depends on what degree you want
No, do whatever whenever. Age and college is part of the matrix programming. Just be aware of that and hopefully you've done well already
I see 60 year olds at my school sometimes. You're fine, OP.
Bruh i know people who didnt do shit for 7-8 years after they finished highschool..
They would only drink,fuck and fight pretty much...and some of them just started college at near yeah no problem,no such thing as too old
Nah, It's never too late to go back. I went back to get my Masters Degree in my mid-30's.
Too old is around mid-forties.
Some people need an extra decade to get things in order before going to college, and I've met 20 year olds who look 30 and 30 year olds that look 20.
Also, it's really awkward when you're some greasy 40-something who's going to spend all your class time talking about how you've worked [insert shit-tier job(s) here] for the last twenty years.
Finally, One of the weirdest moments I had in college was a 48 year old woman literally crying in class about how she needed to pass the final in my Political Science elective freshman year.
you should bant them with questions like
>what did you do in World War II?
>where were you when you heard archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot?
and the such
That's not banter, that's being an obnoxious shithead, unless you know them more intimately.
>German humor
>t. older guy in college who gets asked if he is a phd student too much
>Also, it's really awkward when you're some greasy 40-something who's going to spend all your class time talking about how you've worked [insert shit-tier job(s) here] for the last twenty years.
I lol'd because that describes me, except I'm 26 not 40.
Going back to college starting in April. I'm 41.
It's fine faggot
I'm 27 and a year from graduating stem
Id rather start out at 30 with a good career then keep digging ditches and have to be on disability by 45
25 Should be the legal age you should start in my opinion. Just a year sooner and you'd still be considered traditional age.
If he does CC first the ages vary. 25 is common.
being to old to study is a meme, most people here to decide to study right after high school fail after the first 2 courses because they didnt knew what they wanna become and are totally uninterested in what they are doing so they drink 3 and party 3 times a week.
Im 24 now and doing my second year in pharma. Many in my classes are in their 30s.
Its a huge meme in the US that you are failure if you didnt go to college straight after high school, probably because of their horrible education system that forces it.
No. You can have a good time, listen to interesting lectures, meet beautiful girls, and obtain a prestigious degree.
>Is being 25 years old too late to rack up some extra debt?
do it!
College is a monumental waste of time and money.
You pay to have commies and jews preach at you.
Be thankful you never went.
If you don't have a degree you're a degenerate.
Well, you already know you'll regret it later if you don't, so there are your options.
Never too old.
When you are 55, do you can care a shit about year here or there?
Do it bro.
I know an italian woman who worked in Tv in Italy who barely finished highs chool at 46.
She started her career at 18...
Back at topic, no you aren't. I'm 28 doing my 2nd degree (probably jump to a masters next year).
No, you are not too old to get a degree. This idea that you have to be 18-20 to start your degree is the strangest meme i've ever seen, it makes no sense. I'm pretty sure it's been proven those who start college later in life get better grades too.
Most straight out of school kids at my university get shitty grades and they are OK with it, only care about passing. Also the majority shows a heavy lack of interest on what they do.
Meanwhile a 40 yo guy and me were the only who got a 10 (A) in the last final.
School doesn't prepare the kids anymore for life. They also see it as just a stage. Also universities (at least in my country) are unrealistic on their methods. It's read a lot of books, repeat from memory and go out to the world. By lacking actual field experience a lot get disappointed with what they studied or simply don't know how to handle actual situations IRL plus being entitled bitches they expect everything to solve in their own. That also gives origin to profesionals who hate their profession and care only about money, encouraging them to simply scam.
The modern educational system is a meme.
IT isn't pushing you back It's 2017, degrees are worthless
I agree. Having a degree is really just there to show you can learn something hard (STEM) and get yourself in the door to being successful. It's an investment in yourself and it stays with you forever, it may not pay off immediately but it helps get you noticed. The idea you are owed a job is the biggest meme.
i'm 25 and have been back in school for 6 months because i didn't want to get stuck at my job. it's awesome, highly recommend it, it's so easy too. I am top of my class barely even trying, just showing up everyday and taking notes.
it's so easy to outshine all these 18-22's these days as well, they are constantly fucking around on their phones getting shit from the prof. it's like they can't even help themselves, they will be eaten alive in the real world.
You'll get more money tossed at you for being an """adult""", so there's that
I employ an Argentine dentist as a hotel maintenance man for $12.50 an hour.
I still haven't figured out why he immigrated to the US
He fell for the land of opportunity meme.
Get experience in something related to computers and the internet ( design, video editing, 3d or videogames) and have fun not needing a college degree to get a job
as long as you learn how to make games to shoot pew pew bullets i'm sure people will find you useful.
don't give money to those college fuckers
He probably earns more that way. 12.50 is almost 200 arg pesos.
Or maybe he isn't really interested in being an engineer. I am a mechanical engineer but I'm not going to work in the field because it's not my thing (granpa was mechanic, dad engineer and so I'm supposed to be the same). I'm studying history now.
I fell for le 'if you miss a year its better to finish the degree even if you don't like it' meme. Another degree meme that must die
If I were offered a simple administrative job at an office or something like that like reception r whatever for that salary and in USA I'd take it.
Man I have had classes with 70 year old men who took classes just to learn. Its never too late especially at 25
Hell I think it would be easier at 25, if you have a good job with stable income and some good money in the bank you shouldnt have a problem
i was in college till i was 29. Never too late.
* in being a dentist
Doesn't matter as long as you achieve your goals. Only the autist truly give a fuck.
before i dropped out around 22 myself, there were quite a few old and even elderly people in my classes.
I didn't go till I was 21, and I still looked 16. It made me realize that you're only really as old as you look, since everyone treated me like a little kid even though a lot of them were younger than me.