If whites are the master race then why are they so easily manipulated by the Jews?
If whites are the master race then why are they so easily manipulated by the Jews?
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Inbred European royalty let it happen
For all intensive purposes, Jews are basically white.
This. 14 year olds are prime breeding material, contrary to what (((they))) tell us to increase divorce rates and promiscuity among women.
cause it's just a meme you fucking retard, reality isn't as easy to understand as 15klb macro jpgs from Hubert's basement in kentucky
Too much empathy. Extremely beneficial to one's own race, but not when other races are involved. Especially not Jews.
the two traits are not antithetical.
The same decency that makes them the best people is what makes them easy to target by dishonest jewry.
The only answer is expulsion. Every nation with jews (and some without) has come to this conclusion at one time or another.
Whites are a meme.
This is a term made by people that don't have any ethnic identity.
Anyway, jews are a step above because they are not a honourable people. Honor is a foreign concept to them.
our abundance made us weak and apathetic
>Jews are inferior
>Jews have been keeping the white man down for millennia
sweating man.jpg
for millenia
haha no, only 150 years
Cos Big black dicks are the REAL master race.
More like 1 or 2 centuries, depend on what country.
England was the first european country to be ruled by jews, Russia become a puppet only when the Romanovs died
That's what whites want Jew to believe.
Jews had been trying to trick european far before that though, but the absolutism prevented jews from taking power.
Jews figured out how to manipulate through banking and religion while keeping enough distance to go under the radar of most people. When this was not enough they created the holocaust as an invincibility shield.
Because "Master Race" is a meme.
There isn't a superior race... I mean everyone is superior to blacks and natives americans but besides these two, the rest are all better than others in some areas
Think of it this way,
Building some thing complex and or beautiful, lets say like a statue, painting, or a computer require's real skill and knowledge
But Destroying it, like smashing it with a hammer is something any retard can do.
The jews have never built any civilization, They just corrupt and destroy everything.
And beside the jews always get their ass handed to them sooner or later.
Normal humans think how can i create of fix things
The Jewish parasite think's how can i corrupt and destroy it.