The Full Redpill

"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon."

-Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917

"Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you."

-Revelation 3:9

If you say Jews control the world you're not exactly wrong, but it's far from the whole truth.

Luciferianism, the placement of mankind above God, is the driving ethos behind the NWO, the NWO being a world where rootless mocha masses fester in carnality and ignorance while a core elite rules over them.

We are 300+ years into this dark age. This goes far beyond the 1960's, WW2, 1917.

>800s AD: Khazars (nomadic Turks and Mongrels living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) convert en masse to Judaism

>900s AD: Alans (Iranian nomads) drive Khazars out of the Caucuses into Eastern and Central Europe - this group, mixing with Europeans over the centuries, is where modern Ashkenazis come from (note - no connection to Israel/ancient Judaism)

>Medieval period: Ashkenazis gain power in Europe through Usury, which is forbidden for Christians and Muslims

>1600s: Messianic Kabbalism - the foundation for Hasidic Judaism - takes hold in Poland and across Europe. The essence of Messianic Kabbalism is the belief that instead of waiting for the Messiah to come, Jews must BRING the Messiah into the world

>1776: The "Illuminati" lead by (((Adam Weishaupt))) infiltrates the highest levels of Freemasonry - the secret Enlightenment era society which brought about liberalism through ideals of equality, liberty, "humanism" (aka Luciferianism) - marks the beginning of the Judeo-Luciferian Empire we live in today

>Illuminati uses blackmail, extortion, and physical violence to steer Freemasonry

Other urls found in this thread:–Roman_War

>Late 1700's -1900's: Freemasons/Illuminati spur revolutions across the entire world, most notably in US, France, Russia, China - almost every major historical figure in this era was a Freemason - Sorry America, you were pozzed from Day 1

>1896 - Theodor Herzl founds Zionism, a driving force behind Soviet Russia, WW1, WW2, the formation of Israel, and pretty much every US conflict up to present day

>PizzaGate revelations show a glimpse into the satanic ritual abuse that has been going on for hundreds of years

My basic theory is that Judaism was hijacked by Luciferianism and that modern Judaism is essentially Luciferianism/Satanism. This expalins why they were so willing to sacrafice Jews in WW2 for creation of Israel. The "common Jew" is a neurotic, brainwashed pawn, which serves as a proxy between the goyim and the Satanic Kabal, who claim to be Jews but fully understand they are agents of Lucifer. This helps explain why all the non-Jewish elites are so willing to use their own people as human sacrifices for their own benefit. Events like 9/11 serve as mass human sacrifices to Lucifer, and more obviously, serve the NWO agenda. This timeline was cobbled together and is missing a lot, but hopefully it provides a bit more context beyond just "the joos control everything". We are living in a spiritual Dark Age, a Luciferian age where men are women, up is down, and slavery is freedom. Resistance must happen on a spiritual level.

bumpity bump bump

mfw effortpost and no replies

Sage. Sup Forums has always been a pagan board, posts by christcucks will be saged.

I'm not Christian, nor do you have to be to accept this theory.

Jesus was a "pagan" retard. Pagan is a pejorative that really doesn't mean anything.

There are so many various "Pagan" religions / cults / followings grouping them into a single one is beyond egotistical arrogance it's absurd ignorant dogma.

Jesus preached against dogma yet the same people who claim to follow the lead will create and perpetuate the same dogmas that allowed the RCC to rape 4billion$ (Judgements) Worth of child sex

U see the problem there?
>not logically consistent

People say Judaism was hijacked as if Judaism was ever good to begin with. It was always a religion where God's "chosen people" had all right to everything and the goys were inherently bad and meant to be ruled over.

Not saying Jewish or any dogmatic religion is good, but I think it became overtly Luciferian behind closed doors around the 16-1700s at the leadership level.

Jews and traitors were a problem before this, but not in the way they are now.

And can still have been hijacked, i had the same thoughts about this as op.