Can I marry an Egyptian Girl?

I'm going to keep dating (fucking) her. She's hot and compliant and, believe it or not, based.

But, contrary to Richard Spencer, she's not white. (Who started that Egyptians=whites, all Caucasoids=white, meme?)

What should I do Sup Forums? Will our kids look white even if she doesn't? Will our children be KANGz and queens?

Most Egyptians are not Ancient Egyptians, but Arab intermixes. It doesn't really matter if you like her though.

Do note that by the time you have children and/or they grow up, you'll probably have genetic engineering.

Egyptians are fine.

It's the other shitskins you gotta worry about.

Nice b8 tho, 5/8

pic related?

You're a man, fucking make you own decisions, yet I'll decide for you any how. It shouldn't matter. If she's based, not a slut, obedient, etc etc then go for it.

need an egyptian gf

just make her use that skin cream that will bleach her skin white and nipples pink.

This, if she's not black African she's not really Egyptian in the sense that she can be proud her ancestors for building the ancient wonders in Egypt.

Egyptians arent white but they are at least caucasoids. As long as she doesnt have negroid admixture go for it.

Afrocentrist idiocy has become so common on the internet, I can't tell the trolling from those being sincere.

Non nigger egyptians are fine, go for it bro.

>country in Africa wasn't black
>even though their heirogliphics show them black
>and they've found mummies with kinky hair
>and African haplogroups
>and black features

convince her to get an IQ test to see if she's wife material

Ancient Egyptians were in fact dark skinned Africans.

They weren't the SAME dark skinned Africans as the Nubians and lower down in Africa, but we've got pretty good evidence that they're from Africa directly. (Eastern migrants settling at the river.)

She's not black. She's from northern Egypt. But she has an Egyptian friend who is basically black.

Afrocentrist idiocy is no worse than Sup Forumslack idiocy, which says Egyptians are white and denis the existence of Upper (southern) Egyptians who are basically the same as Northern Sudanese/Somalis.

That girl is good looking so if her, yeah.

If that's what she looks like, go for it, the kids will be healthy no matter what

Hooked up with one once. I literally bailed after we kissed and I never talked to her again. Terrible kisser gave me nightmares and quite hairy on the arms etc. nose wasn't great either. She wanted to do more but I have standards. They're shit m8

Afrocentrist idiocy is no worse than Sup Forumslack idiocy, which says Egyptians are white and denis the existence of Upper (southern) Egyptians who are basically the same as Northern Sudanese/Somalis.

Are ypu seriously asking Sup Forums for advice on this?
ok, my advice: ignore everything Sup Forums says, you aren't cuck to Sup Forums are you?

>the existence of Upper (southern) Egyptians

But as mentioned, you do know that most people actually from modern Egypt are of Arabian ancestry?

Egypt has been under Arab control for a very long time. They had almost no respect for the Ancients who they viewed as infidels.

if it's not a nigger or a chink womanlet bleach it

This is complete drivel btw, it is proven that egyptians do decend from ancient egyptians
BUT coptic egyptians have much less arab admixture than egyptians with a muslim background
Is she of coptic descent?

Let the true authority speak on the subject matter at hand!


I didn't even say ancient egyptians were white, but they certainly weren't black either.

>I'm going to keep dating (fucking) her
Never take it further and don't be trapped, sire a white son or no son at all

>but they certainly weren't black either.
Weren't they black?

>it is proven that egyptians do decend from ancient egyptians

No, everyone in the modern country doesn't, obviously.

You can check the demographics, I don't believe they've pinned down many 'pureblood' Ancient Egyptians.

Like the Jews in Israel?
Or are we still pretending they're not dirty khazari mongols

1/2 Arab kids look white as long as you're the father.

Dude you guys have to stop it with the "KANGZ" thing. The nigs are wrong to say that Egypt was a predominately black civilization. You are--demonstrably--wrong to say that there was no sizable black minority in Egypt. There was, and there were many black pharaohs.

The southernmost quarter of the country--from Luxor to Aswan--has people who resemble black Africans. The north is certainly not black but also is not white. My sex slave is from the north.

>they have the same flag colors as you you fucking autist

The only black, black niggers in Egypt were fuckin slaves lol

Egyptians are the worst.

Egyptians hate Americans. Don't trust them. Sarah told us.

why are egyptian women so [spoiler]thicc?[/spoiler]

>many black pharoahs
Kek, you were slaves by conquest or sale as usual

do this

So all that we wuz kings thing is bullshit?

Lmao speak for yourself kraut
Yeah if your axiomas lie on 'pureblood' of course it's not going to be perfect but it is by and all certain that modern egyptians descend from ancient egyptians for the most part, I'm also not going to start an internet argument if you don't even look things up beyond what you're told

The difference between the copts and the arabs genetically doesn't vary more than 15 percent and they're not mixed with arabs as much as they are with mamluks.

btw: She's a secular Muslim. Her mom is Coptic and dad is

If you consider "Hamites"--blacks like Somalis, Ethiopians, etc, who were traditionally classified as Caucasoid rather than Negro--black, then there were many black Pharaohs. Luxor (Thebes) is closer to Sudan than s. Europe.

On the other hand, there were no "Negro" (West/Central African) Pharaohs.

There are egygptain wall paintings of a man with light brown skin having his dick and ass washed by niggers. What do you think?

Yeah, circassians and turks

real pic or gtfo

>being this new

>Most Egyptians are not Ancient Egyptians, but Arab intermixes
thats a meme. The Arab invasion was only a military campaign; there was very little intermixing.

>Afrocentrists claim that Egyptian civilization was a "black" civilization, and this is not accurate [...] Most scholars believe that ancient Egyptians looked pretty much like today’s Egyptians - that is, they were brown, becoming darker as they approached the Sudan (Snowden 1970, 1992; Smedley 1993).[34]

>I have encountered arguments that the ancient Egyptians were much 'blacker' than their modern counterparts, owing to the influx of Arabs at the time of the conquest, Caucasian slaves under the Mamlukes, or Turks and French soldiers during the Ottoman period. However, given the size of the Egyptian population against these comparatively minor waves of northern immigrants, as well as the fact that there was continuous immigration and occasional forced deportation of both northern and southern populations into Egypt throughout the pharaonic period, I doubt that the modern population is significantly darker or lighter, or more or less 'African' than their ancient counterparts.

>The evidence clearly shows that those Greco-Roman authors who refer to skin color and other physical traits distinguish sharply between Ethiopians (Nubians) and Egyptians, and rarely do they refer to the Egyptians, even though they were described as darker than themselves. No Greek doubted that the Egyptians were darker than the Greeks, but not as dark as black Africans.[38]

>Lower Egyptian groups have tended to pool more with European and Mediterranean groups, while Upper Egyptians are biologically more similar to southern African groups. The geographic proximity of Lower Egyptians to the Mediterranean Sea and of Upper Egyptians to Nubia likely explains the phenotypic and genotypic differences between the two areas.[20]

TL; DR Ancient Egyptians = Modern Egyptians.

Egyptians are Caucasoid but not white. Arabs, Indians and Persians are all Caucasians aswell. Mixing within the Caucasoid group is fine. Mixing with mongoloids and negroids creates abominations.

What the fuck. You ficking faggots have zero principles. You abandon your race at the sight of a hot girl and then try to justify it. "A-a-at least sh-she's a caucasoid r-right??" Kys faggot and any Arab kids you have in the future.

So you're dating a Huma?

"Lower Egyptian groups have tended to pool more with European and Mediterranean groups, while Upper Egyptians are biologically more similar to southern African groups. The geographic proximity of Lower Egyptians to the Mediterranean Sea and of Upper Egyptians to Nubia likely explains the phenotypic and genotypic differences between the two areas."

Which proves "We Wuz Kangz" were wrong. A minority of Egyptians--Upper Egyptians--were and are closer to blacks than whites. Some became Kangz. Nigs are of course wrong to say most Egyptians were black, when most were closer to white.

>Black = Egyptians
Nigga please.
We're the Romans black? No, they were brown. We're the Greeks? Was anyone in the Mediterranean black? No.

Egyptians were brown. Blacks are Sub Saharan, you know, below the gigantic as fuck desert that separates black people from brown people.

>She's a secular

Wait, how does that work?

>My sex slave

The real question is, how good is she at it?

>But as mentioned, you do know that most people actually from modern Egypt are of Arabian ancestry?

No, thats not true. The Arabs conquered militarily and Egyptians today are certainly arabized culturally. However, there was little arab mixture; the Cops for instance have none. Pic related is a Copt with no arab mixture; likely representative of Ancient Egypt's Lower region.

muslims practice polygamy because they would steal women during invasions and take many wives

Genetic studies have shown that the arabs left little mixture and the Copts like this have none:

Fuck you burger nigger I was kangz

Spencer is a Kike why would you listen to him?

>I was kangz

Of Arabia, sure.
>Gettem Scheherazade!

>A minority of Egyptians--Upper Egyptians--were and are closer to blacks than whites
Even the Upper Egyptians dont cluster closely with west africans/african americans.

Yes, but why would you?

My theory is dark caucasoids, Arabs,indians, and north africans, are a mix of white/australoid/negro

Romans weren't brown you fucking idiot.

They were white, albeit a bit of a darker shade of it, like modern day Italian

>Upper (southern) Egyptians who are basically the same as Northern Sudanese/Somalis.
This is pretty true; Southern Egyptians are darker. I guess it boils down to how broad one's definition of "black" is. My Ethiopians friends dont consider themselves black. If dark skin + aqualine featured populations like horners and northern sudanis qualify as "black", then yes, it would be fair to call many Egyptians then and now that. But if by "black" we mean negroids, then no.

Stay away from her wh*te

Skin colour isn't the same as race fucktard.

Nope. A true Nile kang

You can, but you should know that the true biblical meaning of fornication is race-mixing. Google it and decide for yourself.


all children born to muzzie father are automatically muslim, whether they believe or not.

Just curious how do you feel about your culture being hijacked for maymay purposes on the internet?

>whether they believe or not

Not if they don't want to be. They can just say they're not. Name the ethnicity based on region.

I spitfire when nigs from Nubia or Sudan make these claims, ignorant fucking shits talk like we are the frauds. American nigs can be funny sometimes desu but get angry when they call themselves Egyptian names or hold fucking lectures to know more about their """"culture"""", infuriating really. Feels like a joke that went too far. The Aliens stuff is quite flattering really.

>they can just say they're not

not everybody is suicidal user







So what your saying is even Egyptions hate the "We wuz Kangz" people.

source please? Very interested in this.

i know a 1/2 egyptian girl who looks totally white and is gorgeous

if the sex is good, go for it broo

You should've wiped them all out thousands of years ago

Don't steal our whimmin white boy

That's not an egyptian girl. Real egyptian girls are black

Blacks are the real egyptian white boy

>arab isn't a made up ethnicity
>bedouins were populous enough to make a dent in eqyptian genetics.

If you want to date a real egyptian America got some already. The black women.

Egyptians are quite racist actually. They aren't very kind to blacks in genral.
Even a nigger could be of use

was it raep?

this one is kinda true

they shouldn't be so narcissistic to think it's purely African, but archetypes and symbolism exist and persist

Cause they wuz queens n shiieet