I'm fucking dying
"Judge Süleyman Belli,in the aftermath of the attacks posted 'You said santa would bring you presents, but he brought you clips!...The beers you drunk and the unmarried women you spent time with you thought would bring you good, have fun rotting in hell!'. The post sparked controversy on social media
Judge mocks Istanbul shooting victims, says booze and new years celebration is haram
kys turk roach
kys autist with a 2 digit IQ
>he brought you clips
this triggers the /k/ommando
Is this judge dare I say it.../ourguy/?
i'd say hang yourself but the ceiling would come down with you
yes, I should make a pepe of him or smth
what a secular country surely worthy of joining the eu
why do people keep saying turkey is secular? just because in istambul (most visited by tourists) people drink apparently without islamic repercussions?
Yet again Stormfags and Islamists on the same page.
Not that I disagree with the based judge here or the Stormfags, just interesting.
nobody says that since the 00's lol
de cand a venit erdogan incet incet a inceput sa ridice regulile anti islam (nu puteai sa intri in locuri guvernmentale cu capul acoperit etc) si acuma modifica constitutia ca sa isi permita puteri infinite, probabil in curand vor fi ilegalizate bauturile alcolice si capul descoperit etc, ma gandesc ca ar trebuie sa ma intorc in bucuresti :c
Judge is cold-hearted as fuck.
However I'd be damned if I didn't acknowledge the spicy meme he made.
that sounds word for word what most MUHHHH DEGENERACY fags on here would say
yes he's a goon for sure, as I said i need to make a pepe of him
I am going to follow his twitter so I can get more redpilled rants out of him, hope he starts talking shit about jews and gays
Actually most dead are arabs. 7 saudis sneaked from their country because they would be flogged for partying only to be shot in turkey. Living in Middle Ages is fucking tough job.
Does he browse Sup Forums?
:( Pretty hot girl there to the right.
Ba pula tu de unde stii romana, sper ca nu esti vreun vopsit tuciuriu, dute-n pizda matii oricum
This israeli-arab grille died too.
Pretty sure she is cold now...
Haha, drop a nuke on the ME already.
Glass the whole fucking lot.
Look at this fucking meta for one second. Less than a day and we have high-res pictures of the after-math. Information era is nuts.
Sunt nascut in bucuresti si crescut in turcia boss, dute-n pizda lu tactu
lol they wanted to escape terrorism and opression, and still got it, no luck
We NEED more of these peaceful people in OUR country!
>turkey is secular they said
>Muslim country shooting and exploading
Everyday durka life
Warning: smoking can kill you!
pretty cute desu
>the irony
my cock will kill you
Somebody let out a bug bomb?
Voi toți sunteți poponari
I don't think most stormfags want to stop kids from dancing and having a drink.
how white are you?
post timestamp
is your mother or father turkish?
wowee, there is gray matter on the ground. got any more pics?
Islam has some based moral aspects, but the vast majority of the religion and its practitioners are batshit insane.
Not to mention old Chrisitan values are already what we need. It's just that those have little presence nowadays, unlike Islam's.
Is that a hamburger patty on the floor? Asking for a friend...
I guess it's snacks
In and of itself, no. But the hookup culture that also goes on in clubs? I would want to crack down on that.
Where did you get these pics from?
Fucking turkroach....
didn't the attacker have a rifle? wearing just kevlar is useless
Is this fake?
Everyone's poses are a little too... natural. Shouldn't there be more sprawled limbs, contorted positions, and people with their eyes open and looks of pain/horror/grief on their faces? More visera and body parts?
Why aren't any of the windows shot out?
i loaned the cam
father is turk
tactu e o lesbianca
Le reddit
>Based Judge BTFOs degenerate normalfags and their hedonistic lifestyle
Uh, why do we have Islam, again?
>The irony
No one gives a fuck about a Muslim country.
If it was Denmark the whole white World would be carrying candles and changing their normiebook profile pic
Enjoy becoming Syria 2.0
Not everyone dies immediately. Most people bleed out.
How come they don't know who did this already?
Shooter forgot to leave his ID card on the scene?
I'm betting it's the half-assed translation of the op. you know as a side note, a few official statements were made about this particular comment. they were along the lines of "we will take legal action against anyone who supports any kind of terrorism on social media "
the bodies look pretty dead to me, no discrepancies there. though why the fuck are the windows still intact??
Was going to delete and repost but could not bring myself to delete those trips.
Allah Akbar alcohol is haram. They deserved it.
>poking fun at lives lost due to a violent act
man, that's hilarious. really made me lose my sides. kek. lol. /ourguy/
He is not a judge he is a refree
you should teach me some English sometime, you sound like you spend alot of time online and would know it properly
checked and because they make better firework shows than you
did you see how similar arabs look to each other
>the irony
>when the dirty roaches on the floor are literally your clientele
>the bodies look pretty dead to me, no discrepancies there.
They don't look dead to me at all.
is that all?
What are you trying to accomplish ?
I don't get why religious retards are so obsessed with preventing kids from hooking up and having a fuck. Condoms fucking exist, most sex is just recreation now. Age 15-25 is when hormones are just wrecking your mind, nothing can be done with that. If you follow the urge of you body, by 30 you'll get bored of sex and can start doing something useful, like work and family. Then with modern medicine you get 40-50 years you can use on praying, fasting and praying again, without hormones telling you to stick your dick somewhere every day.
Instead they neurotize the population and get mix of Sup Forumstards and /r9k/. I mean, any middle-age dude will laugh about his son jerking off in closet. If the omnicient supreme being which created the universe can't, maybe it's time to question whether it's worth worshipping him anymore.
hey roach
Lol virgin roach.
daily reminder that only the_donald refugees unironically use the term stormfag
last one
based Süleyman
It's to prevent them from becoming adults and keeping em children, meaning still under their control and stay above them. Malignant narcissists basically
"Anime is haram. She had it coming and now burns in hell eternal" - Judge Süleyman Belli in 2 months
How was your losing it? Did your ass hurt?
If you're Christian you should know the Kemalist line was broken when Erdogan staged a coup to reign in much more influence and power than before.
Ten bucks that judge is pro erdogan.
Of course there is allways that a limp-wristed faggot who's gonna say that those pictures are fake, why is there not enough blood, why are their eyes not open, why are all windows intact, why dont they lal have dildos stuck in their assholes, why are all women still dressed why didnt the terrorist made anal sex with the guys if he was a homo...
nope, I have been using that term for a very long time on Sup Forums and I have never been on the_donald or any other reddit site besides that r/gonewild when degenerate urges take over
>raches going full pol
>the judge congratulates on clensing degenerates instead of cucking like in the west
You know it's bad when fucking roaches are the only ones doing what's right
Hopefully he'll say the same about your slag mother when she's raped and killed.
Amount of people dead from terror attacks in Denmark the past 2 decades:
Amount of people dead in Turkey due to terrorist attacks
who constitutes as a 'stormfaggot'
>most racially ambiguous man on earth
have you recently realized that your country is shit? wow
I heard this powerful quote that said "All we need to rescue Western Civ is for faith in Jesus to return."
There have been other times when faith was low because we kept losing battles or the hedonistic ways were promoted. Catholic Monks would usually rise up and tell the country to repent of its sins, pray daily, pray to Mary thanks and Jesus for giving us The Word and humble themselves before God.
In all of these cases we would heal our nations and fight off the Muslim hordes. If you read of these stories this alone would give you faith God and Jesus were both real, the military victories were so severe, especially in Poland and Spain.
In these cases the people didn't convert to Islam but they converted harder if you will to Christianity.
True Christianity might be better found again in Catholic Churches as much as it pains me as a Baptist to admit that. They have this amazing history of rituals and prayers that is proven to heal broken countries.
Anyway TL;DR Stormfront needs to help us regain original Christianity and stop trying to force science and Atheism so much, Islam sounds better when Christianity is weak but countries are extremely worse when the majority is Islam so its all a mirage.
wtf I support Armenia now
I think I saw one old screencap'd discussion in twitter where some ISIS fuckers were asked about their waifu, and one of them said he likes Bleach. Apparently, anime is not haram, kek
thanks man
but she's so cute when she's scared
Damn, that one chick got shot in the leg and took out a good chuck of it.
I fucking love it.
DNC calling Russians hackers cause they literally leaked easily obtained information through a security-neglected private server owned by Clinton.
They act like leaked basic info revealing internalized governance errors as an act of war.
If anything Russians helped pinpoint a weak spot in our government that needs to be fixed
>i'd say hang yourself but the ceiling would come down with you
Painfully underrated
LOL exactly, I am sandnigger at night and white boi in the morning, half romanian half turk results in this
>most ISIS jihadis come from denmark
who the fuck is this little piece of shit
yup, I was intrigued by that myself, too.
>tfw when cuckroach judges make better shitpost than your average leaf
thanks babe x
time 2 genocide
At least we're not spain tho kek
He is a football refree
Islam is pure cancer. It needs to be contained and destroyed
Fuck, he deployed his bullet proof umbrella a few seconds too late.
yeah, you're worse. happy new year, btw
yes, we're worse at being a starving country xd
happy new year to you too, wish you lots of brown cock.
Toti sunteti niste penali
those who unironically post jew hate stuff and unironically endorse fascism, but I am starting to rethink this and stopping the stormfag thing since I discovered Veronica Evalion vids and it's been pretty interesting
Thank God for christians in Sup Forums, please keep speaking about faith here, one of these threads actually convinced me, an atheist for life, all my family atheist, neighborhood atheist, most atheist country in the world, a me, to borrow New Testament from the library and actually attend christmas service (note I have never been on a church service before in my life) and it was a beautiful experience. I hope I find salvation and become a legit christian in the future, I keep slowly to move myself towards that path. Truly, faith is a a beautiful thing and will save the west and the white man from degeneracy and Islam, I didn't realize it before as a full-on atheist.
>These people were doing something I don't like so their deaths are totally justified.
Muslim logic in a nutshell.
it's reversed. Ass didn;t get pounded
subtle kek
first the assassin now the judge
Roaches are being exceptionally based the past few weeks