Why did you stop being a libertarian?
Where did libertarians go?
some things shouldn't be left alone
also roads.
I'm not one that runs around using the basement dweller insults but I think libertariturds are one case that I might consider it. The libertarian party was from the 70's I remember them when they were a actual 3rd party, no neo-cucks-lite like they turned into online. But you're right they are all probably embarrassed that they go tricked so easily. They would probably deny that they were ever connected to it.
a libertarian society would get raped and pillaged by muslims
mostly because of the crisis 2008-2010
all i hear is the glory of free market all i see is crony capitalism. its no better than state socialism.
Ancap memes. At some point you have to stop and rethink how much we can be a stable society with pure libertarianism. In a sense the world we have now is the product of evolution and the markets, they just happened to have settled for what we have right now. If we accepted that some of this has been caused by things that stray from libertarian ideals, we could start from this point onward with ancap, but we'd end up back where we are, more or less.
I would like to be libertarian if our world was perfectly white.
But it's not.
I would like to open the borders for sane people, but I can't.
I would like would like for everyone to have a gun to fend for themselves, but gang violence.
I would like for abortion be illegal, but we need to decrease black population.
I would like a society where everyone is free, but it would be ruined with the chaos of uncivilized barbaric niggers.
I didn't; but the liberals went of the fucking rails and Trump was the only thing left to stop them.
All you nationalists are easily manupilated idiots that buy into identity politics.You guys want to conserve western values, but western values arent about christianity, traditional gender roles or about being white.Western values are about conserving freedom for all people as lonng as they dont harm you.
Nationalism always leads to dictatorships and dictatorships always leads to failure.Become a libertarian again.Identity politics dont matter, only freedom matters.
>I remember them when they were a actual 3rd party
They never were a valid third party. Prior to the 2016 election, they never broke 2% of the vote on election day.
I'm right here babe.
AnCap memes + Gary Johnson might have killed
It's not like the movement would actually get anywhere though; they're too busy arguing over what the definition of libertarianism is instead of furthering their cause and taking ground.
That being said I'm still a libertarian. I just hate bing associated with the,
Im not white and im a libertarian.
You're mistaking us for liberals.
Libertarians tend to be armed to the teeth.
>liberterian society wouldn't attract people, because of no wellfare.
>It's liberterian, not anarchy.
Minarchism is the only logical thing.Ancaps are meme that gave us a bad name.
Using a weak system in an open environment.
Freedom requires a closed system.
>2016 in a single picture
I didn't.
Everyone else finds blaming jews to be a lot easier than accepting that the world is far more complex than they want it to be.
>I would like to open the borders for sane people, but I can't.
Don't give wellfare and they won't come.
>I would like would like for everyone to have a gun to fend for themselves, but gang violence.
Gangs have guns anyway, only difference is you can defend yourself.
>I would like for abortion be illegal, but we need to decrease black population.
Stop giving welfare and they will die like flies.
Only white people inherently have """"western"""" values. If white maintain a value system where only the individual matters, but every other group plays according to group identity, whites will lose. That's why I'm not a libertarian.
I got killed by muslims
i was reborn as anti-muslim-antimigrant crusader
We arent anarchists, we are libertarians
People realized most problems right now are caused by a 'libertarian' stance on the economy, culture and immigration
Im a libertarian mestizo and all whites i know are liberals
They got tired of dealing with the stormfags that moved in.
>Stop giving welfare and they will die like flies.
Nice trips.
I get that. However, since we already have the welfare system in effect, if we tried abolishing it there would be mutiny in the streets.
Blacks already hate it when you an officer takes their one their own kind.
You think they will sit back as we take away their own DPS/life support?
But I do agree, I am completely against the welfare program.
libertarians are just useful idiots
Is he our guy for 2020?
>libertarian' stance on the economy
>get out of miy store nigger
wow I love forced association and hate libertarianism that would allow such racism
Only if they are for open borders before you cut welfare.
Nationalists have killed more whites than libertarians, you guys are the useful idiots.
I'd also add that gang membership and violence would be greatly reduced if drugs were available outside the black market.
>You think they will sit back as we take away their own DPS/life support?
So we have to continue funding the welfare system and all the dysfunction it creates...in perpetuity?
Because there might be chimpouts if we try to scale things back?
We're still here.
It's just that last current year half the threads were about getting Trump into office + other memes and happenings (Breixit notably) and CTR shills.
>Don't give wellfare and they won't come.
what about SS, Disability and Medicare? you want to take those away from people who payed taxes their whole life?
1. Many of them are fucking weird
2. The ones that act normal act as if they are somehow intelluctually superiour than everyone and their ideas are the one and only.
They are what we call in the streets "cunts."
I still am a libertarian, but only for white people.
Wean them slowly off it.
This is why I won't pay a cent in tax, I'm not gonna fund garbage.
when libertarians gave our tax money to bailout wall street criminals
I would. And I would accommodate them.
Why, i didn't
I'm here for memes
To avoid a total civil war or chaos.
I am hate the welfare shit as much as the next guy,
Who did that? I haven't met a single libertarian who advocated for that.
It was a scam. the dollar was and still is intentionally inflated so that no matter how much you save, you lose 2 percent every year
Cool story bro
You still need borders and some form of protectionism even if it's minor.
You can't rely on others and can't expect them to assimilate
>when libertarians gave our tax money to bailout wall street criminals
That's the exact opposite of libertarian views. Libertarians obviously didn't do that (because then they wouldn't be libertarians).
>welfare is the root of all evil
Fuck off, Shmuley. People would still come from all over the world just to escape their 3rd world shitholes and work for 2 pesos/hr.
There have been several proposal to phase out of these programs over a generation. I think everyone will admit this kind of "technical" difficulties are completely secondary, the blocking thing is that people want some collectivism.
When I realized that limited government sucks because it literally can never happen, so I became an ancap.
Case in point: Sweden, Norway, Germany, France.
Even Indonesia is now calling for sharia law, while previously this country was heralded as a westernised Islamic country.
You seem to think that freedom and culture can be preserved without thought to ethnicity. You are wrong. There are people who would gladly accept the freedom you offer, only to destroy it.
They grew up
strange coming from someone living in Scandinavian socialist state like Norway.
scam or not the great society programs have benefited millions without the need for wallstreet nesteggs. you cant just take that away and expect the millions of boomers to be happy about it.
Kys ancaps are a meme
>shitskins will come to work
You are giving them too much credit, besides that its OK as long as they are not criminals, because they are driving the prices down
That is more like fake-capitalism
But those countries are social democracies, not minarchist
Libertarians are degenerate.
And the free market isn't as beneficial to consumers as libertarians think it is.
In the UK we have experimented back and forth between using the free market to provide our nations services and nationalizing them. Every time it seems like it costs less and we get better service when nationalization occurs.
me personally? I've been hybridizing some kind of ultra-bastard child philosophy of libertarianism, socialism and nationalism
When I discovered anarcho-capitalism, Murray Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Libertarianism is AnCap not taken to its full logical extent.
They're only a meme to people who make assumptions regarding what Anarcho-Capitalism is.
I did not. Being libertarian is just having common sense.
>Nationalists have killed more whites than libertarians
are you retarded?
Anarcho capitalism is a joke you guys give libertarians a bad name
My understanding is that a libertarian government would have a military to protect citizens against foreign threats and other citizens, and that's about it.
Many whites died because of hitler
>when libertarians gave our tax money to bailout wall street criminals
Obama is a libertarian?
They don't understand the imperative nature of borders language and culture.
Two words,
Open boarders.
Why do they come?
It's only a joke to people who have accepted strawman arguments as valid.
your a stupid idiot. Hitler was trying to prevent a Bolshevik takeover of Europe. Libertarianism has nothing to do with Geopolitics of Europe.
I'm curious, what would happen if a bunch of people decided they wanted to start their own government and branded as a company.
Walled in huge areas. Attracting people into it and then declared themselves a state?
In the absence of a state, a state will form. Anarchy is impossible.
More like they understand them enough to know that they cant control them centraly like socialists and facist would like to.
Except for the open borders idiots.
>Libertarians are degenerate.
Libertarians are generate.
Are you saying that libertarians are in favor of crony capitalism? Are you fucking retarded?
Then we'd have a government.
Then how can anarcho capitalism work (last)?
It would still be a government, give it a hundred years and it will be taxing citizens and holding elections. .
"We have to have government, otherwise people will form governments."
Libertarians are against all forms of Government regulation. As ive stated before Libertarians = Useful Idiots.
You're making a non-sequitur argument.
>markets begin to stabilize
>regulate them
>prices begin to rise due to welfare being a shit idea
More like we have to have a small self-limiting government, otherwise people might form dictatorships.
Let me fix that for you
We have to have government, otherwise people will form governments that are counter to ours.*
Why? If it doesn't work, what's the point?
>Libertarians are against all forms of Government regulation
>usefull idiots
For whom are they the usefull idiot then?
Stop falsely repeating based Yuri's words without understanding them.
Con-men looking to part people with their resources.
Libertarians don't do a good job of defending (or for that matter defining) Libertarianism. Even the party platform is aimed at people who take things at face value. For someone who actually expects concrete policy proposals, plastering FREEDOM and LIBERTY on your positions as much as possible is a red flag. The lack of actual, actionable policies is why I like to think of Libertarians as the other side of the neo-Marxist coin. They both live in fantasy land, don't really care about the source material, and their proposals have large enough holes to fly a 747 through.
Libertarians are controlled opposition, they have been around for hundreds of years and accomplished NOTHING.
Literally useless.
I couldn't decide between dewey decimal or library of congress organizational systems.
Problem with Libertarians is they aren't as smart as Socialists are. Its always about whats in muh eighth paragraph second line of Constitution. They dont bother studying Economic theory, Geopolitics and only blather about muh Free market, muh Constitution muh Ayn Rand.