Sell all your stocks fast when the market opens.
Have worked with banking the last 30 years and trust me something big will happen, the stocks are almost 70 % overvalued. 02-01-2017 will be remembered, you heard it from Sup Forums first.
ironically if we all got together we could in theory cause a market crash ourselves and our jew the jews.
Nice try, kike. We all know you're getting ready to short your stocks.
Reported to the SEC
What's going to happen?
Just a lil insight plz.
>that LARP
Kys norfag
Implying all the algos wouldn't buy into the dip and push it right back up
>people playing in upperclass casino aka wallstreet
>suprised when they lose money
why are people actually putting money in there if everyone should know that you are either gambling with pretty bad odds, or screwing over the system and thus the people?
Although this WILL happen sooner or later (lets hope sooner), it prolly wont happen tomorrow..
>Sell all your stocks
Done. Wow that was an easy $0.
nice bait
Algos are chimping out when liquidity is terrible. I sit on swap desk for corporates and I'm no longer surprised when some currency pair flashcrashes overnight.
U bears have been saying its going to crash fsine 2009. Just give it up you lost. The jews got out of the financial crisis and all you did was miss massive upside
OP is a jew and wants us to lower the prices for him
Nope pharma is going to bump up %15 Tuesday
I agree with this kike. The federal reserve has raised interest rates again (like December 2015) and the market tanked (worst yearly opening ever) in January 2016. The FED is highly political and they want to pop the stock market bubble as retaliation to Trump's election
Tbh wouldn't it be better to sell them now and then re-buy on 1/20/17 when the market spooks when trump takes office and they go low again for a day or 2?
> stocks are overvalued
Well no shit if you pump printed money into the market for a decade.
Buy bitcoin then boys its habbening
Bitcon is just another Ponzi scheme. Only bought to be flipped.
so is that the second of january or the first of febuary i cant tell anymore
It's tomorrow britnog.