The fate of the human race depends on you stopping masturbation to anime!
Reminder that if you don't have children before 30, you're literally breeding autism
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Is paternal age controlled for the age of the mother?
this is not even close to true, however, you are giving your kids less of a chance at life because you will probably die when they are still young and scar them for life. this happened to me and my sister, I was 16 and she was 14, my mom was 50 when she had me and 52 when she had my sister, she died when we were teens, then my dad died two years later and I ended up raising my sister basically, I got a house and a car, but still, its kind of weird at 21 telling people both my parents are dead, for some reason people just think I am damaged goods immediately. fuck it, I still finished school high school, so did my sister, and I have a good enough job for now. I'll work on being a normal human later.
>This isn't true
>my life is horrible shit
Seems true enough to me.
>the best time to breed is when you have no money
That explains a lot, desu
I'd like to see this in current year, with overdiagnosis and all the dystopic chemical shit we don't or can't account for in our daily life and how it affects rates.
See It's not just autism, that's just the main metric, a whole buttload of genetic problems accumulate over time.
Autism is genetic and autistic women have kids at a later age.
LOL sounds like you've been heavily indoctrinated by kikes. You need almost NO money to raise children. Then again, if you're a retard who lacks a good work ethic and some ingenuity I could see how that might be har dfor you.
Sperm is at its peak at age 25. There is no reason that y'all shouldn't be breeding as early as 18-20. This is when our ancestors would have had families. I don't know how anyone thinks it makes sense to wait for 10+ years after becoming a sexually mature, fertile being to mate. It's completely unnatural and retarded.
>paternal mtDNA was not a factor
is this saying that only the mother's age factors, or just that it wasn't measured for the purposes of this particular study
blame it on the social and economic factors that have made it impossible to have two kids and stay above the poverty line without a top 10% paying job or a huge savings.
what are the orange and blue lines?
I have two kids, about to have a third, and I only make 22,000/year. My kids have everything they want and need and my wife is even a stay at home mom.
Is that so hard for you americunts to stop saying "Human RACE".. ?
It's a specie not a race.. that is not the same thing at all you retards
do you live in a literal hole in the ground?
Nope, Oregon Coast, two bedroom house with a yard. I'll admit that living expenses are getting a bit high here for us, we moved here a few years ago and so we're only paying $750 for this place and you can't afford anything similar here anymore for less than $1000, but that's easily solved by moving to a new affordable place.
Literally the phrase before
>mtDNA is inherited only maternally
Though genetic degradation is a constant in either sex.
The dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals.
Here are the different age matchups.
my mother had me when she was 34, and I'm autistic lmao
those graphs are misleading. it looks as if there's a lower probability of autism when the maternal age is over 40 and the father is age 20, than when the mother is under 35 and the father is age 50.
when you look at the scales you see a father being 60 years old with a mother under 35 is just as likely to have a child with autism as a mother who's over 40 with a father who's 20
As I said, autism is just one complication. There's loads of reasons the risk of problems increases exponentially with time. More mutations = more degradation of the genetic code.
Socioeconomic factors aside, it's pretty plain that early life birth is better than late.
They will be used as bargaining chips during the reign of the New World Order. No bargaining chips=nothing to lose
This is the worse time to be having kids and getting married
its actually 1-1,5% its probability, so
1 = 100%
0.1 = 10%
0.01 = 1%
still that fucking graph, it basically means nothing.
The increase from 25 to 35 is like 0.3%
I see, you want more scary stuff.
I agree goy, it's merely a coincidence that autism has arisen in line with increasingly later births, goy!
This autism term is nothing more than a scare factor. If you can socialize like normal people, get into activies, or whatever, you're normal.
Autism is the ultimate redpill, JewP. I've never heard of an autist voting for a liberal. You're just trying to ensure the next generation of (D) voters as soon as possible, and I'll be no part of it. In about 30 years, I'll have as many children as possible, just to make sure that there are more autists to vote for Barron Trump.
>age is just a number, genetics aren't real
really made me think.
sounds like you did good user
man I remember when people would excitedly anonce how they'd not kill themselves, propose to their gfs, start families and such on here
that was three months ago. Where did all the post Trump euphoria go?
It's starting to sink in that we somehow meme'd a man into the most powerful office in the world, and he in all likelihood has no idea what he's doing.
Melania had Barron *right* on the cusp of every genetic marker going to hell, which I'm sure they were aware of. Trump's age might have created more complications down the line, though all signs seem to show that he has very good genetics.
By the time 2044 rolls around, Barron's rule is assured.
(note, if you believe this graph, you have autism)
Then why does a 23 year old girl go out with a man who has college aged kids?
I gotchu senpai i am on day 4 of nofap longest streak in almost ten years pray for me
yeah but it went away so quickly
and a lot of posts I see are still very much pro Trump
Here, I edited your graph. Let's shitpost this everywhere, to scare women into having children at a younger age, and not pursuing degrees/school
...the fact that your 23yo waifu chooses a sugar daddy over your retarded ass has nothing at all to do with genetics.
at least use a better source
>rate per 10000
and again till 35 its a none issue. So there is no problem if someone chooses to breed with a woman that is below 35.
If you breed with a woman in her 40s you are retarded anyway.
Nature - Molecular Psychiatry
The specifics might not be well understood, but there's no denying all the trends match up.
The leaf problem is a whole 'nother issue.
Except at age 20 I cant pull the quality pussy I can get at age 35 when I have money to get a fine breeding female younger than myself. Probably more important to pick a quality girl, than to rush.
If you want a long, lasting marriage your probably right.
Young women are sluts nowadays.
>for some reason people just think I am damaged goods immediately
Only some. Rest will slightly-pity you but consider you more adult than the rest. A good catch, possibly.
>stopping masturbation to anime!
Done. We fap to toobie now.
Well like I said, this is genetics, not socioeconomics.
However, on that front things are changing too. The linear graph for divorce has changed to quadratic. The optimal time now looks to be 28-30.
Nobody wants to talk about the continuation of the species, eh?
Seriously, nobody?!?!?
Fuck early, fuck often!
You make me want to cry
Make some other more useful fluids.
Don't have kids.
Leafs lose faith with anything. Gas all these faggots.
Fuck humanity. All its going to do is surrender itself to Islam anyway. Why keep humanity on life support?
There is truth to this. Went to school with a guy where his mom was 45 & his dad was 65 when he was born. Guess his dad died when he was 15. The guy was obviously autistic, but was book smart so made it through despite asking the prof a question every fucking 15 minutes. The mum helicoptered the shit out of him, buying him a brand new truck & calling the school weekly when someone gave him a hard time. Guy was jacked as shit but couldn't do anything with girls other than dancing, even when interested in him. Closet homo.
nobody has shown an autism gene
There is no "autism gene", it's a grab bag for a whole host of disorders which originate from genetic anomalies. And like everything to do with breeding and genetics, the problem multiplies quickly.
Reminder that science is fucking retarded on this issue because it's logical that people should not produce a child until their brains have fully developed into that of a full grown adult's brain.
Reminder that the prevailing problem isn't people with "autism," but too many "adults" that were brought into this world by people who weren't yet fully grown adults in the first place.
Your brains have nothing to do with eggs and sperm. I know you're trying to make a nurture vs nature argument, but degradation of the chromosomes can be observed without birthing the thing.
So...that's what those migrants are for...