What is the most ridiculous law in your country?
What is the most ridiculous law in your country?
You aren't allowed to kill niggers.
Loli is illegal
No capital punishment.
Fags can get married
I can legally fuck a dog
no death sentence
Allowing illegals to come in easily.
I live in a California ghetto. Used to be full of old Asians and some whites. Now its full of illegal Mexicans. This probably only applies to California though.
You can be prosecuted for raping your whife.
The wet foot/dry foot law in Florida is kind of ridiculous.
fucking this
Aborigines are no longer fauna.
>Driver's licence automatically signs you up to vote
>Give illegals driver's licenses
>Illegals vote
Fucking California
A slingshot is considered an illegal firearm, a bow and arrow is not.
21 is the legal drinking age. I've seen Brits compare this to Saudi Arabia
It backfired on Clinton and the democrats though.
Who knew that Cubans fleeing a commie shithole wouldn't support the party which tilts increasingly socialist every year? Bill Clinton didn't know
In Oklahoma, it's illegal to go whaling.
You can marry your cousin.
they were always closer to flora anyways
Delete this
We can't shoot fags or niggers in the face on site
Can't spank kids
You can not cross state borders with a duck on your head.
It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour.
Can't legally fuck a dog (but it can legally fuck me - which is ok)
Women can vote.
Its illegal to deny or question the Holocaust
Damnit I had a whaling trip to Oklahoma planed for 2017. Reeee
It's illegal to walk across Boston Common on a Sunday afternoon without a loaded shotgun
Liberals will say "how will millions of illegals vote?"
>Muh Russians hacking the election!
I witnessed a horde of Mexicans voting. Too bad there's the no camera policy.
At least Trump is President and will do something about it though.
(((((((humane punishments)))))
That's my favorite law desu...
You can't serve mayo on toased bread at a fastfood joint because it's a health risk according to the FSA.
It is illegal in the state of Ohio to get a fish drunk
Yeah, land-whales are off limits too.
You cant cut cheeseburgers in half
Can you do time out?
>Trump is President and will do something about it though.
I'm not that confident desu
Can't grow avocados and other stonefruit without a permit, which only lasts a year. It's bs
If someone doesnt know xir pronouns right, xe can end up in jail for hate crime
can't say mean things or say anything that could be perceived as mean.
But I have my harpoon ready!
The one about not being able to discriminate
That's fucked up
same here desu. is it possible to bring slingshots from other countries so that i can destroy normie property?
is it true that you can vote without ID in the US?
Abortion is legal
"hate speech" is somehow illegal and can be fined despite fact that our constitution clearly says anyone can say the fuck they want.
Whether it happened or not you're forced to believe it, fucking brainwashing kikes
Can't drink alcohol until the age of 21
In most states. Because IDs are "racist."
what, is this real?
There was a law in my county that stated you were not allowed to walk on the sidewalk and eat ice cream at the same time.
Not enforced, but CA has some batshit laws on the books.
>Fag marriage is legal
>race mixing is legal
>bans on "high capacity magazines"
Yes, in some states.
These are the best so far.
In the Canadian Province of Quebec, it is illegal to speak English.
There are a few:
1) Gay marriage.
2) Handgun ban.
3) Inheritsnce tax.
4) Snoopers charter.
You can not collect the rain off your roof.
You can not spit on the side walk
You can not frawn at police officers
In my hometown it was not legal to butcher a pig on Main Street....it's in NJ.
You can't in the UK either. Hasn't caused many problems but they are trialing ID votes soon. You can even use a utility bill.
Birthright citizenship
Can vote without ID
Almost no other country does this stupid shit.
In WV it is legal to beat your wife on the courthouse steps but only on Sundays
this is a biggie for me too
The inventor died 2 days ago as well
undercooked- you would get sick from eating that shit
INB4 a fellow scotbong posts
>If someone knocks on your door asking to use your toilet you need to let them.
this is not true at all.
>Birthright citizenship
>Can vote without ID
This is so fucking retarded, specially the second one. Every one here is obliged by law to have a universal ID to do pretty much anything.
Am French, can confirm this is fine cuisine
"hate speech" and "blasphemy" laws
ik, that's what makes those webms so good
You can sell fireworks in my state, but not to people that live in it
>and there's not a tax they will not vote for
Property tax...
A cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. You cant say its only a half
95-97% of the 500,000/year we let in (highest in the world at 1.5% of population) have to be non-White and preferably Muslim
Also not addressing someone by their proper pronouns is now a crime
Did he choke on the toy?
what the fuck am i watching
banning these
whoever had the idea should kys herself
That extreme left multiculturalism, faggots and drugs is OK but right wingers who oppose mass immigration are nazis and bad.
Eh, you're out of luck man. There's plenty of zombies no-one no would care about if they went missing though. So there's that.
in europe you have to pay to use the toilet
if you can do a job extremely well and are the perfect hire for a job, the company has to hire skill-less Pajeet instead of you because you're a white male
Though not actively enforced, in my home state it is technically a crime for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public.
If you fire someone you have to pay them extra money. So when we fire someone for stealing, we have to give them even more money.
Also abortion is illegal.
isn't child prostitution legal in commiefornia too?
I'm recovering from a nasty bout of diarrhea and that stick of lard is what my toilet typically looked like every 30 minutes or so, just not red
>kys herself
Does not compute
You have to pay to use public toilets in lots of our large cities as well, SF and Chicago do this
No your can't.
You can PERFORM oral sex on a MALE dog.
That's it
In Sc minors can not get food that is less than well done. As in no med/rare stake or burgers can be served to them.
In the UK, it's still illegal to kill a muslim
Fucking madness
>Raw ground beef
this is deeply disturbing.
Holy shit this is disgusting
Anchor babies
snoopers charter
You can't see any tobacco products in a regular store(only in tobacco shops), this means you can't really make them show you what they got, this is really stupid because you have to same the exact name of the thing you wan't, they just end up opening the shit anyway..
Shit on the floor or on the side walk right out front.