Todays list of Irrelevant shitposts by communists pigs.
With a special thanks to leafybro(believe it or not)
List of threads not to answer by following these..
Todays list of Irrelevant shitposts by communists pigs.
With a special thanks to leafybro(believe it or not)
List of threads not to answer by following these..
patriotic bump
can you make an infographic with examples of /leftypol/ theads or something?
mods don't give a fuck, welcome to tumblr-Sup Forums
How does one apply to be a mod?
We need someone to represent our culture. The left does not.
it's time for us to flood /qa/ until hirojew fire the leftypol mod and find a good mod for Sup Forums
I'm not that good. But you can follow these posts i've linked to and see. Easy to spot
Mods are very rarely selected from the janitor pool when one is removed or they need more to keep up. The janny must be active in circlejerk irc channels to be considered. Be aware the /leftypol/ and others flood janitor applications for Sup Forums every time it's open, so you have a slim chance of being selected
Seriously, if it pays $$$ I will do it.
I'm a red blooded conservative.
This is a cultural milestone, Sup Forums is.
I will be damned if I watch it erode.
There needs to be a case made for our culture. IT IS NOT LEFT. Lefty politics are mainstream. THIS IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums didn't turn to complete shit until you fags started talking about this place on T_D. Sup Forums harbor was a thing, and we have gone through some changes here and there. But you shitposting fags that talked about dank memes and Pepe on plebbit killed it.
Gookmoot will likely not change things because even if the board changes, the numbers are WAY up. He doesn't care about board culture, he cares about clicks, this is a business investment for him.
Fuck you nu/pol/
I'll give you a bump for dedication.
The real dedication goes to Leafybro who is making this list really
build us an ark, you nordic fuck. your work will set us free!
I'm tired for today. Ty guys keep up the work
I had my email account hacked recently and I'm not comfortable clicking on links.