I hate this stupid shitty fucking "country" so much. Every fucking thread full of fucking leafs shitting up discussion with their cuckposting and dogfucking hentai. Fucking nuke this place or range band them already, they're barely even human.
I hate this stupid shitty fucking "country" so much...
Other urls found in this thread:
This looks to me like a fellow leaf using a proxy to make Americans look butthurt.
fuck off leaf go back to the kennel
Sup Forums belongs to the leaf master race, and there's nothing you can do about it, fat little American cuckboy.
You mad bitch boy?
Look about right.
Its funny to see how everyone on Sup Forums buys into Trudeau's leftie persona when its obviously a facade. The man's a neocon; he supports free trade, immigration to provide a cheap source o f labour, and sucking chink cock, just like the Conservatives did. His diverse cabinent and accepting refugees is just virtue signalling to make lefties feel good about themselves, they aren't bringing in any meaningful changes. Based on how Sup Forums reacts to him I'd say he's succedded.
you guys are so cucked you blame yourselves for this thread
>if we let our enemies shit on us, we win
>Durrr he's playing 5D Chess guys! xD Obviously!
No. Just fucking No.
>he doesn't think that Trudeau is just shitposting irl
>5d chess
Nothing so sophisticated, he just posts enough crap on social media to make liberals feel good about themselves for supporting him, so that they'll ignore the other crap he does that doesn't get as much attention (such as a recent pay to play scandal involving chinese business magnates).
He maintains a surface appearance to appease his supporters that doesn't reflect his policies, nothing politicians haven't been doing for millenia.
I agree with you crapanada is a fucking trash place built up on falsehoods of shitty ideals.Hell this land has a fucking drama teacher as its leader and Canadians talk shit to trump fuck crapanada......
God dammit, you just had to go and say "master race".
I'm literally trying to not post here, cause doing so makes my real life turn to shit.
canadians have some evil meme hive mind magic where they ruin the lives of anyone "talking bad about canada"
I've said too much.
Fuck life in canada as well. Poverty and snow sucks.
Don't worry. The day of the rake is coming,
Where the fuck is this dog fucking hentai? Fucking liar.
America is shit
Americans aren't human
You're in america dumbass. America's the continent, USA is the country.
Uh oh we got a but hurt leaf here oh em gee guys prepare your selves for some eurotrash talking points.
You're a total and utter faggot. With AIDS.
KYS immediately.
You're just jealous of our 78% whiteness, you 57% negroid
This is the thing that makes me laugh about Sup Forums /pop/
What a bunch of total fucking irrelevant losers some of you people are.
We have political issues going on in this world right now that are unprecedented and incredibly important, yet here is another American idiot starting a thread bashing Canadians. Why? How is this a relevant topic for Sup Forums ?
Why are you ignoring the massively important issues going on right now and instead dragging the discussion down to a pissing match between your country and another country? Are you really this stupid? Or do you have an agenda?
Why does Canada bother you so much? Is your penis that tiny?
Here, do you really want to do something constructive? Stop fagging around with the anti-Canada posts and start using your time to research what's happening with the money-laundering, corruption and child fucking trafficking going on in your own AMERICAN government. Bring these fuckers to justice.
I must admit, leaves are quite annoying as posters.
>78% whiteness
i thought you guys were 90%+
We're probably one of the least cucked countries on earth.
OP is a bitch
The real US/Canadian relationship
>Swiss posting intensifies.
We get it, mountains are pretty.
Can you explain how?
Considering the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, states they are merely privileges which can be removed if the government feel threatened.
How are canadians "the least cucked" ?
PS: Who's the Prime Minister again??
>Lying is now considered 5d chess meme
You have to be real dumb to believe this. Trudeau is a liar. Last time a liberal was in office (his father, pier Trudeau) he fucked over Canada so bad to make people never vote liberal for the next 30 years.
Liberals just show us how stupid they are.
This is a Canadian board, now.
When did the leaf replace Australia and Finland as the premiere shitposters?
>hey guys look at me, im making fun of leaf posters so that i can fit in on Sup Forums, Im cool now r-right?
Hello newfag and heres your (((you)))
there have been lots of liberal prime ministers since pierre trudeau
Stop destroying Europe
When a bunch of faggots thought it would be funny to shitpost loudly with Canadian proxies.
yeah nah
>"Le Leaf" containment thread for micropenis autists to post the same pictures they've posted in the same thread that shows up every 4 hours.
You guys know that making threads about shitposting is shitposting right?
I beg to differ we got a sand nigger for a pm in power that sucks muslim dicks and a shit load of trash premiers so fuck Cucknada
This is the thing that makes me laugh about Sup Forums /galaxy/
What a bunch of total fucking irrelevant losers some of you aliens are.
We have intergalactic issues going on in this system right now that are unprecedented and incredibly important, yet here is another Grey idiot starting a thread bashing Reptilians. Why? How is this a relevant topic for /galaxy/ ?
Why are you ignoring the massively important issues going on right now and instead dragging the discussion down to a pissing match between your system and another system? Are you really this stupid? Or do you have an agenda?
Why do the Reptilians bother you so much? Is your starship that tiny?
Here, do you really want to do something constructive? Stop fagging around with the anti-Grey posts and start using your time to research what's happening with the asteroid-mining, smuggling and rebel fucking scum going on in your own REPTILIAN government. Bring these fuckers to justice.
The Leafs have a blessed place here on Sup Forums despite having been infested by lefties, shills and globalist-sympathisers.
Let them have their fun. I laugh at their posts 15% of the time. The rest may be rage but at least it´s a feeling.
Your shitposting is oftentimes so horrid and soulwrenchingly foul that it sucks energy and focus away from Kek! Away from Pepe! And away from the saving of the West that is our destiny.
You are unconscious subversionist agents of distraction. DAY OF THE REEEEEEAKEEEEE