WTF I love the current year now.
Looks like they're still using a 2016 talking point, from the DNC, no less.
what is wrong with you?
2017 will be even worse. 2016 was only the sampler dish. Mark my words.
Really makes u think
uhm if you take down the wall doesn't that mean they would start fighting?
that makes a lot more sense
it is a new start for europe and the world
>they're all white
>implying the conflicts don't come from the proximity
Good lord.
why don't see leftists that comic is racist, at least they would consider a comic racist if there are only whites. I'm not sure if they even spot this incongruity.
Do these idiots think a pendulum swings down from the left, stops, and swings back up to the left again?
>That really activates my almonds.
I take the two groups to be Nationalist and Socialists, arguing through 2016 only to reconcile this year and create the greatest NatSoc society man has ever known.
>now that we lost its time to play nice guys just forget how badly we treated you when we were in power
>we totally would extend the same to you if we won
I prefer my version
Pretty much. They seem to think that nationalism and wanting to protect the well being of your people is completely unnatural and appears inexplicably.
Why does Hey Arnold want to keep out Gerald and his family?
Son of a bitch
>Hey that looks like that...n-no they won't make the connection
>Why does Hey Arnold want to keep out Gerald and his family?
Shit I don't know this yank cartoon. Let me look up this Gerald guy
1st pic
I'm fairly certain Phoebe was Asian.
Bump for tolerance
>Dutch intellectuals
I don't get this.
Tribalism and nationalism has literally been the way of humanity since humanity became a thing. If anything, the last 50 years or so has been the aberration, not '2016'.
The pendulum will probably only swing once and go back to where it's been for the last 40, 000 years.
This is trash.
That's the point. The artist is a white nationalist.
>no more walls between whites
so in 2018 we have two walls
hoping for an edit where 2016 is holding back a horde of mongrels
and in 2017 they're slaughtering the whities
2017 is the year of kek.
It's good that the leftists still have hope. This will make 2017 even more painful for them.
Make shitskins suicide bombers
2017 is gonna suck. The left wing is going to get increasingly radical under Trump's administration and more war is on the horizon,
>Leftists needing hope when they still have their fingers in so many places.