>Malcolm's family raised by two working parents has alpha troublemaker sons
>Boy raised solely by his mother is a beta cuck
Redpilled TV Shows
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Daphney was such a little bitch.
They got all their quotas out the way with stevie.
Based show.
Malcolm in the Middle
WRONG. Literally only Reece was alpha, and he was also a complete fucking dumbass. Malcolm was smart but that side of him was played down a lot that it became incidental, and his character just became a 'regular kid/loser' type. Dewey was just straight up fucking autistic.
King of the Hill
>anti sjw
>pro family
>traditional conservative values
Aw man that was a good show, I like how Dale was a conservacuck before that was even a thing.
This is liberalism in disguise.
It is fairly obvious...
Last man standing.
maybe 'the league'
Reece was not Alpha
Reece was dumb as shit
Also don't forget Francis who got sent to the military
Reminder that Francis did nothing wrong and that Lois is a crazy bitch
>sports ball
>degeneracy with taco and what ever that guys name is
Spin City
They major fucks around with any minority there is. But vecause he's dumb
>fairly obvious
if it isn't extremely clear to you that family guy is a liberal show, you're a complete moron
>sports ball
that's what 90% of males who aren't weebos watch in their pare time.
there is a jew (as in just one), are tv shows not allowed to have people who are jewish?
>degeneracy with taco
pretty sure taco is potrayed as a total loser
Unironically this, I finally get the jew jokes
Dale was always anti-government, he was a literal cuck tho
More like Libertarianism, like South Park
This underrated masterpiece is by far the most redpilled show I've watched
Family Guy is like fast food
I feel guilty for enjoying it
To be fair Francis was alpha
>Did his own shit as a youth, broke all the rules
>Became a man at military school
>Defoo'd his shitty parents for being cunts
>Continued doing his own shit, didn't give one fuck
>Married a qt
>Still didn't take any shit from that cunt Lois
most based tv show was sledge hammer. you fags are too young to know it.
Sad! On multiple occasions all the kids are alpha af and stand up for their family. Bonus points for francis ditching the hot black chick to fight clowns
if you actually watched the show you would realize that Hank Hill has mental problems. He works for a corrupt propane company that has a boss that's always involved in all types of scandals involving sex or shady deals and yet Hank still idolizes the man and overlooks his lifestyle simply because he sells propane. He is neurotic, concerned with appearances and has no connection to Bobby his only son because his son actually has intellect but is aimless and overweight because neither parents take any kind of true interest in their son.
Peggy is a feminist, a public school teacher, speaks spanish.
Bill is a 40 year old loser manchild who was only ever a barber in the army and has a idiotic crush on Peggy even though she is married and has a child but he's a fat, overweight loser. Nobody actually cares about Bill.
Dale is a cuck, but actually has a decent job, running his own business and has his downstairs basement office/lab/etc. His wife is a cheating whore who can't socially or emotionally connect with Dale because she is still mentally 19 and a weather caster and obsessed with appearance and she can't stand her plain husband because she is a vain, shallow whore.
John Redcorn is the last vestige of his broken ancestral people, who masquerades as a mystical healer when all he is, is a herbalist who lives in a small camping trailer. He is completely fucked because his son is being raised by a white man and will have no connection to his Indian blood. He also won't actually get to have a relationship with Dale's wife because she couldn't handle the public shame of being a cheater with another man's child.
The freest character is Boomhower, who lives basically as a bachelor. He has regular romantic interests, but shows no signs of getting married. He is the most sane person and is not caught up really in anyone elses affairs.
>watching niggers catch balls for millions
not a cuck
South Park was way ahead of its time. These last couple of seasons have been really liberal but as a series it's pretty redpilled
But she doesn't speak spanish
His life was shit though
And iirc his chink girlfriend left him or something in the later seasons
Just annoyed me how he was constantly being screwed
Oh, dilbert is also pretty good.
>You will never see Malcolm in the Middle in that visual fidelity
The first few seasons were
Matt is that you?
yea it's kinda sad, but hank isn't that fucked. his difficulty connecting with bobby is a recurring theme but it's often resolved as well. Boomhauer is based af.
The joke behind Dale's character is that he's such a huge conspiracist and distrustful of government in general, but can't see the plain truth that his wife is cucking him.
>bunch of man childern discuss 10+ year old network shows from their teenage years on a Brazilian bird identifying web forum because they havn't had real lives in 10 years
>all shows with huge Jewish influence
>"they made me laugh so they're redpilled"
Too bad Hal actor is a cuck.
John Redcorn was the true alpha of KoTH
Is that why no one really understands what he says and inserts what they want to hear from him?
You're 100% right. But Hank is a pretty good dude at the end of the day.
his indian girlfriend never left him, and in the end he has a comfy office job
only bad thing was when they hastily wrote off the dude ranch plot by having him get fired and sued
IK, so disappointed to see Saul's actor in an "electors pls don't vote for Drumpf" plea video.
It's not that. They touched on a lot of real issues , the big gay al episode was way ahead of its time
>His life was shit though
He became a genuine badass and had a cushy job at that ranch.
Titus is pretty good. It disappeared though.
Also this. Rmember the feminism episode. Only Reese isn't a libcuck.
>and had a cushy job at that ranch
Which he got fired from.
Fox canned it because they wanted to have Titus and Erin divorced to spike up the ratings(like Dharma and Greg) and Chris wouldn't have none of it because it wasn't true to his life
Ironically in 2006 he divorced the real life Erin because she was an abusive cunt
Stacy Keach as Ken Titus is underrated as fuck. Has to be one of the best TV dads ever
>In the episode Graduation, Francis was revealed to have finally gotten an amazing job at AmeriSys Industries. Francis wanted to keep this a secret from Lois because he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of letting her know that he got a job. Instead, he wanted to spite her with the "fact" that he was never going to become employed because as he mentioned, he's a "free spirit". Hal is the only one in the family who knew about this. After this, Francis pretty much spent the rest of his days making tons of money off of his great job and occasuonally pretending that he was still an unemployed old bum in front of his angry, diapproving mother, Lois.
yeah what happened with otto and gretchen?
I believe he dude who played Otto was having health problems and they didn't want him dying while filming so they cut it.
Unrelated but
>tfw that dude who played Francis' commander/general died a few years ago
Damn that sucks.
ah shame, they were great characters.
bit annoyed it all went downhill for Francis though, liked him.
You're mostly correct with the exception of Hank. Hank is neurotic because of his own shitty upbringing (Cotton flying off the handle at the drop of a hat, his ineffective mother retreating into her figurines). He's concerned with appearances because he understands the importance of social norms as well as social shaming.
Hank also doesnt have a connection to Bobby bcause they share nothing in common. They even state as much in the episode where Bobby grades meat. Bobby is the result of a boy raised too much by his mother and not enough by his father.
>Bobby has intellect
Lol no, even when given attention, hes shown as an average student at best.
commandant Spangler?? nooooo :(
Some major mistakes there......
Hank idolizes Buck Strickland because Buck is a charming asshole and more to the point, cares about Hank/gives him the positive re-enforcement his abusive father never gave him. They even spell it out in the Habitat for Humanity/Jimmy Carter episode, when Cotton has a psychotic break and tries to kill Hank when he realizes that Hank considers Buck more of a father than Cotton.
Also the Dale/Nancy relationship is far more complicated. It's never outright stated, but Nancy truly loved Dale at the start of their relationship and the show heavily implies it was a whirlwind courtship with Nancy possibly falling for Dale after being dumped.
It was not until after the wedding that all of Dale's assorted failings (his paranoia about the government and conspiracy theory obsession) became apparent, causing her to develop migraines and led to her meting John Redcorn and their affair.
It was not until John Redcorn demanded some alone time (due to him feeling suffocated by her) one night, plus Hank/Peggy inviting them out for couples night, did she fall in love with Dale again as far as Dale unknowiningly reminding her why she married him in the first place. Leading to her renouncing Redcorn and resurrecting the relationship with Dale for real.
Also the show has strongly implied Dale knew all along about the affair and has stayed silent explicitly because Redcorn knocked Nancy up and Dale loved Joseph so much, that he's willing to put up with being seen as a cuck for the sake of Joseph and giving him a normal life.
Also the final season even outright states that being with Dale makes Nancy a better person, since without Dale in her life, she's a conniving bitch.
>And iirc his chink girlfriend left him or something in the later seasons
No she didn't.
>On February 20, 2012, von Bargen shot himself in the temple during an apparent suicide attempt. After placing a phone call to a 911 operator, emergency crews were dispatched to his Montgomery, Ohio, apartment. Von Bargen suffered from diabetes and, at the time of his death, had been living with one leg amputated. He was due to have a couple of toes amputated on the other foot and reportedly did not want to submit to another surgery.[9]
>Von Bargen died on March 1, 2015, of undisclosed causes, having experienced complications from diabetes for years.[10] He was 64 years old.[11][12]
wasn't von Bargen the guy from Starship Troopers? He went out like a beast.
>call 911
>shoot self
Feel bad. He was a good actor.
I always hate reading about how people die miserably.
Woah woah woah...
Hold up!
Bryan Cranston was a Hillary Clinton shill during the election, so why should I ever watch Malcolm in the Middle or that overrated plebian series, Breaking Bad ever again?
I've been thinking this recently. The earlier seasons were red pilled, however over time it slowly got jewified, so Seth MacFarlane gave out American Dad, which the whole premise is based on a red-pilled dad.
The Cleveland show was the ultimate jewery, so he made it so shit that no one watches it.
Seth MacFarlane is redpilled in a bluepilled world.
>so why should I ever watch Malcolm in the Middle
Because he's an actor. Actors do what they are paid to do. You can be a far-right nationalist and end up playing a socialist in a movie.
Are you actually this retarded?
That's wishful thinking.
>Dumb dad
>Liberal Dog considered the smart guy
>Stewie is pretty liberal
>Louis is a slut
>Retarded son
>Dyke daughter
>TBS (Turner Broadcasting System) === CNN
>Projecting that actors are slaves & don't pick their roles
Name one cucked movie that Clint Eastwood, James Gandolfini, Jack Nicholson, or Tom Cruise is in...
All those people are typecasted.
Bryan Cranston goes from playing an everyman dad to a drug dealer to the president.
The dog is not considered the smart guy, he's a mindless idiot which is made explicitly clear and even outright stated in several episodes due to his pretentious hippy bullshit
Brian is made out to look like an utter fool multiple times. His liberal views of the world are smashed to pieces every time such a story comes up.
this. best show ever. mike judge is a fucking genius as far as im concerned even though he tried to pull that anti trump shit a little ways back.
anyways that show connects with me on multiple levels because it sort of mirrors my own upbringing and family. my grandfather was basically cotton hill; a salty ass old mean ww2 vet that mentally abused all his children. my dad inherited some of that from him but was mostly like hank. growing up i had zero interest in monkeyball or any team sports so my father and myself didnt have jack shit in common and just kind of cohabitated. i wasnt an effeminate fat retard like bobby but i just had other interests that didnt hold i guess a traditional, masculine stereotype.
now that im grown we share shooting as a hobby and weve both built a respective number of ARs and go shooting every so often and talk about gear and stuff. growing up my dad was kind of a fudd and old shotguns and cop guns didnt really excite me so even though i was interested in firearms it was on two different levels.
unfortunately though i still feel some real resentment over how i was treated like a burden and scoffed at and every so often it surfaces. its like well be having a good time and ill remember something shitty he said or did and instantly pisses me off and ruins what were doing. it never goes away and i can kind of sympathize with hank over how he is with his dad because its like you want to love him but he was such a bastard you have a hard time doing it.
I always considered him the voice of reason but it's been a while since I watched the show.
I'm not taking away from his acting ability nor would I Robert DeNiro's.
I just won't watch either of them anymore & quite honestly I'm starting to think that Taxi Driver & Godfather 2 are overrated anyways, just like Breaking Bad.
I never liked Taxi Driver.
Breaking bad is good but normies trying to meme made it overrated.
>bobby didn't do well in school .
>he dumb
Bobby wasn't classically smart in the way one would think, like school or simple household tasks. However he had moments of brilliance in a way that most would consider unorthodox. He wouldn't necessarily complete a task in the most efficient or mainstream fashion, but where he ended up always showed that he understood concepts and had reasons for doing the things he did
seth mcfarlane is gay
>writes showtunes and whole faggy musical numbers into his cartoons and sings them
>not married
>obsessed with apperance
>not married
>not married
clint eastwood was in that movie where he was a chink lover
Reese and all the other children are actual geniuses, in their own way. Malcolm was a math kid, Dewey a musical genius, Reese was a culinary genius, and I'm actually not sure what Francis was. He ended up in a good way though iirc.
Very underrated show.
Goodfellas is actually pretty shit too.
I love the amount of fag jokes this how had back in early 2000
Chinks aren't that bad, camon.
Go bomb go
I liked it but it's not the type of movie you can watch over and over.
No I think Family Guy is openly liberal as fuck, but the constant jokes about other liberals way of thinking and shit show that Seth is one of those sorta redpilled liberals who are either secretly conservative but can't let anyone find out, or just don't ever actually think through what the logical conclusions of their critiques are.
I'm thinking the latter since Seth is politically active outside of his show and often sets himself against conservatives in his public statements.
I've never seen Raging Bull. Is it good?
Last man standing is redpilled as fuck.. minus the inappropriate angles they show of this daughters at times. That's typical Jew shit
>implying marrying a degenerate whore and not taking care of yourself is a good thing
Wake up and smell the cheeto-dust, burger.
>Gran Torino
>a movie about an old white man befriending the hard-working immigrant asians next door, defending them from nogs and ricers, ultimately sacrificing his life for them whilst punishing his own materialistic, morally bankrupt family
>cucked movie
You're a fucking faggot and you need to go back! Stupid fucking man boob slang
Niggers kill him for no reason, depicts nigger mindset, becomes hero, redpilled.
I'm sure if you were a well known face and worth millions you would have a hard time finding a woman that wasn't looking to clean you out.
The Bill Nye show, back before he sold out.
Man I bet those women would let you do anything. You could grab them right in the pussy.
Tom Cruise is a scientologist
That's arguably worse than being a liberal pleb like Cranston tbqh
The only good thing Seth McFarlane did is writing a couple of Johnny Bravo episodes
His shows are shit