If kek wills it Obama will get arrested for war crimes on Trump's inauguration.
If kek wills it Obama will get arrested for war crimes on Trump's inauguration
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Obama should be arrested for much more than this. Along with Hillary.
Literally didn't even have a war.
Neck yourself you disgusting half breed
Pizzagate is real
Soros will die
Clinton gets arrested
Screencap this
Sheen dies at the inauguration
Digits confirm many salty liberals will rot on the concrete like animals in the coming years.
The Libyans, Syrians, and Yemenis would be surprised to hear that
If doubles Michelle officially comes out as a man. If triples Lena Dunham gets killed by a guy from a minority.
>arrested for war crimes
King nigger won a nobel prize simply for being black, he won't ever face prosecution, even if he were to admit he was foreign born.
Merkel gets raped by a refugee
No one dies, Trump gets impeached after 6 months and Democrats win a supermajority in 2020.
I wonder what's gonna happen to France.
Digits confirm half of Hollywood immigrates to Canada.
Something NICE, I hope.
They'll probably just eat cheese, surrender when faced with aggression, let niggers into their country, and have lots of terrorist attacks
Same as always
German food is crap
Thats russian food.
t. russian
If kek blesses it Katy Perry will announce that she is a untalented libtard.
Obama is a terrorist
Praise Kek
looks good to me
Does that count?
Kek wills something greater