●Caused 1000 years of dark ages in Europe

●Caused 1000 years of dark ages in Europe
●Never invented anything in spite of having the largest population in Europe, the 2 or 3 things they claim to have invented were demonstrably stolen from other people
●Caused 2 world wars, the death of 100 million Europeans and the cultural legacy of self-hate and xenophilia
●Take advantage of higher population to predate on the economy of all their neighboring countries but still manage to be the poorest people in Europe as measured by median wealth
●Can't stop cheating: VW put defeat devices in 11 million cars, Deutsche Bank admitted billions in mortgage fraud, Siemens bribing foreign Governments
●Are letting in millions of invaders that will systematically bring Europe to a new dark age

Why is this country allowed to exist?

Other urls found in this thread:


They are/were white. It's a numbers game, at this point. They are winning.

Can this guy just get banned already?

Can Chaos ever be defeated?

German food is crap


Must make a meme

Why? He's right.
Besides, we can't risk the retarded population of your country to get Merkel elected again.

you're just butthurt because of 7:1


Anyone deserve a third strike....


STFU Abdul, Sprotten are goat-tier seafood

>Never invented anything in spite of having the largest population in Europe

Ok, I'll bite. Germany was responsible for the single largest part of advancements in science, technology, philosophy and society in the last 200-300 years.

>Never invented anything

never, western europe is cucked beyond repair, each and every one of the victims of mudslime and nigger terrorism got and will get exactly what they deserve.

Oh man , reply a bait with another bait you germans are hilarious !

>Could have become the epicenter of European culture but ((they)) had to ruin it.



Lol Americans are so retarded, Hitler would have bombed the shit out of USA just by the fact you were not European.. Get your shit straight, you guys would be inferior race for Hitler.
Have you guys even seen how he divided the races ?

Aryan -> Only pure German people that were not jewish.
Below them, Western EUROPEANS.

Even the Japanese were honorary aryans and superior to americans.

No wonder Russia will destroy that country of obese uneducated rednecks.

We should not get rid of Germany, they are our retarded cousin with mental illness.
Besides, we need someone that will lose all the world wars every time lol. They are getting pro's at it XD

We literally wouldn't have half of the technology we have today if it wasn't for WW1 & 2. Worth it.

>Never invented anything in spite of having the largest population in Europe, the 2 or 3 things they claim to have invented were demonstrably stolen from other people
You mix us up with the Jews.

At lease he was in one unlike your irrelevant rectangle

Don't project Abdul and STFU yourself by the way
Damn arab trolls
>Sprotten are goat-tier seafood
It's because your moon god cult forbids you to eat pork

Shsh American, this talk is between highly educated europeans, just stay on the other side of the ocean please ;3
How many times Americans have to be stomped to learn the majority of europeans dislikes americans ? Lol.

>Never invented anything
They invented the computer you dumb Hue piece of shit
Without them you would never be able to post this shit

Kill yourself

It's always been called Deutsch in Germany

>tfw no conquered kraut loli gf

Why live

>tfw best part of Brazil is German

>●Never invented anything
Tried to upload a list. Max Upload cap reached. Sorry.
Be at least thankful for your german shitposting machine invention, favelafag.

>never invented anything
You know the other shit you posted is at least understandable if you've been mindwiped by the memes here lately. But this "point" is just so stupid anyone could refute it. German was lingua franca in natural science until 1914 for a reason stupid favelamonkey.

Stolen from Panfilo Castaldi:
Guthenberg's connections to Venetian printing are well established.

Zuse's Z1 was basically a copy of Babbage's computer, then someone gave him the brilliant idea of trying to use up-to-date technology instead of just copying like a brainless monkey and the Z3 was born.

So I am doing a short guide to all the potentially relevant parties in the coming election, what should I include?

Why is there turd on those potatoes

>you guys would be inferior race for Hitler.

I think you're projecting my moor friend

TV? Rocket? Car? Car Engine?

Only the later half are true user.

thats a shitty exemple of shitty nazi lack of taste in art.

The roman empire was 1000 more culturally evolved than your beloved "muh germanic third reich".

FUck the Aeternal german barbarian scum.

Nuclear fission? Chromatography? Binary system?

Pick one


Nipkow is not a German name.
>Car Engine
>Nuclear fission
Accidental discovery.
>Chromatography was first employed in Russia by the Italian-born scientist Mikhail Tsvet in 1900
>Binary system
>As a Sinophile, Leibniz was aware of the I Ching, noted with fascination how its hexagrams correspond to the binary numbers from 0 to 111111
Apparently Leibniz was copying the Chinese.

Underrated thread. Don't forget the food and the singularly German fetish for shitting on your girlfriend's tits. Even Julius Caesar knew the krauts were untrustworthy lying scumbags.