Why is Drumpf such an insufferable retard? What a fucking downgrade
Why is Drumpf such an insufferable retard? What a fucking downgrade
Because he was elected by rural and suburban retards.
Trump is a literal fucking clown
That's part of the appeal. The other parts are the obedience to Israeli policy and global capital.
>Obama: kissing ass
>Trump: showing everyone who's boss
One's a leader, one's a puppet. Can you figure out which is which?
No other president in history as shown such disdain and hatred for America and its native citizens like Obama did
Top panel: person finished saying farewell
Bottom panel: someone just getting started
Acting like the most powerful man on earth should
Having an autistic meltdown
Keep slurping that orange cock. Atleast Obama is a professional statesman.
Trump is literally a baby. Sad!
I'm sick of pussies leading our civilization to ruin. At least he has done fight in him.
>mfw Trump's tweets will literally be in future textbooks
No one actually wants Trump to be president. He's a joke that went too far
Anyone but Hillary. Your downgrade comment means nothing.
CTR pls go
Because we like honesty not that fake ass faggot Obaboon
so I can tell from that tweet that Obama has seen himself as better than the average citizen for eight years? The President is a civilian. Obama really thinks he's better than us.
Is leftypol still trying to convert us, or what is this bullshit about?
President? I want him to abolish the constitution and declare himself dictator-for-life and mass execute anybody that stands in his way.
Cry about it, bitch nigger.
>whites in America
>native citizens
I want him to be President, he is far more entertaining the last nigger we had in office
Endless keks by emperor, he will never stop. Kek.
Get with the times
>not denouncing your enemies who you've crushed entirely
Fucking cucks
Obama is a fucking piece of shit, I'd love to put a bullet in that nigger.
>looking for your president to be free entertainment
Thats whats wrong with this country
Try it so you can fucked up the ass by Seal Team 6 or Secret Service
Fuck clinton and fuck you ctr.
>some guy literally trying to get us all killed in his last 20 days
>trump is a downgrade to this
you better hope not.
Honestly, it's all fake so it might as well be entertaining
Looking at Trump sucking Putin cock and filling his cabinet with rich assholes, yeah I can see who is the puppet.