already? kek
Trump supporters wish they had voted for Hillary
already? kek
Trump supporters wish they had voted for Hillary
>Washington post
It's a blog. I doubt they even interviewed anyone, they probably just took Reddit comments again
Because they realized they voted in a manchild who has mental breakdowns on twitter daily when they could have voted for anyone else in the Republican party.
Trump is a bad hombre, but he will be good for the country and for humanity because he will scare peeople into being more responsible and trying harder to be decent citizens.
I fucking knew they were going to regret it. This is why the left was trying to warn you faggots
It's 2017 already, why hasn't he built the wall?
I regret voting for him. Since that fateful november day, I've come to recognize that I was wrong for my racism and sexism, and realize now, that my white skin represents evil and facism. I'm ready to lay down my life to protect brown skinned folk.
Fake news. So low energy. Sad.
Fake news and the newscasters that tell the lies.
Literally the worst thing hes done is shit talk on twitter.
I regret nothing
>When the first post is better than the entire Washington Post
Getting Sessions as AG and a conservative SCOTUS is worth it in and of itself.
Also i hope trump really is literally hitler so you faggots hang.
I really regret voting for him. He is the worst president elect ever.
>I irrationally hate a person because my fee fees told me to do this
>But I'm also a good authority on what Trump supporters think
Why are cum guzzling liberals always so self-important and retarded?
>1 post by this ID
stop responding to spam threads anons!
Oh wow, it's the same post-election shaming we saw after Brexit.
Gotta condition the people to check the (((right box))) in the future.
I thought CTR was shut down?
>Sample size: one Jewish Trump "supporter" who, trust me, is one of us!
The >1 post meme
Is how many times you've posted in a thread
Also libtards can get anyone to say they're a trump supporter for money
Ah, regret. An emotion all liberals can relate to for some reason.
This is reverse-projecting.
I regret voting for him because it looks like he is an israel firster.
I thought he was a nationalist... but it is impossible to be a nationalist with jew cock in your mouth.
>15 mins
>1 post by OP
but since you're likley muslim or poo colored, explaining the obvious is sometimes necessary
Boy does this sound familiar.
I recall seeing the same articles about Brexit voter regret too. Turns out it's cherrypicked from a handful of anecdotes they found online and not any kind of real polling.
This is just fake news from the left.
>Der der der lerk its riiten on the digitail skreen, it must b truuu!!!!
wow fagtron you sure convinced me with that hot strawman
They really had to scour for people who regretted their Trump vote, polls found that only 1% of his voters regret voting for him
Dumbass the people who were against brexit said the same thing and it was less then like 5% of people who regretted it after being constantly bashed.
BTW he isn't even in office yet shill.
First year is going to be a roller coaster until the purge is complete.. By Spring 2018 its going to be awesome.
This is shill news they did the same for Brexit no no regrets anything
/Thread go to bed
Don't forget Mad Dog Mattis.
To be honest I don't give a fuck what Trump does, to me he has one purpose and it's to build a fucking comfy wall. The rest I couldn't care less but if he fails to build a wall I promise you he won't get re-elected.
Screencap this.
Why did OP say kek?
I voted for Trump. No regrets here.
Nobody gives a shit about convincing you, turbosperg, we already won
Because I was promised literally Hitler.
>causes libbies to lose their minds every time he tweets something
Nah, cunt. I regret nothing.
Really funny how conservatives criticize liberals for their "fee fees" when they're just as apt to get booty blasted over hurt feelings.
>implying you didn't strawman trump to begin with
Shitpost all you like but don't pretend you were asking for a legit argument you stupid cunt.
I'm not surprised. I voted Trump and he's showing that he's not ready for the office. It takes an adult to admit when he is wrong, and I was wrong. We cannot let Trump be inaugurated. He, in every way is unfit for the job.
Holy Fuck. CTR was paid $6 Million. How much coverage and 24/7 shilling do you think 6 Million gets? and let me tell you if I were trying to shill for a liberal agenda I wouldn't be on Sup Forums of all places.
Yep, same happened to me. I fucked up big time voting for him, but we can work together to save this, just requires some elbow grease. And there's many more of us who regret our votes.
No regrets so far. Also Sage.
Only Kek will matter, no matter where it leads.
Praise Kek. May he gift us many happening.
Fake news. They tried the same shit with Brexit.
If he doesn't lock that hillary whore up in his first four years, he's not getting my fucking vote again.
Nigga people on here shitpost for Trump for free. You really think it would be that hard shill for Hillary with only six million?
Hell, a bot can do almost all the work now; there's been zero originality in these posts since day one.
As for where to shill, how many places on the internet do you think actually need shills for Hillary? Sup Forums's half the reason the internet isn't entirely pro-Hillary.
You're a shill.
The people who made that article are the very same that said Trump had absolutely zero chance at winning. The very same that kept pushing pro-Clinton and pro-DNC hard-lines.
This is literal fake news and NO honest or smart person even considers it to be true.
99% of the people that hate Trump fucking suck, so I'm fine with the outcome.
This is fake jewish bullshit. They did the same after Brexit by asking a small amount of remainers to lie and say they voted leave and regret their decision
>Trump supporters wish they had voted for Hillary
No they don't. You need to be insane to support Hitlery
>doubting the god emperor
they weren't real supporters
and this is probably fake too
Fake news alert
I wish we had hillary so that i could watch you people irrationaly defend her while she starts wars
Try to give an arguement at least pal
>"Hello Pablo"
>"You voted for Trump this election and absolutely not Hillary"
>"Why are you regretting your vote for Trump today?"
>implying pablo could vote
Jesus fucking christ. Well at least I expect it from the Guardian lügenpresse
>buttangry leftist autists still this mad
they are more or less retarded like trump
I will never regret voting against WW3
>Implying he didn't
and sage
The Age in Australia has articles from the Washington Post. I can identify them by the headline every time. Scroll to the bottom and sure enough Washington Post will be there.
They are a fucking garbage publication and the least credible Newspaper in history.
They probably took the CTR comments which are spammed there and here daily still.
I was a proud Trump voter until X, now I'm With Her / disappointed.
Shit, his supporters haven't even signed the paperwork and already they're having buyer's remorse.
Jesus fucking Christ. Some people shouldn't be allowed to vote. If you aren't going to take it seriously you should lose the right for the rest of your life.
even the jew banker is anti-federal reserve
rest easy leaf