No swedish posted this but this happened :
Muslims again
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kek, sounds and looks like a middle eastern warzone. Good job sweden
Yeah, that shit happened in several cities across the country. I guess the poor refugees felt homesick and wanted to have explosives going off around them.
Fuck this is bad my dudes
Holy shit its like war footage lmao.
They did the EXACT thing in Aarhus, Denmark, too.
There was a father who gave his son (10yo probably) a rocket and lit it in his hand... multiple times.
Then after this they go home and fuck their swedish gf
ok but where did they get the money for that shit, and, who was stupid enough to sell it to them???
It's actually fun having Harry Potter battles in the ghetto. That's how we make fried refugees.
The police doesnt even give a shit.
Hope they burn the city to the ground.
I hate immigrants. Dumb fucking slime.
>implying swedish police are allowed to arrest people who arent non-white
They just let them go right after anyway.
why can't they just do something in proportion?
Should cordon off those areas and help them out with airdrops of WP fireworks.
you jelly you won't get to liberate your nation within 20 years
*watch their swedish gf get fucked by Khalid
>bringing your kids to a new years celebration in Sweden
those parents should be in jail
>"I'm sorry I triggered you"
Why should they be in that country in the first place?
These fuckers rioting will lead to a civil uprising that no fascist government body can hold back. Sweden is cucked through and through, but as Trump, Brexit, and Le Pen are showing us; the "shy Tory" is real and these commies are shilling an unsellable product.
There WILL be vigilante justice and a cleaning of house in government, one nation at a time, from the United States to Sweden and, hopefully, sweeping down to southeast Asia.
The Quran is a vile piece of literature without room for nuance or moderation, and all the moderate does is cheer while the extremist murders.
Islam's arrogance and insect-like behavior is triggering an immune response, and no cancerous political party can ever hope to stop it.
Fuck, this is almost Germany level of bad.
kek what is happening, are they not setting up the fireworks right?
isn't this normal? has this not happened before? please tell me svens
Parasites. Anyone claiming these thugs are searching for a better life, or are genuinely "refugees", ought to be brought straight to Mecca for some " cultural enrichment" and see how long it takes for the rabid, violently supremacist locals to behead the white man and celebrate with fly-coated lamb.
Have you guys even deployed to the Middle East? Fuck, OP's vid looks like hella fun.
it reminds them of home
>flees bombing in homeland
>stands right next to exploding fireworks
Wouldn't these innocent souls have PTSD of some sort?
reminds me of the time I kicked a mortar over at a 4th of July party and everyone literally got buttblasted
>that level of protection
Sweden yes!
>that level of projection
kek I was deployed last year for 4 July and some dude walked in with a case of 40mm and had every intention of using them as holiday cheer.
So we did.