Disprove this, dipshits on/pol/
>an argument
>he doesn't believe in evolution
Are you some kind of born again retard?
Then why doesn't Israel accept innocent child refugees?
Most countries have natural borders you dipshit.
That's why Switzerland never got invaded during WWII.
Kill yourself.
>mountain ranges
I see plenty of them.
Then unlock your door and give me your address. I'm moving in
Open Borders for Israel!
Diversity is White Genocide.
>being a planetarianist
>caring about xeno scum
NOPE. When the aliens arrive I ain't lifting a god damn finger.
We we're the first ones saying "you've got to go back".
i dont see any people
we dont exist
I don't see humans or human rights either.
I dont see human rights either
Knock knock
Proximity + Diversity = War
Earthlings xd
try leaving the country without a passport
the police will explain everything you need to know about borders
How do you not see the ENTIRE FUCKING OCEAN? That seems like a pretty obvious border.
If artificial borders "don't exist," then neither does personal property, in which case you wouldn't mind if I take your phone and walk away.
Every thread is a troll. "If I can't see it, then it doesn't exist." The sad thing is that some people actually believe that.
This , face reality no borders scum !
Libertarian globalism is the future.
Globalism is good as long as its not socialist.
If nationalism is so evil PROVE that you're a good person by moving to and all black African city. Should be no problem for you, right?
Where are all these Facebook memes coming from
Thanks op for making me realise, god, air, gravity, japanese man with big dicks, doesnt exist
2017 year of every-thread-is-troll-clickbait
I don't see any governments, do you?
Fuck statism, we are all self-governing people.
Well the earth has natural borders to protect from radiation and fallen debris. Your point is moot.
rly mks u thnk
There are natural borders like continents mountains and watersheds
Well, that's not the real reason nationalism is stupid. Nationalism is stupid because of the current year. Technological progress has made 19th century nations irrelevant. The new "nations" are multinational corporations.
>I don't see any laws against rape
>or for that matter murder or outright genocide
>Fuck laws and order and shiiieet, we's all animals!
What are...
>mountain ranges?