Can we get a thread of Sup Forums approved YouTubers going?
Here are a few obvious Sup Forums approved YouTubers
Can we get a thread of Sup Forums approved YouTubers going?
Here are a few obvious Sup Forums approved YouTubers
Other urls found in this thread:
we dont aprove popculture hypsters
>four dudes
way to be diverse
obvious bait, sage and move on
I wish he were my dad
Aaron Clarey and Raging Golden Eagle are the most based men on youtube
Pewdiepie and Varg.
a shill, a fat degenerate, a thin degenerate and a mentally ill degenerate
four white males you mean
ANCReport(Ryan Dawson) and CaspianReport are the only ones I can watch and even Ryan gets cringy sometimes.
Thread's over, everyone fuck off.
here you go
legit the only reason he's big is because he had an autistic rant on a campus filled with sjw's
>tranny, banana-boy, and 2 fags
newfags nead to leave.
Sadly I'd fuck the shit out of that she/he. FTGE my dry spell is getting out of control
Here's your (you)
>i want to marry blaire white and make sweet love to her every night
is this generate?
The Amazing Atheist? Really?
Who's on the bottom right? Also, Styx is the only one who's half decent.
>muh right wing e-celebs
You sound like a child fawning over her favourite boy bands. Fucking kill yourself.
>""""Amazing"""" Atheist
Also Alex Jones will always be master race
Jesus Christ these fucking people.
i picture randy savage saying that while poppin his bitch into a slim jim
what is the boipucci owner called?
If he was still doing vids then yeh sure
>No Sargon of Akkad
You'd rather watch some non-logic fucking retard spergs that makes the right-wing look retarded than Sargon?
No wonder the left have been fucking brainwashed to insanity.
Sargon always refers to facts, statistcs, Truth, And a civilised conversation and arguments.
>he fell for the Jewtube superstar meme
>is this generate?
you forgot the d but i think Blaire's got you covered there
Thanks, Straya
Job's done.
Fuck all shills that promote their gay ass YouTube kike channels.
Fucking Jews only want shekels.
I can't be the only one who brings up a ReviewBrah video when I'm eating alone
Nu-Right faggot detected.
>implying INTP = gay
Thats about all. Peace
Sam Hyde
One is gay, one is a mentally ill faggot LARPing as a woman and one believes he can communicate with spirits.
>the only reason he's big
It got him attention, but he maintains it and grew it because he's a very intelligent and sincere man who's speaking about a spiritual crisis that everyone in the West is living through.
I'm sorry, which is which exactly?
Also dope flag.
doubles confirm
>Krautist and Tea is an INTJ
Listen to Alt Right stuff
>shitposter and proud
>autistic rants
>triggered by the alt-right
>an actual cuck, who is currently raising his wifes child/ren
Sargon is literally always right it's very hard to disagree with him
Tranny Blaire White. I'm not sure of her politics but I'd guess she was either libertarian or liberal. Mostly just freaks out about how insane the left has gotten.
Styx is really cool and I would hang out with him in real life.
just go watch old Jonathan Bowden and E. Michael Jones speeches or something, jesus christ
how many more fucking 25-year-olds do we have to see 'DESTROYING SJWs' and criticizing Islam for not being liberal enough.
I'd totally let Blaire White fuck me in the ass with her dick.
No Homo.
She also really hates Islam and anyone who defends it, for obvious reasons.
Kraut is not INTJ.
Styx is a complete autist, he's doing Minecraft videos for fucks sake. I enjoy his rants but I can't in good consciousness take him seriously when he calls Obama a retard while being a NEET living with his parents.
nice b8 m8
Reality Calls
Her website because she has to be off youtube for three months.
Millenniyule 2016: Reality Calls Interview.
If you have to watch YouTube videos to reassure yourself on your life stances your a faggot. Fuck everyone on jewtube
>Ramzpaul in the same category as Milo
Fuck you. What's next, Jared Taylor will be considered alt-light?
Glad you can agree lad
Blaire white is disgusting, I don't know why Sup Forums gives that nutcase a pass
You're right, he never sought out fame. That's part of what makes him good.
He'd been doing higher-brow media for years so he's good at it, but he never actually compromised his ideals for increased popularity like a certain other Canadian.
I remember when RamzPaul was loved by TRS. You fags are a fickle bunch.
She's hot but fucking crazy. Her "fiance" is super odd too.
Better looking than most trannies
They all are.
Also Unironically Pewdiepie
He knows exactly what's up, probably has more influence than any of OPs faggots
Anyone who disagrees with the autistic Spencer is immediately alt-light according to them.
>Nobody mentioning Edgy Sphinx, Millennial Woes, or The Distributist
Fucking cucks every single one of you!
Styx is INTJ of the most obvious degree.
>autistic Spencer
This place doesn't approve of anyone, you can't find one thread of someone that isn't just a circlejerk hatefest.
Be honest, you would.
Millennial woes is literally gay
>Bearing and Edgy Sphinx get Terminated off youtube.
Probably the reason why.
That dude is a closeted fag, and you know it. He's one step away from sounding like Thernovith, but he's already more limp-wristed.
Who's the girl in the left hand corner? I've never wanted to go down on anyone more than I do right now. And I don't care much for eating vagina.
>Millennial woes is literally gay
He is not fucking gay, he tried it once but didn't like it.
le autistic minecraft wizard
right hand*
>Sup Forums approved
Are you 13 or just new here?
>Libertarian Alex Jones Jew Cuck Hates White Nationalism
>Inserted banana up own asshole
>Civic Nationalist
>Literally who
>That dude is a closeted fag, and you know it.
Now I know you're a kike.
Sup Forums doesn't like MAYNESTREAM METEOR or banana man
>implying sticking your dick in something means that thing has the right to a political opinion
>Amazing Athiest
Why did you put one of the biggest libtards on Youtube on the list?
>mde and related channels
>the report of the week (unironically)
>that schizophrenic prodigious programmer making an os to commune with God
He called the Alt Right dead after Hail Gate. He's a pussy.
alright youtube
>Heathen scum
>Tranny freak
Neck yourself
Styx doesn't tripcode though, he uses a timestamp pic as OP.
A lot of the moron SJWs trying to infiltrate are just trying to pit us against one another.
Both of those are male.