I understand one of the key reasons why the USA wants Russia weak.
But does there exist a plausible reason that USA and Russia should ally closely and work together?
I understand one of the key reasons why the USA wants Russia weak.
But does there exist a plausible reason that USA and Russia should ally closely and work together?
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>Does there exist a plausible reason that USA and Russia should ally closely and work together
Good thread.
>Both Putin and Trump converting, kneeling face down towards Mecca, repeating Allah Akbar over and over
Hmm. ... unity through religion ...
The US and Russia wont be friends until we fight ayy lmaos. The reason we want Russia is weak is so we can maintain our complete dominance over the world.
t. Eternal Anglo
I think we'd make better friends with the russkies than the chinks, honestly.
Their culture was fucking ravaged by the USSR, same with the Chinese, but they still maintain a vaguely western identity.
I forgot the quote which went something like "be wary of the Russian, who is both similar and not", but in the modern context it's def fitting into the growing pains of capitalism and shifting into a society of giving instead of cheating your neighbor Kirill out of his last ruble without remorse like a fucking starved hound.
It will take generations to undo the cultural damage of communism.
Except to avoid humanity ending Nuclear War. Which was the same reason USSR and the U.S. cooperated in many cases.
But they were never allies. The countries interests are almost a mirror image of each other:
The U.S. wants it strong, since it's basically furthering U.S interests in Europe
etc etc
This picturde is a stupid fucking meme.
It's a shame the Jewish lobby is so strong here, they know they can't win anyone over in good conscience, so they use us like their beefed up cousin while they pawn off shit we let them borrow.
Israel is a mistake of a country. I don't usually hope for kebabs to win ANYTHING, but abolishing that country would be of global benefit.
I hope that the Saudis apply their wealth towards that end before they run out of money, it would be the one genuinely good thing they'd ever done and then we'll be able to focus on grooming some other nation to be our own Hong Kong of the middle east without it going full-retard with another Erdogen.
Any Brits want to brush up on your empire-building skills and bring civility to the literally unwashed masses by force?
Why would Israel refuse to build the pipeline? Free shekels.
>I hope that the Saudis apply their wealth towards that end before they run out of money,
Problem is both Saudis and Israelis hate Iran. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
The Saudi's are fucking scum.
Seriously. Iran would be so much better of an ally than Saudi Arabia.
I agree with you as much as humanly possible, however they have money and a motive.
Why would you interrupt an enemy nation draining their non-replenishing reserves and weakening their region embroiled in total war?
We wouldn't need to fire a bullet to take advantage of that, and benefit whichever vassal state our hearts desired.
I'm not talking CIA shit, either. We'd just straight-up run their country better than a bunch of uneducated radicals without access to clean water and sanitation. No risk for an Erdogen that way, and if we played our cards right then we could focus our power better than the Brits did in India.
I came. This is a fantasy of mine come true.
Bismillah Allahu Akbar.
Don't forget the Turkey Israel pipelie
putin loves Islam
Why cant the pipeline gothrough Jordan and Israel?
Israel is Americans ungrateful bitch and will bend if enough pressure is applied, and Jordans King is pretty chill too with the West.
Compared to the political bullshit and ISIS blowback going on in Syria it makes sense to just go around Syria.
If your American and support Russia you are a cuck
Also it looks feasible to build a pipe via the Sinai into Egypt....
Again Egypt's army which is the defacto ruler is Western and also Saudi friendly
As ruskie currently located in China (under proxy) I could say, that we have more common with you than chinese. We have a whole generation grown on american culture during post-soviet time. And modern contention between our countries is a result of commie oldfags like Putin in our goverment. They just have nostalgia about oldgood coldwar times.
They won't accept us to NATO and ask for demilitarization. No one asks France to give up its nukes.
It's something on the US part.