>daily reminder russians found a way to hack low IQ brains and make them perform sex acts

>daily reminder rapefugees are innocent peaceful people who just got brain hacked

>daily reminder russians are innocent too because :

>daily reminder jews hacked russian brains

Other urls found in this thread:


...oh wait, no, that's just syphilis.


>There drowning, coral!

>russians found a way to hack low IQ brains and make them perform sex acts

OY VEY!!!! Really makes you think

This is the Russian hacker responsible

WTF is a "think-tank" nowadays? Is it a code word for "marxist shill"? Is there anything muslims could ever do wrong?


>daily reminder russians found a way to hack low IQ brains and make them perform sex acts

Russians hacked Mariah Carey's New Year's Eve show


Are the terrorist attacks also a Russian plant? Is ISIS a russian plant?

Remember kids:the Marxists will do anything to make sure their enemies never win. They'll even redefine what wining is.

>Russians hacked shitskin boners to make them heat seeking frumpy German chicks.


>>daily reminder russians found a way to hack low IQ brains and make them perform sex acts
I will finally be able to perform sex acts

>Russians made mudslimes rape europeans
>couldn't have been their ideology and low self control as well as IQ

The dissonance is mind boggling.

Guys I think I've been hacked by Russia. When I boot my computer, the Russian National Anthem starts playing, and all of my documents are in Russian. Also, I can't stop thinking about how to purge filthy ISIS, and I've begun to un-ironically slav-squat outside alcohol stores.I can suddenly recall that one book Marx wrote, and I know every word in it. Please help me


>tfw the article is actually real
fucking hell dailymail, just when you thought they couldn't possibly overreach their shilling any further

пoeздкa никoгдa нe зaкaнчивaeтcя, дpyгa.

>Vasiliy, we must of hack peaceful refuges to rape German fraus!
>Boris, why can't we of rape them ourselves like our grandfathers in 45?
> Silence! We will of obey orders. I don't want president Vladimir Putin of sending both of us to gulag because of your insubordination!

>orchestrating migrant sex attacks
Holy hell, you can't make this shit up. Just how gullible do they think people are? They're already pushing it with the whole "muh Russian hackers" thing, and people are starting to wake up, but this shit is on a whole new level. If a person was spewing all this shit about Russia and Syria "orchestrating migrant sex attacks" to influence the election, they'd be diagnosed as a schizophrenic.

I had to look it up because I couldn't believe it at first, I thought it had to be a satire piece or a fake picture in the OP. Here's an archive link for anybody that's interested:


Is there really anyone who unironically believes this?

You just wait a little, they will make it so.

what if i told you there are people out there who believe in imaginary creatures?

I heard the Germans are the best hackers, they're a bunch of eunuchs

he looks so happy

how can that man do anything bad?

Damn, they even got Syrian hackers on board now? How can we possibly compete?

The EU must be destroyed. This is getting to a point beyond insanity.