Why would you work on it without cutting off the main feed?
I'm not even a plumber but even I know that.
Why would you work on it without cutting off the main feed?
I'm not even a plumber but even I know that.
Other urls found in this thread:
>he didn't cut off the outside valve
Also, if you have to call a plumber to fix something below your sink. you sorta deserve it. Shit's so easy to fix.
>$150 shut off fee
>too retarded to realize flood damage will greatly exceed $150
>how to read comments?
Apparently you have to pay the city a 150$ fee in New-Russia so that they send someone out who closes the main vault.
>retards hiring retards to do retarded work
>pay $5 for a water key
>$10 for a new cutoff valve and supply line
>$2 to $20 to fix the lines and trap under the sink
Why don't they just turn the water main off?
It's law in my city, but they don't care. Maybe it is more enforced in Russia?
the best parts are the shop-vac and him just taking the fucking boiling water to the face for 15 minutes.
I am almost positive his skin is fucked for weeks.
I cringing so bad
Kekking hard
what a retard
>Vacuuming water
I though Russian could hack?
Every US house has a water main that turns off the water from inside, it's a building code. It cost nothing to turn off your water.
If you want the company to do they need to send a person out that turns it off at the valve on the street, hence the reason they charge you for it.
Live leak indeed
Shopvac will vacuum anything, it's a bucket that sucks.
Yea. Shop vacs are a good way to pick up water. Just have to empty it outside every so often.
It would have made too much sense
Why is there so much pressure? Why is it hot? Why didn't he shut off any valves before the sink?
This has to be fake.
specific vacuums that have water filters can absorb wet surfaces very well. a brand that's very well known for that is shop vac. you should buy one, they're really good.
Only 17 second late with the shitty() joke
cuz USA
It's scalding. Also thanks for reposting this shit from yesterday. You are a proper faggot.
There's an isolation valve on the hot water heater. If the "water is scalding hot" then it's coming from the water heater. Look like literal retardism or insurance scam.
Carlo- .....
Nah. Shop vac brand shopvacs are terrible and cheap.
Rigid are the ones you want.
Wtf. This gay ass thread again. Pathetic.
Fucking wasted time. Just OP's excuse to talk shit about a spic who is actually working and trying to do a job for some retard Numale. And I'm a white dude in Arizona so don't say I'm a spic apologist.
Fucking gay ass faggot nigger OP.
>film your retarded mess making
>upload it
>insurance scam
a literal wet back
>Just OP's excuse to talk shit about a spic who is actually working and trying to do a job
"trying" be the keyword there.
My little sister is a better plumber than that retarded fuckhead.
true, but i'm never the type to get the superior version of anything, since i don't use many things too often. shop vac filter replacements are also easier to find in my opinion
>Ayy esse
>we do tha jobs you gringos do not wanta to do
>*prays to abuela*
leafs are starting 2017 pretty well I've noticed
Just giving my $.02
I had one and it quickly found it's way into the dumpster.
>plumbing (domestic)
>most overpaid, under-qualified profession on planet
>fucking shit up as a job prerequisite
no one cuts corners like wetbacks do. le hard working mexican meme is complete horse shit.
Did I heard "call the police?" Are people really this retarded?
>get undocumented illegal cousin to "work" on your pipes
>he purposely fucks up and floods your apartment
>film it so you can show insurance company that it was the plumber fucking up
>when the insurance goes to collect against the plumber he magically disappears
>go to front of house
>turn off water
>now your not getting doused with water
gee, seems easy to me. but not for Paco apparently
Yep. Replacing a wax ring costs $200 here. Two hundred dollars to lift a toilet, remove the old wax ring and put in the new one.
This. There should be 2 valves in that line.
None of this makes any sense. There should be valves in that line, inside the building.
>If you want the company to do they need to send a person out that turns it off at the valve on the street, hence the reason they charge you for it.
For what he is doing this should not even be considered, let alone necessary.
All of my WTF.
You know, I'm a maintenance guy and had something like this happen to me a couple weeks ago.
>get called for busted faucet at 2 in the morning
>Shut off valve at water heater because main shut off is in another apartment and didnt want to wake people up
>take off supply lines
>suddenly hear a pop
>water everywhere
>old as fuck gateway valve was so corroded is popped back up on its own
>remove throat pipe from P trap
>stick water line down P trap
>shut off the main and shop vac water up before it causes damage at my leisure
you need to run the water to make sure it's off user.
It was off you fucking faggot.
I'm glad not one of you actually mean what you post or I'd work towards bombing the crap out of your hamburgers.
Yeah, there was some fuckery afoot here.
This looks like an apartment complex, there should be many shut off valves in the building.
But no one threatened you?
making shitty plastic fittings water-tight doesn't always go as planned.
I'm sure you would.
>It was off you fucking faggot.
I'm not the one causing water damage bro.
(coming from someone in trades for 20 years) -- it all comes down to two factors:
people being dumb as fuck and not having any skills whatsoever, even for the upkeep of basic living amenities (see: offshoot of workforce deskilling as a result of imprudent, self-immolating greed-fuelled automation), and
people being too '"nu-" to dare entertain touching something that may soil their faggot paws
As any given [old] war veteran will tell you:
>Nations that lack skills and the ability to make and fix stuff, are nations waiting to be annexed.
>the woman trying to vacuum away hundreds of gallons of water with a shitty little shopvac
>is actually just pushing the water further through their apartment
are women all this stupid?
Oh, I'm aware of it. That doesn't mean I like it, though.
Like I said before, you somewhat deserve it if you cannot fix the leak or stop yourself and pay for a plumber It's understandable if you need to dig in the wall I guess for a stem in the tub, but for something so easy like replacing a handle it's just sad.
>water shut-off fee
I don't even understand that concept, don't you have control of your own house? what the fuck man
With apartments it's better to call someone both for liability and billing purposes.
If someone fucks something up it on them, not you (imagine if a tenant did some stupid shit like this)
If you have the receipt for the landlord they'll comp it since it their property you're fixing.
>Did I heard "call the police?" Are people really this retarded?
it happened in california, so yea.
the guy just tanks the hot agua like a true plumber, I am impressed by the quick thinking to bust out the steam cleaner
Really felt bad for Pedro for a sec but he really shouldn't be playing plumber, he should be making tortas.
>poor "people"
It's not even funny how many people like this exist out here. I'm not in the same business but I would use this footage as a warning to people, imagine how much $$$ they take out of professionals hands.
It's the same with electricians, and machinists and a lot of other things because of employers wanting that easy quick $$ and the customer wanting that good deal.
If Trump is unable to get any of his promises through in California or Texas, states that need strengthening, then it will make no difference, this is generations of anchor babies with extensions of anchor babies, they come here with a visa and live here for 30 years then have kids. Shits gotta end
Democrats are scared of the benefits the country will have if they just enforced illegal immigration hard, fuck dreamers and all that stupid shit. Let them keep dreaming.
I didn't cause any because I'm not a dumb mexican. Besides, if the person wasn't a whiney coalburner bitch screeching like her faucet leaking was another holocaust, I would have just waited until morning and there wouldn't have been an issue.
People don't understand how fucked up working on apartments is. All of them are old and poorly maintained because we're coming out of a phase where every fucking owner hired the cheapest laziest labor available, realized it was destroying his property value, purged his whole staff, then hired someone like me to come in and fix everything. When you start messing with something that hasn't been touched in 40 years, shit can go wrong real fast and these new age millennial tenants are entitled fucks that want everything fixed immediately even when they're living in cheap nigger-tier apartments.
>be american
>use mexican plumber
You asked for this. Buy american next time.
shouldn't their be a cut out of valve in the bathroom?? or is that just for toilets and not sinks.
>live leak
why would you cut the valve off?
Say "Mestizo" you anti white kike
Why should white spaniards and cubans be blamed for criminal mexican illegal shithead mestizo actions?
Hispanic is not a race
It gets worse.
They just shuffle the dumb Hispanics around while the ones that are smart move higher up and hire more Hispanics.
Exxon does it all the time and I'm surprised there's not an accident out there yet.
Looks like he was trying to replace the cut-off valve on the sink's hot water. You can do it without shutting off the water with compression fittings if you're fast, good, and the water pressure isn't high enough that it'll shred your face off, like here.
But normaly you just shut off the fucking water. I litterally just did this in my upstairs sink yesterday with no issue.
Except the water still didn't flow, because it was the god damn faucet that was blocked and not the shitty old cut-offs that had broken like I figured. Oh well, at least now I have good quarter-turn cut-offs instead of that plastic shit.
Don't all toilets and sinks have valves that turn the water on and off?
If it was an apartment I can guarantee you those valves were shot. Stupid shit like pic related happens all the time.
How the fuck could he stay under the sink for so long, no man should have the pain tolerance to endure scolding hot water for so long, for any paycheck whatsoever.
That's why whenever I replace some of those, I put solid brass quarter turns instead.
Hispanics sound better.
Besides, mestizo sounds like a retarded person trying to cum.
I was looking for that while watching the video and it seems almost like he just broke the entire valve off the wall entirely.
Maybe it started as an issue between the valve and the faucet and then he found something wrong behind the valve and forgot the shut the water off further down the line.
Or maybe he's just a retarded spic.
Quarter turns are good, but I've had old brass gateways snap as well. I've been getting lazy and using pic related, haven't had any problems with it yet.
>tfw fat short spic
>tfw am actually fucking stupid
>a walking meme
I should start a youtube channel
it can be useful in specific (sometimes retarded) situtations, i can imagine
any situation where you're not home but there's a leak
shheeeessshh, I sincerely hope this man never tries his hands at electrician
if you know that youre dumb that makes you smarter than most. just cut back on the tortillas pablo.
For a second I thought this was Chrischan .
I'm a licensed plumber and this is horrible. So many steps could have been taken to prevent this. They should of located shut off weither at building or at meter. Also they should of located heater and turned off flow of hot water at least. Open faucet and make sure is off and empty before attempting to disconnect supply lines from faucet or to operate shut off valves at fixture. This video is my nightmare.
Water they going to do to fix this?
mestizo just means mixed which is exactly what we are. hispanic is a meme word chosen by morons at the census bureau. latino is even worse.
>Water they
I see what you did there.
How hot do you think the water is?
Would he have 2. degree burns in your opinion?
ITT: Nobody reads the description and jumps to blame Pedro.
His brain litterally got boiled. Chances are he's not feeling so good anymore
fuck off vacuum merchant
Landlord calls plumber who foolishly tries to repair a leak without first turning the water off. He did not want to pay the $150 water shut-off fee and instead causes thousands in damage to two apartments.
Factory setting on heaters are 125 but that water was hotter for sure, at 140 or more if it was steaming like that.
Are you retarded?
>He did not want to pay the $150 water shut-off fee and instead causes thousands in damage to two apartments
Also several people have said even THAT wasnt necessary. There's plenty of ways to shut it off for free.
Pedro was a fucking idiot.
No wonder your country is failing in spite of its oil money.
Kek reveals the jew!
I feel bad for you guys. My brother-in-law is an apartment plumber, and all the stuff here is fairly new or well maintained, because we didn't have shit prior to the 1960s.
Why are american baby boomers so goddamn greedy they destroy their own property?