There is literally noting wrong with being gay, bi, queer, lesbian, pansexual, asexual etc.

And trans people need to have their identity recognized. And to all yo fuckwits saying there's 2 genders, you shouldn't have to worry about and try to suppress a small group of people going with what they identify as, like I've had a few polygendered friends and they're pretty cool

Fuck Trump, he's the man behind your movement, Sup Forums. Fuck you, too!

LGBTQIAAP+ and proud. Suck my asexual dick.

P.S. Try and refute me. Your arguments are only outdated religious moral ones, have fun trying to dig up any LGBTQIAAP+ crime statistics or some bullshit like that.

Other urls found in this thread:

Have fun in hell sodomite. Nothing you do will ever save you from that.

Natural Selection will run its course and you'll either die of AIDS or an hero you faggot

P for paedophiles,..

Sage garbage threads
Hide garbage threads

Nice false f(l)ag

There is no god

Are you white? You are. You must be. White people do this.

I'm ashamed to be white because of people like you

>hhehheeh lol every homogay must have aids

>waaaaah! pedos are infectin' mah countrah!



Hi putin. Ya fucken pedo and idiot. Go catch some zika and incurable gonorrhea

He was probably right. You used all the baiting buzzwords. Trump is a sodomite

Canada, I expected better than this.
>lolololol EVERY homogay MST have aids hahahaha wow i'm smart

I'm not a sodomite.
I'm asexual, and if you think that's the only form of LGBTQAAIP+ sex, you're dumb.

How to find Sup Forums bf?

right here ;)


B-but Trump's stance on LGBT rights is to just let the states decide.

there are only three genders.
Apache Attack Helicopter

>HURRRRRR wat a funny joek XDDDdDd11!!!!1!

One of those As better stand for attack chopper or you're literally oppressing me with rape

Fuck off. Pence wants me dead, so does he.

mike if your ass is loose you get the noose pence

Pence is a fag and youre an uncle tom tranny liar vagina woman

Way to fall for bluepill memes.
Wow, Sup Forums sure does take the blue pill whenever it suits them, I guess.
Sup, bby?

Exactly, I'm terrified oh him.
Unless you're LGBTQAAIP+ and being ironic, fuck off.

Why do you care if Trump personally doesn't like what you're doing? He's allowing the states to decide, and is taking the most neutral stance on it.

He wants me dead like Pence.

What do those letters stand for?
I get LGBT but everything else is alien to me.
Please explain what the letters in QIAAP+ stand for and what those things are.

I don't believe in a god but I would gladly shove a knife up your ass and let that knife asseape you till you bleed to death.
They say you accept that you are mentally ill is the day of progress. Utill then get culturally enriched.

Mike "suck a cock, get a shock" Pence isn't the one who decides on this. And Trump will not force states to do something they are against. If you really want to do this shit move to another state.

Mike Pence/Donald Trump, is that you?

Neck yourself freak

Death squads! He wants those for sure.

Homosexuals & transgenders are mentally ill people who are simliar to people who prefer to have sex with babies & young children (pedophilia), animals (bestiality), corpses (necrophilia), urine (urolagnia), & feces (coprophilia). They are also just like TRANSABLED people who chop their arms & legs off and now even demand their governments to pay for the surgeries to chop their limbs off. Homosexual behavior is a mental illness and does not belong anywhere in the mainstream of a sane society. Faggots should keep their mental illnesses to themselves and if they bring their sickness out for public view they should be put in a mental hospital.

Explain what you think biology is first

>I fell for this shit bait
If this isn't bait then holy fuck end me now.

Wow, what a rare thing in the community, and the country, and the world.
Biology is the study of people's bodies, with respect towards people's feelings.


Ok I see you have autism I feel really sorry for your family to have to be tormented by your tantrums and shit. It's a pity that their lives have to be messed up thanks to you.

Sorry, shithead, I'm sort of new here.
Fuck you, nazi.

Now ask yourself: What if it was an extraordinarily hot child?

Don't make fun of autism.

Why do you give a shit if Trump doesn't approve of you? He won't act on it, so you shouldn't care.

I should care because it'd cost my life.


This thread is a mess

Let me talk slowly so you can understand.
I felt sorry for your family.

Chris Crocker, goto bed, NYE is over!

> 40% suicide rate for trannies
>says someone else is going to cost his life

Pedo and proud if you dont like it than fuck off.

Are you deaf?
You idiot nazi scum on Sup Forums want those too.
Fuck YOU, Fascist!

It's alright mate, no-one wants to fuck me either.
>Here are some non religious arguments against gays.
As for Asexuality...Well that's just fucking depressing man. No sex, no children. And you don't even have the reassurance that priests do that you will enter paradise.
Gutted Lad.


Hope you enjoy a fake movement which throws people away the moment they have a difference of opinion

I'm gay as fuck but I'm not being ironic. Sup Forums swallows propaganda memes when convenient for them.

I'm a fag and I have no fucking clue.

Wow, you better get to work, hon, but in the US we shoot at threats.

You realize autism is an actual mental illness, right? And it's one you clearly have.

I'm gay and I voted for Trump, the fuck is your deal? Trump isn't anti-gay, not in the least.

> tranny learns he's going to kill himself
enjoy your mental illness friend

When ever I see a rainbow flag I am never sure if it's a gay or atheist topic. I'm still pretending there's a difference I suppose. I'm agnostic so I personally don't care who you let fuck you up the ass in the privacy of your own home.....or car... but at the end of the day it is just as degenerate

>need to have their identity recognized
Nope. Nobody deserves to be able to force others to cooperate with mental illness.

No I feel sorry for your family. That means I have empathy. I have no empathy for people who whine all day about "muh fee fees".

>Your arguments are...[moral] ones

>death squads
Right, but Trump said he will let the states decide on these kinds of matters. And unless the states decide on death squads, which is impossible, then you're fine and you shouldn't care what he thinks personally.

lol go for it you will die of aids while i have 4 or more children

Identity Politics = tool of Cultural Marxism = you queers will die first anyway.

Any 'little sisters' on tonight?

We get it, you are proud and degenerate. Something else?

I know people with legitimate problems involving gender.
Wow! What citations. Obscure magazines and shit! Hhahaha.
Idiot fascist nazi redneck hitler.
Just get out, you'll never understand.

>can't get laid
>I'm asexual I swear!
How much more pathetic can you get?


Wat? Are you telling me to get a gun?

here's how to live a happy faggot life, faggot

1. be gay, happy and carefree with your friends
2. stop worrying what everyone thinks and demand to be recognized (you self absorbed faggot) because no one gives a flying fuck about you
3. be a secret closet faggot outside of your circle of friends and carefree
4. profit
5. ??
6. suicide because all faggots relapse into narcissism

>trying to oppress

Your people or at least the jews in charge of your little "tribe" are actively bringing in Censorship laws BECAUSE OF YOUR WHINING.

FUCK OFF! You do NOT have the right to not be "misgendered" by strangers or even landlords and teachers etc. You are literally mentally ill.

Yeah, we should care for and help mentally ill and sick people. Same as we do the crazies and oldies.

NO we should not have to pay 250 000 dollars because your fee fees was hurt. This kind of talk and legislation will only increase backlash.

respond to the suicide rate study, don't ignore it

R u single bb?

>asexuals, masters of nofap

Then they should get therapy if they have such problems. Not be enabled by a bunch of brain addled retards online, because they will eventually kill themselves in their late 30's after finishing their "transition" and noticing that nobody fucking wants them around because they're freaks.

Redneck, I assume rightly.
Redneck again.

pathetic. sage

>How much more pathetic can you get?
Pretty sure it's only going to get worse

You're telling me to get out? You're the newfag here. Plus I refute all your points and you respond with "JUST GET OUT, YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND" as tears stream down your cheeks when you realize you aren't a special snowflake and no one really gives a shit about you.

They still masturbate though. It's not like they're sages living up in the mountains who transcend such mundane needs.

I'm asexual, and I despise Trump.
No really, you're just too dumb.

Your autism is a case for being banned.
This is a Sup Forums-tier response.

If digits confirm Mike Pence will electrocute Rachel Maddow on national TV.

>Taking the concept of God LITERALLY

This is why you're a self-hating cuck

right wing death squads tracking your ip right now

>Mental illness meme
How's your autism?

I'm saying we shoot back, so feel free to come at us with violence. Only one that'll be dead is you.

Hey OP I used to be a polack.
I used to be the vile gay hating tranny bashing edgelord poster ever.

But it was all because I hated who i was inside. I was so self hating

And I broke down. I came near suicide. But I transitioned. And now i'm happier than I've ever felt in my life and I'm in love with a man he holds me and keeps me safe and treats me like a princess.

I am finally me.

Your name calling troll technique is kind of immature, and is also in it's self an argument against what you are trying to preach here

Oh where's the dude who said he's gay and voted Trump?
Also, u asexuals make me laugh.

Banned for a thread talking about being LGBTQAAIP and refuting nonsense?


Mods wouldn't do that.

Keep thinking that. When someone cannot argue for a point, then their opinion should be discarded.

Whos making these threads?

What's living with AIDS really like?

Pence very much likely is a closeted homosexual and I am willing to bet someone will come forward eventually with evidence.

Everytime Sup Forums. It happens everytime.

you are delusional friend, we don't listen to schizophrenics when they say they are fine we shouldn't listen to people with gender dysphoria when they say they are fine. Odds are you are going to try and kill yourself, if that isn't a sign of mental illness I don't know what is.

Fuck off clamcuck. All these half of faggots zionist nazis. If nobody cares why the automatic 800 replies of lies?

You haven't refuted anything I've said.


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice and big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

how is your 40% attempted suicide rate? I'd tell you to kill yourself but odds are you're headed that way anyways.

I'm tearing up.
Shut up, just, really?
Asexual is a legitimate form of sexuality, dickhead. Don't be so close-minded.
Stop! Jeez.
Whatever, I'll be supportive until I die.
I don't need to, redneck.

good your genes will not be passed on while the right has many children