Daily Reninder that Jesus Christ was an Arab
Daily Reninder that Jesus Christ was an Arab
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This man was also an Arab.
I thought he was a Jew
Here are Samaritans, who live exclusively in Israel with fewer than 800 living members.
Just a reminder, Samaritans are an ethnoreligious group who do not allow converts.
>daily reminder, Christian charity has been the double edge sword that's been making the white man weak and vulnerable
Here is a Druze
Wtf I hate jebus now
And here are some more Druze.
Notice how every group in the Levant that actively keeps marriage within its own group is significantly whiter than your average Arab person.
Daily reminder people should be free to follow whatever religion they want, per the 1st Amendment.
including islam?
Stop. Stealing. Our. Culture.
Sure but then don't complain when it bites you in the ass as a whole. One can only forgive so much before their are zero cheeks left to give
Don't you fucking wish nigger kike.
Arabs didn't exist until generations after Islam; the Arab race is a product of massive amounts of inbreeding which simply did not exist prior until the Islamic caliphate.
I might not agree with Islam, but I defend their right to believe it. Just like I defend liberal free speech, even though I disagree with it.
It isn't biting me in the ass. I'd argue an abandonment of our predominately Christian heritage has bit us in the ass far more than the other way.
Hypothetically, If he did indeed have a parent who was god, Wouldn't he look vastly different from everyone who was born from local parents?
>but I defend their right to believe it
Be careful with that. They would not be so quick to defend your right to believe in Christianity.
They don't particularly have a choice, do they.
1st Amendment applies to all. When you move to the United States, you follow our laws, not yours. That's what assimilation is all about. With Trump as President, I expect more of it.
>abandonment of our predominately Christian heritage
Do you mean the Spanish Inquisition? Or the forgiveness of whores, forgiveness of your enemies who crucify you or washing the feet of Muslim refugees?
Historically Muslims do not assimilate.
Entirely possible desu. After all, when the angels knocked up human women, the nephilim were created, so there's certainly precedent.
All of it, even the bad.
If you want to spend your life holding grudges, that's up to you. But I think forgiveness is a sign of maturity, and the fact that you can move on.
As per washing feet of Muslims, I'm not a Roman Catholic, so you'd have to take that up with them.
Yeah man, after all, muslims are well known for respecting the laws of the countries they reside in over their own Sharia law
They're not. Levantines are just the whitest Arabs.
Those aren't actually Samaritans. The closest people to them are marsh Arabs in Iraq.
Then maybe we shouldn't let them immigrate here?
I don't think anyone has a right to immigrate here, but I do think those already here should have Constitutional rights. If we start applying them selectively that could come back to bite us.
Yes friend, we have a major threat of Sharia Law in this country with our huge Muslim population of less than 1% of the country.
Not to mention with Trump in office, I expect less Muslim immigration. And I would be fine with that, as no one has a right to move here.
Praise Kek. I don't know what else to say about some kike on a stick.
>Arabs didn't exist until generations after Islam
"Arabia" is mentioned in the Old Testament. From Arabia come the Arabs.
I said they were whiter than your average Arab.
These are the only people who claim the Samaritan heritage and genetic tests show them as closely related to their neighbors throughout the Levant.
What is this about marsh Arabs in Iraq?
This. Inbreeding also predated Islam. Isaac and Rebecca were cousins. Hercules married his niece. Haredi Jews are extremely inbred and Arab Christians also often marry cousins.
Ending Muslim immigration into America sounds good to me.
They can't impose Sharia law if they are few in numbers.
Ricky Gervais is looking tanned.
Yes but when forgiveness only is a one way street, what's the point. Charity and forgiveness has made the white race weak. Constantly sending aid to Africa when it will never fix the problem. Marrying when the divorce rate is against your chances for happiness much less fidelity. Having other cultures and faiths blame yours for the entire woes of this planet.
When is enough. Enough. I can understand why the Sanhedrin and most Jews denied jesus' claims. Why worship a kowtow to a cuck when you want your messiah to be a closed fist.
Forgiveness is one thing. But larping jesus martyrdom is simply a way to give up and feign strength
You do realize that Jesus Christ is a mythological character, right? Like Hercules or Odin.
I know but it has nothing to do with their sect. Its only because their from the Levant. Marsh Arabs in Iraq are genetically tested to be the closest to ancient Samaritans. They live in the marshes in Iraq where Sumer once was.
Jesus died when he was 33 and looks about 45 in this bullshit picture for a start. Also people who have received Marian apparitions later referred to Jesus being described by our blessed Mother as having 'no excess flesh' meaning he was skinny, way skinnier than this guy
Charity is part of a voluntary society. People should be free to spend their money on what they want. If you disagree with them, tell them, make those arguments.
This claptrap about Christianity being weak is silly. There's a reason it is the largest religion in the world, you don't get that way by being weak.
He was a jew, not an arab. Arabs were even more shit-tier than they've been under islam in those days and couldn't even dream of btfoing the kikes. Still a bit like now, some things never change I suppose.
More pics
No, he was worse, he was a kike.
Good thing his cult lost its influence on our culture.
Personally, I believe it is terrible that Christian influence has declined. America isn't what it once was, and I think in large reason due to our declining religiosity and morals.
pharisees were the true kikes
jesus dindu nuffin
Relevations 1:14-16:
14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
Matthew 17:1-8:
17 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
Jesus was literally Light-skinned.
>it's only because they're from the Levant
I'm trying to make the argument that Levantine people are whiter than Arabs further East of them.
>Marsh Arabs in Iraq are genetically tested to be the closest to ancient Samaritans
>They live in the marshes in Iraq where Sumer once was
I mean this with absolute respect, but are you perhaps mistaking Samaritans with Sumerians?
If the only way to maintain morality is by fear and sheep mentality then good riddance.
That's usually how it works. Humanity isn't made up entirely of people with the intellect of philosophers, though that would be nice.
The Shroud of Turin disagrees.
Though I do believe Jesus was a white Levantine, I feel that Revelations is a poor choice for evidence. Jesus having white hair in his young age would be strange, but even stranger is the sword tongue. I think this particular verse is better left as divine imagery rather than his human form.
Matthew also seems to be used for divine imagery rather than Jesus's human form. Jesus is shining before Peter, James, and John because he's showing them the light of his power.
Makes sense jesus was black
>Homeless bum
>Spend all time high making "philosophy and sheeit"
>When law enforcement gets him, gets his "homies" to later scream "He dindu nuffin"
Does this guy look European to you?
Indeed it does and the evidence for the Shroud is staggering.
I said
As in closer to white people than other Arabs are.
The best Semitic tribe died off years ago.
Why is byzantine art so tsundere
You want to shitpost, but this is the imagery of Jesus that was retained by the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church, one of the first Churches that were established.
wait so if someone tells me im being a good samaritan they are telling me im being a fucking kike?
where do you see accurate historical diagrams like this, leaf?
this stuff really interests me
God had to sacrifice someone, might aswell be an arabo jew.
cartage should burn tbqh
t. cato
that's not what horses looked like back then they were mostly white and had blue eyes
Samaritans believed in the religion of the Jews but rejected all authority besides the Torah (by that, I mean the Pentateuch). So they were on bad terms with the more mainline Jewish sects, particularly because they disagreed on where God could be worshipped. The point of the Good Samaritan parable is that your brother is not necessarily the one who is of the same race (or at least group) as yourself, but the one who is kind toward you, everything else being secondary.
So you're not being called a kike, but at least a Semitic heretic.
Comcordant Literal Version. Book of Unveiling (Revelation) 1:12-15; "And I turn about to look for the voice which spoke with me. And, turning about, I perceived seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like a son of mankind, dressed in a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle. Now His head and hair are white as white wool, as snow, and His eyes as a flame of fire, and His feet like white bronze, as fired in a furnace, and His voice is as the sound of many waters."
They are from the Osprey Art of War books.
you are genuinely the only helpful leaf ive ever seen
Is he doing a rabbit with his hand? Is it the easter rabbit? Easter?
Aren't arabs basically whites who stayed in the desert instead of moving north to europe so they kept their dark skin instead of evolving lighter skin like europeans
It's not that he's Arab, it's the fact that he has short hair that bugs the hell out of me.
I refuse to live in a world where Jesus didn't have long fucking hair.
No, he is of course pure white with Strawberry Blonde hair, and blue eyes. Like all the other people who live in that region.
>dark skin
FYI Kabyle berber Algeria Atlas mountains.
I heard they are importing Ukrainian broads in to keep the inbreeding from getting too strong.
>implying God's genes would be recessive
>I refuse to live in a world where Jesus didn't have long fucking hair.
The description we have of Jesus is that he was bald or balding and short and stooped.
Either was he was the son of God.
As if we did not no that what he looked like is not important it is that what he taught was paradigm changing for humanity. A witness to his divinity.
the whole middle east, north africa, and europe is caucasian. Europeans are the superior caucasians. All races have superior groups.
ICXC, which is an abbreviation for the Greek IHCOYCXPICTOC, or Jesus Christ. The three fingers touching together is also a symbol for the Holy Trinity - in fact, Eastern Orthodox Christians make the sign of the Cross using three fingers too.
But you can say it's a cute bunny too, whatever.
>All races have superior groups.
Whom do you consider to be superior among the Europeans?
Don't think your joke was lost on me
This verse also says that his tongue is a sword. It must not be the literal appearance of Christ as a man.
european is not a race. european is the superior amongst the caucasian race
forgot pic related
Well 800 would be enough to recover their entire ethnicity without mixing with foreigners.
I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're telling me.
Sword out of the mouth is a metaphor for having a manner to speak bluntly and to the point, that your tongue is considered sharp and dare I say it, edgy.
>european is not a race. european is the superior amongst the caucasian race
OK, sure. But are there differences among European groups that reflect the difference between Europeans and Middle Easterners which makes Europeans superior?
Indeed, it must be a metaphor, but the phrasing of the tongue metaphor is just like the rest of the description which leads me to believe that the entire physical description of Jesus in Revelations is actually a metaphor.
>I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're telling me.
Probably that Berbers can be white as fuck sometimes.
Am Berber, can confirm.
Do you even know what an apocalypse is?
I'd love to see a colorized version of your photograph. Who is that?
A lot of descriptions from back then used odd ways to describe colors.
Hebrew has no words for the color blue, for example. There was actually a discovery not too long ago of an old garment with a shade of blue that was lost for thousands of years, because they simply had no way to describe it.
Yeah He was Judean but who cares about race, honestly
Implying such edginess wont bring forth the apocalypse?
wrong, he is a Jew
Galilean, actually.
That's absurd. The blue sky is above you for several hours almost every day. It's a primary color. How could they not invent a word for blue?