Welcome to 2017, question session is open
Question Session
How did you do that?
w e w
Will their be any major ISIS attacks in the next couple of months?
The terrorism meme is something the old world order would very much like to drop at this point.
Did you read the news about the fire in Gatlinburg? A couple of kids with a dollar of matches did more damage than any so-called terrorist act.
There are a couple important things to draw from this.
One, terrorism isn't real. It is trivial to do massively more damage than any so-called terrorist attacks have.
Two, awareness of this fact is penetrating into the public psyche. People are increasingly aware that a small group of individuals are capable of tremendous force multiplication, which has the potential to cause a cascade of individuals attaining agency and therefore dealing a deathblow to the old order.
2017 year of the Anunnaki?
Is the khubs in the khabs?
Or the khabs in the khubs?
Is the UN important to their plans?
So I'm not insane for thinking of ways to cripple my native city?
or the media just got tired of reporting them, you fucking twat.
But here's a question. When does the batman prophecy happen.
No. People generally mistake the ambitions of the old world order. The globalists, or old world order, never had in their ambitions a singular global governing body. The nationstate is among the most potent obstacles that has ever stood in their way. They prefer to see the breaking up of such bodies into entities which are small and impotent.
When are you publishing your book about infrastructure?
Also has anything important happened since last question session?
Most likely not a productive endeavor, although you could argue the world would be better off in a few cases, i.e., you hail from London or New York.
Is something going to happen in Mexico?
Depends in large part on how events develop over the next few months. If the Trump administration wants to do good we will guide them along the way piecemeal. Otherwise, we will deal a deathblow to the alternative media and the administration by putting forth a clear alternative.
Ive never seen any of your question sessions till now so please get me a bit up to date.
Into what are you an insider of, and im curious, who is part of the as you call it old world order, and who is part of the new world order?
That's a nice Volcano you have there.. It;d be a shame if something were to happen to it...
Apparently he's from the organization that created Christianity, Islam, and the American revolution to fuck with Romans and the descendants of Roman organizations.
do you like to play dominoes on cheese pizza?
The new world order is basically the ambitions embodied in the American revolution. The old world order is comprised of bankers, nobility, secret societies which seek to conceal information and feed upon the downtrodden masses.
> (OP)
>Is something going to happen in Mexico?
Yes, Mexicans are going to stay in their own goddamn country and work their own goddamn jobs there.
We do not condone child abuse.
When will anime be real?
Did your organization seed Kek on Sup Forums and has your organization done anything to imageboards outside of these threads?
are there any secrets about imageboards that even the oldest and autistic of oldfags wouldn't know?
Do Pizzagate accusations have legitimacy?
If so, why hasn't the OWO done anything to reveal the actions which they do not condone?
Why is Sup Forums allowed to exist when it's such a massive threat to the status quo? It it even possible to destroy at this point?
Is it because of the Streisand effect? Did they become scared after GamerGate?
are you gonna skip me
The world is going to experience a massive renaissance inside the next decade. Mankind will be a Type 2 civilization within about 50 years. Very big changes are coming.
Is god dead?
Did we kill him?
Will jesus ever come back?
Meme magic is real. If you want to explore it in a more rigorous way, look up the 100th monkey effect or read The Origins of Consciousness by Jaynes.
And on who's side are you on?
And also do you have more info or conformation on things like the holohoax, dino's that didnt exist, the fake moon landing, pizzagate, ancient buildings on Antarctica or even flat earth?
>Type 2 civilization
Wouldn't that imply an Intersteller civilization?
Did you fuckers figure out FTL travel or something?
Pedophilia is rampant among the old world order. You don't have to be a pedophile to join their ranks, but you do need to be engaged in something that could be considered blackmail material.
I know it's real i'm asking if your organization revealed it to us. Seeing as you guys specialize in seeding ideas of merit that naturally propagate it fits your MO to a tee.
Please answer the question.
You just said you do not condone child abuse, yet the OWO rampantly engages in it?
One Haitian special, hold the sausage please.
He's not OWO dumbass he's a insurgent meme wizard.
One illusion that will disappear in short order is the idea that free speech exists as a matter of law.
As it stands today, the majority of the population is what you might called purple pilled. They believe in systemic conspiracy but also nonsensical myths like remnants of a free press ("alternative media").
Such notions are immediately debunked by entertaining ideas like being a space elevator. We have and have had the technological capacity to do this for decades and therefore the ability to drive 20%+ annual GDP growth, yet you see no talk of this in any of the vast swaths of "real/alternative" media. One can only conclude that they are truth purveyors but rather mere misdirection.
The existence of forums like this encourages people to believe in nonsense ideas like free speech still exists under the law.
Not yet
Many have tried
Depends on what you mean by that
Is zionism a tool of the british crown *read OWD*?
Has the jewish religion been altered to suit their purposes?
How do we defeat EU army? Are there other threats in EU for the near future?
We support the establishment of a new world order. Our values are similar, although more complex, to what you conceptualize as the American revolutionary spirit.
What organization system are you using for when you state that we will be a "Type 2 Civilization" within the next decade?
>How do we defeat EU army?
You don't. Now we're leaving, it's happening.
Why won't you answer my fucking question, OP. You know what I'm talking about.
FTL travel has been worked out in principle, but mankind's energy throughput is not even remotely close to what would be necessary.
>Type 2 civilization
>space elevator
You're just a silly speculator -- these claims are obviously foolish.
I'm sure you've been asked this before, but what is your view (or your organization's view) on Christianity? I was a devout Christian for the longest time but lately I've found it very hard to believe.
>We support the establishment of a new world order.
What's this "we" shit?
If it's not real you can just say no, right? :)
you can just fucking respond to me and say it's not fucking real.
I don't believe in de jure free speech but Freedom can only be taken not given.
I'd argue that anons have carved out a space in the world and taking down our sites would cause such a massive Streisand effect that the world would never be the same and we'd just host another site or move to deeper networks.
Again can we realistically even be destroyed?
Anything you can tell us about Antarctic pyramids?
I fucking knew it.
Good to see you again!
1st question: I noticed that Julian Jayne's work is used in the plot of the HBO show Westworld. Are Christopher Nolan and Lisa Joy familiar with your order (I believe you referred to it as "Three?") or is it simply a coincidence that they are introducing his theory of the bicameral mind to a new audience?
2nd question: What is your opinion on Iain Mcgilchrist's take on bicameralism in his book The Master and His Emissary? He seems to come to the opposite conclusion regarding how the divided human brain is currently affecting the western world and believes it is not as beneficial to us as it once was.
how do we prepare for Valentines Day/WW3?
And what is the endgame regarding humans for the nwo? Also, can you conform or refute the holohoax, dino's that didnt exist, the fake moon landing, pizzagate, ancient buildings on Antarctica or even flat earth?
Most people are not aware of the difference between esoteric judaism and the more ordinary religious sort.
You could describe the old world order as esoteric jews. They believe in the vengeful god, arbitrary punishment, concealment of knowledge, the disunity of the people (tower of Babel), and so on.
The state of Israel in the middle east is not important to esoteric judaism, but the maintenance of the old world order is.
You shouldn't worry yourself with the EU. It will continue to fall apart. Their constitution is untenable and the rise of nationalism is in part a result of widespread awareness of this by the people there.
>when you're a high level insider
>gets bed dysinfo
More and more are learning to engage with their true agency/deep will. How does this rennaissance in occult interest, notably in Russia, factor here?
We will seize the US government via presidential election in 2024 (or by other means sooner if necessary) and unleash decades of pent up technological development.
Do you; like us, seek the preservation of the European peoples and the cultures in which we have created, and the modern world which our ancestors were the progenitors of, or do you; like the Jews, seek to destroy all culture and unite the world into one lesser race of unproductive, unimaginative, Marxist drones?
Who are you and what can you tell me about the OSCE and CoE? They freak me out for some reason.
you can't possibly be skipping me by accident. Why are you ignoring me, OP?
We believe in what you might call esoteric Christianity. You must interpret many things symbolically rather than literally to get towards the truth.
Nolan has to be.
Fucking Baneposting
Will white people get overrun by brown people? Or is it to break down old order?
Damn. Will take note.
So it is the fucking Jews but not really?
The cat is out of the bag. We can't be stopped, which means you can't be stopped in some sense.
I've noticed that your higher ups are hoarding resources. I'm also aware that most of the crap going on in the world is a mere distraction. Through some digging I've come to the conclusion that there will be some type of epic catastrophe, and I'm curious if you know what it is.
Relax bro it's just LARP anyways
>Esoteric Christians founded America
I guess the Evangelicals were right about America being a Christian Nation.
What happens after the Yellowstone caldera erupts?
Will you give me a job, lol? I'm pretty fucking smart.
how long until we can greatly extend human life? how would they do it? gene manipulation or synthetic replacement for everything but the brain?
>which means you can't be stopped in some sense.
Are we your junior division or something? Amateur meme priests?
"All roads lead to Rome"
this is speaking of religions and governments right?
Whats the deal with ancient Egypt and spirituality? Why do people consistently link them together? Does Rome lead to Egypt?
So esoteric judaism is the damaged goods "chaos god" version of the old testament and they believe that in order for the survival of everything that has a brain, it should be deprived of its agency?
Other than the origins of consciousness, a decent base of knownledge and attaining means to not be silenced or killed is anything else important to agency?
I am trying to get some REAL information out of him and he clams up like a pussy.
like he is only here to fucking spout more of what we already know.
I'm not going to answer questions of type one, at least as far as living people goes.
I have not read the book you mentioned. It is true the state of consciousness in the world today is very sorry indeed.
Are you just a LARPing faggot OP?
how do i establish myself as a "major player"?
Seems so. I like LARPING, I'll join you guys
The old world order is actively plotting the elimination of 99%+ of the population. We do not share any of their genocidal fantasies.
You are wasting your time with questions like the holohoax, dinosaurs, fake moon landing, etc. Disputing the past is far less important to your well being than imagining and bringing to fruition a better future.
worship the khabs and behold my light shed over you
Russia was a historical ally of the American enterprise. We support and encourage further a return to this state of affairs.
If i understand correctely we must have found out here on Sup Forums via similarity that it was the jews but instead its jews who are using the symbology of the old testament
>getting real information from a role player
What are your thoughts on Anon5?
Any concerns on Trumps inauguration day?
We oppose the forces that are undermining the predominantly white countries, not because of their whiteness, but because we are interested in the spread of economically mobile, educated, enlightened mankind and the defense of an upwardly mobile and growing middle class.
Esoterically speaking... are OWO over level 9000? Or, is the scale too small to truly measure your superior knowledge and insight?
Are you with Knights Templar?
Are you associated wit the Rosicrucians, given your mystical Christian leanings? Also, why did the Jungians turn into a bunch of insular, elitist snobs?
Do the Rosicrucians know the secret behind the pizo conspiracy?
If you read as you should have, then you should know from a young age that the synagogue of satan is composed of those who call themselves jews but are not.
This is a far more complex idea than the bottom drudge that you see on Sup Forums frequently, however.
The way you've described your view of Christianity in the past seems very gnostic. It is my understanding that Christianity at its core is sacramental in the sense that it uses physical means to describe spiritual realities. In Christian theology a human being is a unification of physical and spiritual, but the spiritual side of us is like a set if invisible muscles and must be exercised from man to become aware of their existence. Gnosticism seems to teach that there is a disunification between flesh and spirit. The duelism taught in esoteric Christianity, in my understanding, is flawed because of that. You seem to point to a theology of pure symbolism, which in my (perhaps limited) understanding would negate the role and function of the physical side of the sacramental aspect of the teachings. Am I wrong? Can you please elaborate on your version of Christianity?
What do you have to say about
>pic related
We are aware of efforts by the old order to genocide the vast majority of mankind and actively work against it.
I browse /x/ regularly, and it is even more shit than the occasional real threads about conspiracies here. They constantly say they are the "lowest-iq" board and the succubus shit, /div/, all the cancer memes just fucking shit on whatever original content the board has. Ice pyramid/antarctica looked promising, erratas looked promising, but sadly no dice on either of these. I have had a sneaking suspicion about the future after some disaster that is going to kill off a lot of people, and I have been having visions about it and plenty of stuff. A voice in my head is trying to prepare me, educate me for some reason. I have had this theory for a few years now and I have been browsing for a long time looking for some answers.