Not so fast Roasties
i hate women too, but isnt it firefighting 101 to not try to save people stuck in a burning building
Haha, hope the kittens got euthanized shortly after
Looks like she was a coal burner??
In that case, her decision made sense.
>charged with neglect for not trying to get somebody else out of fire
Isn't the general advice with fires to get out and not go back in?
That would be the case if it was a fully grown man or woman in there. pretty much anyone over the age of 16 and bellow 60 can throw a 6 year old over their shoulder on the way out. Plus you would have thought some kind of instinct would have kicked in like the cat.
It depends on the circumstances, but if there was enough time for the firefighters to get in and pull the daughter out after the mother has already left, then it's safe to say there was probably plenty enough time for the mother to get the daughter out herself without being caught in the fire.
really nigga?
She chose not to grab her kid on the way out.
This might have been an attempted murder.
>postpartum depression
Six years post partum?
This is like parenting 101. If there's a fire and you have children, you prioritise their safety. You're their guardian, and you're not fucking leaving until you've made sure that all your children are safe.
What kind of a fucking mother do you have to be, that when your house is ablaze, you make no attempt to save your family, and instead just run out to save yourself?
And honestly, even if it was general advice not to go back in, you have to be an incredibly self-absorbed, loathsome and emotionless cunt not to go back in to save your children from a fire. A good parent disregards their own interests and their own safety, if the alternative is death for their children.
Might be true if it's a full grown adult but a six year old is small enough that you should be able to carry them in your arms.
Look at the little cunt right beside her
>What kind of a fucking mother do you have to be...
Her children look half black. So she probably has very poor decision making skills. Whatever fuck this dumb bitch
> David Giannelli, noticed Scarlett carrying her kittens away from the garage one by one. Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned, and her coat highly singed. The majority of her facial hair had been burnt away. After saving the kittens she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there and alive, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then she collapsed unconscious.
>Plus you would have thought some kind of instinct would have kicked in like the cat.
deends on which instinct kicked in, self reservation or kid saving
i dont think id be able to leave my kid and just run tho, it sounds casey anthony tier
She'll likely get away with it simple becasuse she has the 'right" private parts.
Humans are the most coward living beings and their numbers should be decreased to at least 500million in the world
That's one dedicated mother.
The eternal pizza strikes itself!
When your child's in danger you save it's life or die trying
r- vs. K-selected species.
All Rossellos are scumbags
maybe she got cucked and it's her husbands daughter
>Sup Forums is against running from a fire to save yourself
You guys never cease to amaze me with you're retardedness baka,lmao.
I mean yeah it reflects her character and blah blah blah but idk if legal action is a good idea. I really fail to see how it will help the daughter.
Looks like a cartoon villain.
Yeah, if you're stupid enough to let your genetics get you killed then you deserve to die, she did therefore she gets to live.
This isnt suprisng. Women are useless as fuck in an emergency. Most of the time they arent even capable of saving themselves, let alone someone else. I dont even think its biology, but more due to the way they have been coddled in society.
this soullessness isnt exclusive to women at all
humans are just garbage-tier creatures when you really look at what we do objectively
Poor bait
It's called protecting your children, and maybe if you actuall did it once in a while you wouldn't be getting fucked over by refugees
If she was in the right she wouldn't have been charged with child neglect
I don't know why but this story made me feel particularly emotional
there's no source or anything
i'd be interested in actual proof whether dicks make vaginas outties or not
postpartum depression is scary
This bitch lived in an apartment. A neighbor noticed smoke billowing out from beneath the front door. Rosello emerged from the apartment and the neighbor asked if there was a fire. Rosello said there wasn't a fire and that everything was ok. The neighbor asked if anyone else was in there and Rosello said her daughter was in there. Rosello then ran into the street and flagged down a passing motorist who took her to her friend's house. Rosello at no time contacted emergency services. Luckily the neighbor didn't buy her shit and pulled the fire alarm and called 911. This wasn't child neglect, it was attempted murder.
>le edgy fagg0t
I love the story about that mama cat that saved her babies. Brings a tear to my eye every time.
>253 partners
>lifetime average
Pretty sure that's bullshit.
Cats are godtier animals
Pretty sure it's bs. What does 253 partners mean? How many times did they fuck her? If you're married, you've fucked your wife more than 253 times..Pretty sure pussy lips are like cock angles, to each their own uniqueness.
Deserves to die from ebola.
wtf I love cats now
Hopefully she goes to prison for attempted murder. Jesus.
single mothers are so pathetic ah hahahaha
Meanwhile, fucking your gf hundreds of times somehow doesn't have that effect.
Jesus that's disgusting. But she'll just get a pussy pass out of everything
Poor womyn
>dat level of self sacrifice, I really believe that we should meme catgirls into reality.
haha dont know why but that shit made me kek
trump will fix this
>Not risking your life for your own kid
Literally gas yourself
The world would be more comfy with less population 2bh
World War 3 when?
Damn she is hot though her tits look huge. Would still bang
do you feel like a badass with that flag? it looks pretty badass
not as badass and honorable as ours though
>fled the apartment and went to a friend's house
What? I think there's some information missing there.
great kitteh
did not die
>i hate women too,
Spotted the ugly fat neckbeard that has never had sexual attention from a woman. Inb4 other butthurt neckbeards.
>American women women worse than cats
Lets make khajeets great again.
it needs to happen desperately
its one of the few thins i agree with ted turner
fortunately china and india both have 2 child policies now but arica is another story and they are contributing hugely now to population
so government do gooder vs individual?
can we have names of prosecuting judge and atourneys n law firms? disbar them all
Men are raised to be selfless interventionists. Women are not. Then you get things like this to happen.
I don't really feel anything
It's a cool flag though I suppose...too bad we(Kosovo) have to use that crappy EU-shill flag tho
Fun Fact:One of the flag submissions back in 2008 was pic related which mixed the traditional double-headed eagle with the American-style stripes...too bad it didn't happen
The woman isn't a firefighter why should she risk her life when its not her job??
>cock angles
isn't that just because you beat it with your good hand?
The story is from 1996, she died 2008, so 13 years old, pretty good for walking through fire and Flames
>selfless interventionists
So I assume all the men of Sup Forums will selflessly help the homeless and the poor and the sick?
Woman did that near me with two of her kids. Fled the house and made no attempt to save them.
Women are just shitty human beings.
>The weakest of the kittens, a white-coated, died of a virus a month after the fire.
with that flag i thought this would have made you hungry
It's her job to defend her own children at any cost you piece of shit
F then
You are now aware that it is illegal in California for men to leave a burning building without rescuing all women, children and PETS first but a woman can leave her kids to die without penalty.
How underage are you to think that is how vaginas work? Jesus christ
She probably realized white people in general looked at her funny with niglets. So, she probably left the girl because she wanted to live a different life. Still she's a retard.
>western women
>maternal instincts
but... but... guys that is what the fire department is for! you don't need guns, to defend your family!
Pity your mother didn't have that policy after she shat you out.
Could you fly with that?
is a roastie actually a sign of a girl being a slut or does it occur randomly and even in virgins and stuff?
I see this as fairly typical behaviour from narcissistic/ psychopath personality types.
Parenting got too hard so she decided to kill of the kid and win some sympathy points - only it didn't go according to her plan.
Sadly for the kid, the irresponsible mother will probably wrangle a lenient sentence and maintain custody because she had a cry and used some "depression" excuse.
As I said, all standard stuff for people on that Spectrum. Watch out and avoid them, they're all as bad as this under their pretty surface.
Prolapsed vaginas are pretty common, user.
Fucking finally someone else says it
Latter. Unless the female gets fucked dry, I suppoe. But some hit puberty and that shit just fills out :(
I can already tell she is a single mother only reading the heading and the pictures.
Zionist supporter spotted
My god, what a horrible mother!
I hope they took the children away from her after that, bitch is obviously not fit to be a mother.
What about the other kid in that picture?
I respect what the cat did and all. I have a cat myself and I love it. But your comment made me kek hard, cause it actually looks like a villan.
That fucking absolutely based kit. There's a special spot in Valhalla for you on my lap.