How long before BLM takes this fucker out and places his head on a pike?
It will never happen Jamal
please do it
He will be silenced, one way or another
>we are going to fight fascist
>by acting exactly like fascist
Are you retarded? (((They))) are going to get to him first.
Not if whites stop being cucks and actually stand up to the brown hordes
They would rather kill each other. Literally too stupid to organize themselves outside of burning and looting
You mean acting like communists right?
It will never happen. Know your place.
You will soon accept it like Germany and Sweden soon enough. DCF is already targeting your Hitler Youth children, to reverse the damage with a foster family
I dare you or anyone like Spenser to do a speech in Chicago. In enemy territory.
why dont you go back to wherever shit hole you come from if you are a shitskin
or if you are white why are you being a nihilist degenerate
same day every blm """leader""" gets a target on their back
Im Native American. Get the fuck off my land
Do you want a fourth Reich?
'Cos that's how you get a fourth Reich.
By who? Whites are too cucked
go ahead make him a martyr
>implying the alt-right exist
This guy is (((controlled opposition))) so we don't give a fuck about him. But commies like you need to die
No. You White Nationalists need to die.
Get off my land
>He will be silenced, one way or another
Reported to the FBI
I really hate how some people exert more effort than me and in turn have more fruitful and prosperous lives. Why can't they just wallow in the dirt and leach off tax payers like I do??? I really just want to seize the means of production and just run it into the ground like south africa. Then we can all be equally miserable.
Was that good? Can join leftypol now?
Your land?
Are you trying to imply that you own property?
You're in buddy
Black lives matter less in no other part of the world
Who is this, why do you think anyone would care, and he'd white so if they can do it without being killed for being niggers they'll try sooner or later.
They don't need to kill him. Just turn him into the boogeyman and shame anyone who reveals their support for him.
Just like David Duke.
>know your place
As what, the descendants of revolutionaries that made the very country you're in? Americans are different than Europeans when it comes to many things.
You should know your place and move to N. Korea or China.
Your ancestors signed treaties and agreements allowing us many plots of land. Some were never even owned by your people. Only small portions of land may belong to you.
I'll mail you a family sized bottle of Listerine in your choice of flavor if you agree to stop shitposting forever.
Hi KKK, surprised you FBI informants didnt fuck off yet
I thought you niggers didn't belive in ownership of land? Now the savage belives in private property.
I will remind them again this year too.
It's my fucking land, nomad nigger
back to mongolia you red skinned faggot
>my land
Communism: the ideology of hypocrites
I dare you to go to a pack of gorillas and anger it, claiming youre superior. They would probably think you're one of them you dumb nigger
We have no idea who even is still, the guy's an obvious intelligence asset.
Black lives splatter.
I think it was a good thing this happened. Separated the boys from the men. Now the Redditors who still come here to poach our memes do so in the knowledge that we really weren't joking all along when we said everything is better with segregation and that their watered down normie-marketable politics are as ineffective as they are unwelcome
How cute, the casino nigger actually thinks he has any power or influence over others.