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The fuck is this shit
How is Trump a racist, a fascist, or a klansmen? Please cite evidence.
I agree, Drumpf is a bigot.
United statians was stupid when they elected that turd. The US should be more like Sweden, the Nr 1 humanitarian superpower. It's 2017 you fucking statians.
Vote for a real candidate like Bernie or Hillary in 2020, the rest of the world is laughing at you.
>Grab her by the pussy
>They are rapists...
A new world order
>the Nr 1 humanitarian superpower
Isn't that Canada?
I made up a better one, rolls off the tongue better
No Trump
NO not today
No Facist
Green Day was good 17 years ago
American Idiot was mostly trash
That was catchy as fuck.
>Bill Clinton.
>Super predators.
Not an argument to be found here.
>"Make america great again"
Enough said.
A catch phrase is evidence?
My god. I don't even have it in me to argue with such idiocy.
We are the real Scandinavia, not you.
Norway is litteraly the white trash of Europe, you guys are a bunch of inbreded hillbillies. Refused to join the EU etc. The european nationstate is dead, the union is the future
He wants to make america great. That's literally worse than Hitler
Nice bait. You got me.
The entire nordics are cucks. You have produced nothing worth for western civilization.
>When you're in your 40s but dress like a 14 year old scene kid
>You have produced nothing worth for western civilization
Said the monkey, you are the Estonia of South America. Litteraly an irrelevant clay
It helps move product
Denial the posts.
I have no respect for nordics and I should never have. The only thing worth you have done is Piratebay.
Other than that your culture is LGBT, bathroom rights, liberalism and destruction of western society.
I have more respect for Turkroaches than for you.
He's right, you know...
Is there anything more pathetic than a washed-up middle aged white liberal "rock star?"
Remind me their hit songs expect Broken Dream blvd.
based antifa greenday
>>Statment makes Trump a fascist because "dat language"
>>refers to immigrants coming from Mexico, not Mexican immigrants themselves.
Did I get any of those statements wrong?
Listen to that shit.
>Brazil spends billions on kicking fucking balls around.
>Uses telegraph lines as routers.
Revolution and progressiveness is a big industry. Look at how much money they are making since started with anti-americanism in early 2000s.
I suspect heroin played a big roll. Look at kurt cobain.
Heroin is the boipucci drug.
Of course Norway is being a traitor, you should defend your Nordic brother against this irrelevant third world monkeyBut no you didn't, we are and will remain more relevant than you, Norway.
I for one can't wait until Trump nationalizes the KKK. A klan chapter for every town in America and youth KKK groups in every public school. It is a shame Dr. Duke turned down the VP slot because he felt Trump was too extreme for him.
>But no you didn't, we are and will remain more relevant than you, Norway.
Ofc, you will be relevant as fuck in the future. A living example of how "great" a country build on feminism and multiculturalism is
Gå å henge deg din forbanna svenske faen
>Owned by Jewish Corp Inc: The Pic
bernie will be dead by then
This pic is scary for a lot of reasons
>Their music is targeted at 13 year old boys because....
>That thousand yard junkie stare from the drummer. Trying SO HARD to look cool too.
>Green Day was good 17 years ago
Green day was never good you turbo pleb
>Multi-millionaire 40 somethings.
>Waaaah evil mean rich guy!
Reminder: (((fat mike))) from NOFX lives in a gated community in Commiefornia and takes his kids to private school. Punk as fuck.
But that's how socialism works. Socialism for the goyim and capitalism for the elite.
He's also a kike
A fucking german!
Jesus how fucking cringey are these idiots... Can you imagine if this pop-punk group of dads formed today? They'd be a laughing stock.
Hot Topic culture is dead. All the cool kids now are fashy goys.
I used to be a punk when I was younger and nobody I knew or hung out with liked green day. Even when they were doing side shows with Rancid back in the early days we all knew their music was pop punk at best.
let's face it, it was already cringe in the 90s.
>Oh look I'm so angry and so anti-society I'm so underground :D xD
>back to my happy wealthy parents' place in time for dinner
>got my new Kerang magazine for the cool posters :D
Pushing 50 and still having dyed/spikey hair and trying to maintain that punk vibe they managed to fool people into thinking they had 20+ years ago. How sad is that for them and for me for falling for it in the 90s?
To be fair they kind of created scene culture with American Idiot.
It was shite 17 years ago. Faggy sounding squeaky bullshit.
And it's shite to this very day.
The end
lol these guys
Without people like Green Day or Marilyn Manson you don't have a complete transformation of society
It's a triangle of marxism: College, music and politics.
Those 3 combined if done correctly lead society to a previously engineered future.
well they got 22 years older
>Marilyn Manson
Gotta disagree with you there, Paulo. Manson was all about selfdetermination and individualism (lots of ideas borrowed from LaVeyan Satanism) that would probably line up with today's """alt-right"""
Green day always sucked huge dick. They dress like fags act like fags and Shud be gassed
>Ash Thayer is a photographer and multi-media visual artist based in Los Angeles.
>2007: T. Schreiber Studios, performance
>2000: M.F.A. Columbia University, New York, NY
>1997: B.F.A. The School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
I used MM as an example of changing society.
>Manson was all about selfdetermination and individualism
>Would probably line up with today's """alt-right"""
Completely dumb comment to be honest. You are confusing a media product for shaping behavior with ideology.
>I used MM as an example of changing society.
That's fair enough then. No need to be snippy :(
Christ they want the same thunder as they had in the Bush years with American idiot. They don't realise that the red pill has been passed around for too long since then. MUH MTV PUNK by boardroom design.
he said ban mussies
he said all mexicans have disease rape
hes an obamaphobe
They didn't realize that the only reason that works is because Bush played the clown on purpose, and was truly a leftist at heart
conservative is the new punk
Sorry mate.
>Not saying Americans
Thank god you are going to be a third world country soon
Guy in the right it's like a parody of worst joker.
>tfw Green Day
>tfw ruined a genre of music by making an effort to appeal to the mainstream
>tfw managed to make pop punk even worse
>tfw trying to maintain relevance to people 30 years your junior
>tfw still think you're punk
Well.. they will try another american idiot
obviously. This will guaratee them some publicity.
Hopefully Trump won't be a cuck like Bush and will fire back at them.
Good old Green Day. The pinnacle of anarchopunk.
Sweden must be confusing "#1 in humanitarianism" for "#1 in allowing Achmed to fuck their wives and daughters"
Sweden gets confused sometimes.
Why do the two retards to his left and right no one knows always look like they don't wanna be there? For 20 years now.
>Grab her by the pussy
Private conversation between people. If you want to ban that, you're the fascist
>They are rapists
The verbatim quote is "Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
So he's not calling Mexican rapists, he's calling the illegal immigrants rapists.
Punk is so boring and conservative.
punk is actually mainstream and the same thing it stands against
Always preferred blink-182 desu
>market as anti-establishment
>establishment promoted them and made them millionaires
>shill establishment position
Really makes you think.
But user its the liberals who are fascists. They support freedom of speach, but only for their point of view. They support abortion which in reality mainly kills minorities even its founder said planed parent hood was created to remove the human weeds from society. They support government hqnd outs which keep millions of minorities in poverty rather than assisting them to find gainful well paying work. They support the destruction of small businesses with excessive taxes further hirting the poor. They support more gun control which disarms the poor making them easy victims. They use threats and intimidation when things dont gobtheir way look at all the protests and riots. Almost everything liberals do weakens those they claim to support.
Latest album released by them
>Reprise Records is an American major record label, founded in 1960 by Frank Sinatra. It was mostly inactive from 1976 to 1987. It is owned by Warner Music Group, and operates through Warner Bros. Records
>In May 2011, the company announced its sale to Access Industries for US$3.3 billion in cash.[46] The price represented $8.25 a share, a 34% premium over the six-month-before average price and a 4% premium over the day-before price but a drop of 70+% since 2007.[47] Access is a conglomerate controlled by Ukrainian-born billionaire (((Len Blavatnik))).
>Blavatnik was born in Odessa to a Jewish family.
women today either go in a few styles
punk, rock t shirts, ripped pants dyed hair and piercings.
the wholsome girl. looks like daddys little girl but is the biggest drunk and whore, brown boots or ugg boots. long blonde or brunette hair, all the freinds look the same
this on is new but the pinnup, dress like your in the 1950s with the haircut usually short bangs and heavy makeup. mom pants and polka dot dresses, know also with tattos dyed hair
Nothing screams 'over the hill' like performing a 12 year old song in front of housewives on Ellen.
Obviously a coincidence.