but im really tired of black people demanding society give them things for just existing. some think this is an american problem but i see it a lot over here too especially when the bbc broadcast a series of programmes about how black people are much better than white people.
I'm surprised i have become racist
really no one?
Where... do I subscribe ?
The recent "BLACKED and British" BBC thing did annoy me.
If you had "White and British", a week of celebrating white people, it would be deemed racist.
Left wing racism creates right wing racism.
Don't let your opinion of a whole race be dictated to you by some well meaning but ultimately clueless toffs at the BBC.
Go out, meet people. They're more reasonable than you think. True change matey, will come when we all stick together ageing the political elite.
just realize they will always be this way, and let it simmer deep inside of you, I live in one of the most ghetto black neighborhoods in CA because I am a poor white dude, but niggers are scared of me because I have a don't give a fuck look in my eye, they are cowards who want hand outs by nature is what I realized. if we were apes (white people) we would have killed and eaten the men long ago and raped the women until they didn't exist. this is the way of nature, white men have lost the way of nature, we must find it again.
Intentionally or not the MSM is causing racial divide throughout the western world. If all other races can have their own advancement groups why can't whites? We need to further spread white pride, not white superiority. We need to demand the cecession of white displacement and racemixing in our respective nations by promoting nationalist movements
You don't need a White and British because British means white.
They have to mention black because blacks weren't British until you had immigration. And most whites over there probably don't consider the blacks to be British still.
Word. That's actually a Jungian idea, that if you have a conflict at a higher, more pro-civilizational level, you can solve it by dropping down to a more animal level. I experienced it once myself, though not in the context of race.
Don't be a fool.
>We need to further spread white pride, not white superiority.
>he fell for the 'white'
there is no white, you fucks, you've been brainwashed to ignore where your ancestors came from is what you should be celebrating.
there is no white pride
there is no black pride
but there is pride in the culture you grew up in.
not in the bullshit 'X country' pride
your country isnt a race, religion, or way of life
Welcome aboard user
OP is just fine. Gibs are hopeless, let them be black or latino, they all are shit.
this is true, it takes hollywood brain washing to make us feel helpless
I've had black people do a nope 360 moonwalk when they walk into the bathroom and see me. Some of them are nice people to be honest, but this last 2 years has me thinking it's all a big front.
OP, I'm sick of niggers too. I see these sub-humans breeding like cockroaches and bringing down our civilization.
By some stickers from tightrope and place them over telephone poles like I did
Think the left one was a Jew.
it wasnt the fact it was black and british that annoyed me, it was the fact that the series was about how evil whitey is and how blacks had it the hardest in this country (which they didnt, asians got it tougher but you dont see them complaining)
shut your whore mouth.
Definitely a JEW.
irish are not jews.
>Go out, meet people. They're more reasonable than you think. True change matey, will come when we all stick together ageing the political elite.
Go out, meet them when they are stressed, trying to get some pussy, fuelled by hormones without any self control. Share your home and your family being part of a "community " where they are the majority, and see the slowly destruction of every single standard of decency.
How the world would be a better place if the only problem where the 1%. Reality is terrible worse.
I fucking hate this increasingly negro world coz jews are having mental breakdowns again.
Global jew pogrom now.
learn history BIGOTS