Hitler did NOTHING wrong

How can you think Hitler was not good? Hitler tried to stop the Soviet Union from invading Europe. Hitler never killed 6,000,000 Jews. Accorsing to the Jews' own census, "The Jewish World Encyclopedia", 2.4 million Jews lived in all of German-occupied Europe before the start of the war. After the war, 3.8 million claimed social security from the German government, and they claim 6,000,000 died. General George Patton who led the American forces that invaded from France said we should have fought with the NAZIs against the communists, the true evil of the world. The communist government of Russia and the USSR was created by Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. Both of them were Jews. Karl Marx created communism and wrote "The Communist Manifesto". He was also Jewish. Less than 1% of the Soviet Union's population was Jewish, but 82% of its government was Jewish. Hitler was absolutely correct. That is infallibly proven. Communism and racemixing are Jewish plots to destroy the purity of the white race and rule Europe financially and take control of all the land and resources of our race. The brave and heroic NAZIs were led by the glorious mighty Adolf Hitler, the most sacred and exhalted defender and warrior of the Aryan race the world has ever known. They tried to defend us from the communists, the Bulshevik Jews. These Jewish communists and racemixers took over all of Eastern Europe and even Eastern Germany. The Jews committed the true holocaust when they murdered 60,000,000 Europeans. That's what the Soviet government America and Britain helped conquer around a dozen European countries did. They murdered 60,000,000 members of the Aryan race. They starved 10,000,000 to death in the Ukrainian genocide alone. We have been lied to. Everything you know about Hitler and history was a complete lie invented by the Jews to make you hate and help destroy your own race.

Other urls found in this thread:


They want you to be guilty and ashamed of being white, of belonging to the master race. The Americans killed over half a million people in Japan with the atomic bombs. The British incinerated 2,000,000 German civilians alive in the city of Dresden with napalm, mostly women and children. THAT was the ONLY real holocaust that happened. It was against the Germans and European race by countries controlled by rich Jewish bankers. Both capitalism and communism are vile Jewish plots to rule the world. According to the Red Cross, a neutral organization, around 250,000 people died in all of the NAZI labor camps. No one was gassed or incinerated. Those were all lies. All the Jews the Germans killed were killed because they were communists, spies, and traitors, not because they were Jewish. Not all Jews are communists, and not all communists are Jews. One of Hermann Goering's parents was full Jewish. He was the leader of the NAZI air force, the Luftwaffe. There were many NAZIs with some Jewish background. In fact, in America, less than 1% of our population is Jewish, but over 85% of all Soviet spies and communists traitors who were found guilty were Jews. These were racial atheist Jews. It has nothing to do with the Jewish religion. The British starved 4,000,000 Indian villagers to death to feed their armies and fight Germany who tried to make peace with them COUNTLESS times. Hitler was a brave hero. He was framed. Everything they say about the NAZIs is a lie. They were heroes and proud guardians of our sacred Aryan bloodlines and lineage. The only thing the NAZIs were exterminating was poverty, crime, and misery, and the communists, traitors, and criminals who created it. Sieg Heil.

I just want a homogeneous white community, and definitely no Jews invited. Even if we're poor they'd be my people and my community.

I would rather live in a tribal forest society of all whites than a technologically advanced pristine metropolitan city that has negroes.



Hitler made the jews have lots of babies and when they were born threw them into a fire. The number easily tops in the hundreds of millions.

I mean I see what Hitler was trying to do, and it's a shame the economic policies of Nazi Germany will probably never be put into place again, but I've never heard anyone who says Hitler did nothing wrong come up with good defenses for these 3 things:
1) kristallnacht
2) night of the long knives
3) the invasion of Poland (although I know the allies were massive hypocrites, letting Russia invade just 2 weeks later)
Anyway I would like to hear your take on those 3 events, maybe I'm just not redpilled on them


Adolf Hitler was controlled opposition!


Hitler took all his anger for banking Jews out on all the innocent Jewish citizens. That was the mistake he made. Stil, he had the right goals in mind, we need a new hitler.


>2 million
>200,000 for the Dresden raids, and death toll estimates as high as 500,000 have been given.[11][12][13] The city authorities at the time estimated no more than 25,000 victims, a figure that subsequent investigations supported, including a 2010 study commissioned by the city council.

1) The Jews who were taken from their homes and had their businesses destroyed only had this happen, because they communist traitors and Soviet spies. It was not because they were Jewish. Hitler had many non-Jews have similar things happen to them that night for the same reason. Over 85% of convicted communist traitors and Soviet spies in the United States were Jewish as well. Communism is a Jewish establishment and plot. That's why so many Jews are involved in it, as I explained.
2) Same as 1.
3) The Poles were cannabalizing Germans and committing atrocious misdeeds as well as having Paganistic ceremonies on the German border near the city of Danzig. They also oppressed the German people of East Prussia and refused to have any kind of discussion or compromise about Germany reconnecting the scattered remnants of its Empire.

He didn't do that at all. That is false Jewish post-war propaganda. The United States took out its differences with Japan on all the Japanese Americans, however.

Wikipedia also says 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust. That is false. 2,000,000 DID die in Dresden. Wikipedia is run by Jewish communists and race-mixers.

Hitler was a manlet tweaker.

Stalin was an impotent perverted homosexual.

>Hitler tried to stop the Soviet Union from invading Europe
By giving USSR Finland, Baltics, Moldova and half of Poland
Impecable logic ;)

> Accorsing to the Jews' own census, "The Jewish World Encyclopedia", 2.4 million Jews lived in all of German-occupied Europe before the start of the war.

There were 3 million jews in Poland alone dumb dumb

> After the war, 3.8 million claimed social security from the German government, and they claim 6,000,000 died

???? Not only jews claimed reparations lol.

> He was also Jewish. Less than 1% of the Soviet Union's population was Jewish, but 82% of its government was Jewish.
By WW2 there weren't almost any jews in the gov

>implying Hitler wasn't

And what kind of faggot who looks like him calls himself Aryan?

>The British incinerated 2,000,000 German civilians alive in the city of Dresden with napalm, mostly women and children.
>literally doing the 60 gorillion meme

> According to the Red Cross, a neutral organization, around 250,000 people died in all of the NAZI labor camps.
see pic related

>2) Same as 1.
>he doesn't know what the night of long knives was

>3) The Poles were cannabalizing Germans and committing atrocious misdeeds as well as having Paganistic ceremonies on the German border near the city of Danzig.
you will never provide source for this

>and refused to have any kind of discussion or compromise about Germany reconnecting the scattered remnants of its Empire.
Sovereign states do not negotiate ceding parts of their territory to foreign powers. Also the strip was majority polish.

And look how well that worked out for the czechs

Those SA leaders were traitors planning a coup against Hitler. He warned Röhm 3 times to stop and didn't act after he spoker of open treason multiple times until it was absolutely necessary.

Trotsky and Lenin weren't Jewish, my state sponsored education told me so.

>Those SA leaders were traitors planning a coup against Hitler.
But you will never provide proofs of this so called conspiracy other then nazi propaganda. You will never recognize the move for what it really is. The backstabbing little cunt Hitler got rid of SA and other elements of his party when he didn't needed them anymore.

So since you didn't respond to the other points, consider yourself officially BTFO.

They aren't even good points at all.

>they aren't good points because i say so

Then by all means refute them ;)

>collar tab 90 degrees off
>Wehrmacht cap badge worn as a breast eagle
>on the wrong breast


He DID do something wrong.

He lost the war

"It was also not caused by the Polish mobilization of her army two days previous, on August 30, 1939, although the mobilization of a country's army, according to international standards, is equal to a declaration of war on the neighboring country.

German-Polish relations are even today poisoned by centuries-old, deep-seated hatred on the Polish side. For centuries the Poles have been taught from early childhood on Germans were evil and ought to be fought whenever there was a promise of success."


>random person 20 years later denies its a quote
>doesn't actually deny the numbers
>provides "muh only germans" red herring to correct the record
>somehow trillion German Jews killed despite even in denial only 300.000 killed, many obviously non-jews

we have this because Hitler was removed from power.

Sharfschutze medal not wehrmacht badge, collar tabs are not off.

Is there anywhere on the Internet where I can find this census?

How convenient that your letter is from 1975 when the "Holocaust" trademark really took in the 1970s.

Your point about sovereign states is dog shit. Why did Germany have to cede East Prussia to Poland then?


>U.S. propaganda and kike (((testimonies))) and questionable unverified (((testimonies))) of captives are legitimate sources
>sources dont count when they disagree with the people and side who made and perpertuates up the Holohoax propaganda because thats all just Nazi propaganda

And this is why no one takes you kike shitposter serious anymore. Its allways boils down to the same ignorance, projecting the burden of proof and baseless und unverifieable claims after shouting big about mountains of facts and proofsand reposting already debunked fabrications in every new thread.

Google "Edgar J. Steele

>although the mobilization of a country's army, according to international standards, is equal to a declaration of war on the neighboring country.

Germany had the army mobilized for a long time you tard. So by this definition Germany declared war on it's neighbors way before Poland mobilized it's army Holy fuck you guys are stupid.

>German-Polish relations are even today poisoned by centuries-old, deep-seated hatred on the Polish side. For centuries the Poles have been taught from early childhood on Germans were evil and ought to be fought whenever there was a promise of success."

And germans where friendly with the Poles. it's not like Hitler categorized Poles as subhuman or anything...

Because that is when denier retards like you started to achieve some sort or limited mainstream attention

>doesn't actually deny the numbers
>provides "muh only germans" red herring to correct the record

It destroys your claim that the report by IRC was of the total amount of jews killed in nazi camps

>I never get over the rabbit breeding programs
I mean im not doubting them, but why? What did the Jews know about rabbits that we dont? Did they use them to sacrifice to molach since their kids were well documented by the germans?

>Why did Germany have to cede East Prussia to Poland then?
>he doesn't know what the Versailles treaty is

The strip was majority Polish, so it remained in Polish hands

>everything that does not fit my worldview is kike lies and fake

>sources dont count
what sources? The only link deniers posted itt was the site of tgsnt

>And this is why no one takes you kike shitposter serious anymore. Its allways boils down to the same ignorance, projecting the burden of proof and baseless und unverifieable claims after shouting big about mountains of facts and proofsand reposting already debunked fabrications in every new thread.
mad cuz you got BTFO

lol nice bait m8

final solution was only the last phase of the holocaust.
>Mein Kampf
>Nueremberg laws

Nazi antisemitic policies were openly and explictly legislated and enforced. To not have deliberate destruction of the Jewish people, given the opportunity, would not make sense.

Yes, I am absolutely sure that objective reality, the complete evidence and simple truth are on your side. That's also why you have to arrest anyone who challenges the narrative and then scream at the top of your longs "Oy vey! Why is there noone who seriously doubts the Holocaust!? See, everyone believes it!" dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3317083/German-grandmother-87-sentenced-ten-months-jail-denying-Holocaust-saying-Auschwitz-just-labour-camp.html

And many more have been arrested in the last five years.


Even fucking Bibi got into trouble for saying the wrong things about the Holocaust!

Poles and all Europeans are Aryan. Even the Japanese and Chinese were called honorary Aryan. All Europeans are DEFINITELY Aryan and not Untermenschen(sub-human) based on the NAZI view. The Poles mobilized their armies on the German border. The German forces were not near the Polish border until after this occurred.

>How can you think Hitler was not good?
This is Sup Forums, we all think Hitler was good.

Ignore the JIDF raiders

I know what the Versailles Treaty was, but Germany was a sovereign nation. You said sovereign nations should never have to cede territories you arrogant pompous little faggot.

Ignore this guy, he's just an idiot troll who hangs around pol for some reason spouting misinfo and logical fallacies.

Hitler was one of the biggest loser failures of all time.

The pussy bitch literally killed himself because he was such a fucking coward, he is a lesson of exactly how not to be. His entire legacy is to destroy his own country and completely fail at actually achieving any of his goals.

The regions in and around Posen and Danzig were majority German. Hitler's demands against Poland before WW2 were the return of Danzig and a referendum for Posen. Hitler eventually dropped the demands for Posen and only wanted the return of Danzig, where Germans were being ethnically cleansed, and the Poles still refused, thus war.

Hitler never destroyed Germany, the jews called their puppets (which includes USA) and destroyed it because he made his people rich instead of the international financiers.

He did not kill himself. That is Jewish Soviet post-war propaganda. The CIA documents PROVING he escaped to Argentina have already been declassified, idiot.

Thank you. You know even more about it than I do. I didn't study Poland a lot.

The fact that Holocaust is not allowed to deny is not an argument that holocaust is fake.

>Poles and all Europeans are Aryan.
Not according to your daddy Hitler

>The Poles mobilized their armies on the German border. The German forces were not near the Polish border until after this occurred.
So let me get this straight. Poland mobilized their forces in 30 august 1939. Germany invaded 1 September 1939. That is 1 day after. So you are telling me Germany only required 1 day to position the army from somewhere else presumably French border or Czech) and plan an invasion?

Why are you lying again?

>The fact that Holocaust is not allowed to deny is not an argument that holocaust is fake.
It fucking IS. If you JAIL people for asking the wrong questions publicy, for coming to the wrong conclusions, for making the wrong statements, that is not defence of truth and reality. That is a power system, nothing more.

>claim only 25k died in Dresden and not 500k
Just history, goy!
>decrease the number of Germans civilians killed, left and right
Just history, goy!

I see you using these dirty tricks all the time. Including shitting on the Wehrmacht and other little details.

>claim there were no gas chambers or that Auschwitz was no extermination camp

It's also funny how you guys are around for the sixx million, but noone is around for the 100 million victims of communism which your tribe loves so much to this day. Or only the 40 million victims of the great leap forward, or the 9 million of the cultural revolution.

Because you need Auschwitz as the founding myth of a world order that is the ideological and sociological fundament to your global power.

>You said sovereign nations should never have to cede territories you arrogant pompous little faggot.
But in case you have forgotten, Germany lost a war. So it wasn't exactly a sovereign nation.

My point is that if a nation accepts to loose territory to a foreign power unilaterally, then it's accepting client state status. Czechs did this and see what happened to them

>The regions in and around Posen and Danzig were majority German.
Why are you lying? Posen was majority Polish. Danzig was a city state under control by the league of nations

"the non-Jewish members of all European Volk are Aryans".

The Nazi Ancestral Proof: Genealogy, Racial Science, and the Final Solution by Eric Ehrenreich, p. 10

The Ahnenpaß was said to be proof of one's Aryan lineage for the citizens of the Reich stated that "wherever they might live in the world" Aryans were "e.g. an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian".

jungefreiheit.de/Single-News ... 99c.0.html

Also in one of his brochures Himmler called the Russians Aryan (German: "in diesem gepeinigten arischen Volk")

The Schutzstaffel organization as anti-Bolshevik struggle - archive.org/stream/DieSchutzstaf ... ._djvu.txt

Also during the occupation of Poland there was an "Aryan Side" which included Poles.

Reminder that this guy is a troll spreading disinfo.

Why did Bibi say Hitler did NOT want to kill the Jews initially? Why did Bibi say only the Grandmufti of Jerusalem convinced him to kill the Jews?

>literally using the gorillion meme for the germans in dresden

Even the nazi authorities claimed 25k deaths

>It's also funny how you guys are around for the sixx million, but noone is around for the 100 million victims of communism which your tribe loves so much to this day. Or only the 40 million victims of the great leap forward, or the 9 million of the cultural revolution.
Red herrings. Why do you tards always start harping about muh holodomor when we talk about holocaust?

It's crazy that you provided literally 0 evidence in your post

>Danzig was a city state under control by the league of nations
That elected a NSDAP government.

P.S. before you make yourself look even more stupid by pushing the Danzig point, I'll do you a favor and shut you down right now.

The Free City of Danzig was under League of Nations protection and put into a binding customs union with Poland.

Evidence for what? That you are trying to shill for the holocaust? That you are always downplaying the German victims of the war?

And I am mentioning the victims of communism, because Hitler is THE DEVIL and Nazism PURE DEMONIC SATANISM while Communism with an insane magnitude of more direct victims through persecution, systematic extermination and discrimination or forced starvation is sold as a "noble idea practically gone wrong". It is also why the left can reign so easily, demonize any right-winger and sell literal communists and socialists as moderates.

You also did not answer my question why Bibi said that Hitler did NOT want to kill the Jews initially and only the Grandmufti of Jerusalem convinced him to do so.

Is Bibi an antisemitic holocaust denier now, too, that should be jailed?

IF "white washing" of Nazism is a punishable crime, why not the white washing of Communism? I see this every day. Every fucking day! I see it in the mainstream newspapers, the TV stations, the academia, on the internet - not more or less than "glorification" of Nazism, but rather more than less.

It's ridiculous! Total hypocrisy. And thinks to this Sweden is dieing. Germany is dieing. France is dieing. The whole West is in a shit show! Defend the murdered Jews as much as you want, but do not defend a world order that is getting US killed.

>"the non-Jewish members of all European Volk are Aryans".

Hitler did not consider slavs european, but he considered them asiatic

Can you prove this sentence is including slavs?

>The Ahnenpaß was said to be proof of one's Aryan lineage for the citizens of the Reich stated that "wherever they might live in the world" Aryans were "e.g. an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian".
Yes, so what is your point? This is only saying that a Pole CAN be considered germanic, not that poles are germanic ubermensch

>Also in one of his brochures Himmler called the Russians Aryan (German: "in diesem gepeinigten arischen Volk")

let me see it

>Also during the occupation of Poland there was an "Aryan Side" which included Poles.
collaborators. Hitler did this alot. He changed classifications depending on it's political need. Italians are a good example. After Mussulini betrayed Hitler, he changed the classification of the Italians from Aryans to ubermensch
Posen was majority Polish


>Why did Bibi say Hitler did NOT want to kill the Jews initially?
Because he didn't.

But you said very well "initially"

You are literally agreeing with me.

Danzig was put in custom unions with Poland because Poland lacked a developed port of his own. So they "gave" Poland Danzig while Poland built p a port of his own (Gdynia)

lol wrong pic, meant this one

He lost the war him self StG-44 is a great gun the allies picked up durring and after the war the Me-262 Fighter Jets revolutionary fighter nope wanted his autistic fighter bomber let the German army get addicted to speed and the inevitable military defeat dealt to them by the allies saw eastern Europe raped and his/your ayaran race rusifed then leaves you under enemy control

Tldr; Hitler is a dead and failed dictator who was an anal meth addic

Russians are Aryan. You can't russify the Aryan race. Slavs descended from ancient Nords. They were never considered Asiatic or non-Aryan or subhuman. That is ALL WRONG.


warisboring.com/hitler-hated-the-nazi-assault-rifle-cf64ebd640d9#.dkeslk4wo he ORDERED production stopped on the stg-44 they had to rename it to keep making it the jet me262 was one of the earliest true fighter jets saus Wikipedia en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Me_262 and moscovians and causacs did most of the rapeing also Hitler and the Nazi army were on drugs to keep fighting this is commen knowledge

>tfw I think both of these scenarios through in my head and come to the same conclusion.

alberto barbosa

Hitler fled to South America you dummy.

Please go away you silly nigger.

The only good post ITT

Reminder that even Hitler was a blue-pilled normie like the rest of us.


like the rest of us once*