*sips tea*
Sup Forums BTFO
Freedom isn't free
>One dollar a million times every day for 20 years
Niggers' and feminists' ability to complain about petty shit with no recourse hinges on the first 4 things this stupid meme mentions. Technology advancement in the military isn't cheap.
My only question is if you like tea so much, WHY DID YOU DUMP IT IN THE FUCKING RIVER?
Shit is hilarious how blatant their fallacies are
I'm sure the US military would be strong enough to prevent other countries from even thinking about starting shit without the F-35
The shit with the DOD removing weapons from their budget and congress adding it back, is just gibmedats for weapons manufacturers.
>sips tea
You know, your liberal smugness is why Trump won, right?
Why does a 25 year old man go with his mom to the grocery store?
7.2 billion. OK, you should also be outraged over the others too, which you are not. Case closed. Conservatives are dumb.
Isn't Trump doing something about the F-35
I doubt Trump will be doing much of anything in office. His picks for his cabinet indicate they're the ones that will be running the show.
Outraged over what? Military innovation and hardware costing money? I agree though that welfare is not a major problem as far as the budget is concerned. Sure you could probably save billions of dollars by cutting benefits but welfare is only the 5th largest slice of the pie. If you really wanted to save money then cuts should go to Medicare and Social Security, which together make up HALF the US budget.
Meant fourth. Education is 5th at a paltry 3% of the US budget.
>advisors doing advisor things
government handouts are over half of spending. who ever made this is mentally retarded
so 7 billion dollars over 20 years? so much money :^)
Is someone suggesting that you can't buy soda with food stamps?
Yeah, the military is NOT innovation. Invest in college students or healthcare instead, opposed to lining up the big military industry complex run by the 1%
>Several million mothers getting $600 a month for groceries for eighteen+ years
you're a fucking moron and should have been aborted. Multiple food stamps by the millions on them then add up the cost.
Most of that shit was overseen by a Democrat president
>government handouts are over half of spending
Only if you combine medicare, welfare, and government pensions all into one pseudo-category called "handouts". Individually, medicare is the single largest consumer of the US budget while arguably providing the least benefit to the citizens.
For soda alone you fucktard. Nothing being said about ALL the other stuff they need and consume. It sums up to an insane ammount of money very quickly. I know tumblr morons have a hard time understanding this.
>Protects me
>Protects me
>Protects me
>Protects me
>Some bitch who can't get a job to pay for the kids she shouldn't be having
Investing in colleges will just put the money in the 1% who profit from universities.
Investing in healthcare puts the money into the 1% who own the hospitals or networks that oversee healthcare. and/or insurance companies.
Stop being retarded.
think of all the jobs that money pays for. fucking perpetually unemployed free shit brigade. sad!
Arms development gives jobs, food stamps take it away.
what are unneccessary tanks supposed to be?
what is the criterium for that?
how would they know if these tanks will ever be useful?
fuck off you communist fag
The F-35 program might cost a trillion dollars over 55 years.
>money for advanced weapons is not innovation
>money for Marxists and deadbeats is
Fuck college.
Fuck healthcare.
They're tanks the DoD didn't ask for and congress gave them anyway because MUH JOBS.
>we need more fat niggers and single moms
>Fuck science!
If you're not shitposting, then you're going full retard.
>muh jobs
yeah better the money go to MUH SODA instead right fat ass?
*jizzes in you're tea*
tell me how that tastes, kid...
So we can hammer everyone with more propaganda for a few years longer, hand out useless degrees, drive down the value of college education across the board, cause the price of education to skyrocket etc.
That's working out so tremendously well.
>not putting tea leaves into water
Marxism is not science.
College and Healthcare are not science. Healthcare especially has nothing to do with it nor does anything education wise outside of hard science. Most of which isn't the focus of trash like you.
did you forget trump wants to stop all of these?
>You stupid conservative! If it was not for government spending the military would have never develop the Internet.
>Of Course we should cut funding to the military, what are you an idiot?
Gets me every time.
I always thought that military was one of the primary jobs in America, in both building shit and bombing shit. Sure you could look at that like it's welfare in that it's the government giving you money but at least they're working for it.
Handouts for millitary industrial complex is okay
Handouts for poor is not.
Military R&D is plagued with growing bureaucracy and equity hiring preventing the best person from getting the job. Hopefully Trump will fix these issues.
As for 'food stamps' most poor people are in fact bad people and supporting them makes society worse. Welfare today is more than enough to feed a person, drugs and cigarettes are luxuries they don't deserve.
>the military is NOT innovation
Actually it is. A majority of the military budget is spent on R&D to insure our military stays ahead of everybody else's.
>Invest in college students or healthcare instead
How will this help innovation? Healthcare is the single biggest money sink in the USA and its dubious how much it even helps people since virtually every person who relies on Medicaid and Medicare complains bitterly about how shitty it is as a service. And this is the single most funded program in the United States, it takes up around a quarter of our national budget as-is.
And I can't see how giving more people college degrees will help innovation at all. Considering most innovators don't come from the college educated.
>buying dehydrating carbonated sodium sugar water with state government handouts
good cattle
>College and Healthcare are not science
Yeah I forgot how colleges only put out liberal arts degrees. Places like MIT and cal tech? Yep, nothing marxists getting degrees in womyn studies.
Hospitals? Yeah no research being done either, evidence based medicine just magically appears from thin air.
>Trump puts wasteful military spending in the forefront of his campaign
>Clinton says only people that hate America would try to weaken our military by cutting these programs
>"Conservatives have strange priorities"
Really makes you think
Hey that bought soda is also giving people jobs and at least someone is getting enjoyment from the soda. The tanks are just sitting in warehouses.
>Overwhelming majority of the budget each year spent on gibsmedats
>Hurr only $1
How long until we just start killing communists?
You are extremely ignorant and have no idea what those budgets represent. The vast majority of healthcare spending is Medicare/Medicaid. In other words it's another form of welfare specifically geared at helping the elderly and infirm. Only it's fucking terrible because it's bloated, slow-moving, and lacking in any real oversight which allows for abuses galore.
Education similarly is used to prop up failing schools, with a small sliver being given out as grants and scholarships.
These budgets represent societal band-aids.
>the military is NOT innovation
user, I have some bad news for you
>Investing in military technological developments that routinely provide returns of 1.50-2.00 per dollar spent
>Investing in more people on gibs
Healthcare especially publically funded has pretty much zero to do with science and developement. Your lack of understanding or outright lying on this topic wholly discredits anything you're attempting here.
As for proper college degrees. You do realize the mayority of those aren't the ones people are artificially catapulted into and which are the focus of the recent drive to get everyone into college. In fact it has actively harmed them as they are being lambasted over being too hard and too rigorous in their screening. The mayority of the people getting actual proper degrees would've gotten them anyway.
What has increased tremendously is useless degrees, soft pseudo science and other junk. Something you really want to magically mix with real science to give it an air of legitimacy it simply doesn't have.
t. Never been to a liberal college
I never said there isn't wasteful spending in healthcare and college. I'm saying actual science does take place in healthcare and college.
Already said he was doing away with it as is, no one on Sup Forums ever supported that plane, kill yourself leftypol shill. Saged.
Again I'm not arguing there isn't wasteful spending and that too many people go to college when they should go to vocational school instead.
But saying that healthcare and college have nothing to with science is just ignorant.
>I'm saying actual science does take place in healthcare and college.
And the government has no role in it. Why do you think all those miraculous new drugs are patented and sold at high prices? Because Big Pharma paid for the R&D and expects hefty returns on that investment. The private sector is responsible for almost all real innovation in America and in most of the first world. The one major exception is military technology, since most of the big weapons manufacturers all have government contracts you can't really call them private sector.
The military pays for it's people to get degrees and because the people that get that college money don't squander it on feminists dance therapy you twit. You want free college grow a fucking spine and join the military
MIT is pretty liberal. Want to explain to me how no science takes place there?
man thurs uh hefty fukin fee
Roughly 19 days
Health care here is falling apart especially because of recent events. The real difference only becomes apparent when moving to private insurance. Doctors are suddenly a lot more invested, waiting times for appointments can go down from months to days etc. Add to that that they constantly have to feed more money into the system and more and more isn't even being covered. Someone pointed out the stuff going on in Canada aswell, where the quality of the healthcare is going through the floor and falling further while the price is going up. None of this has anything to do with "science" and "developement" if anything it is often outright anathema to it.
And even if you ended up with free college. You'd find that it wouldn't boost proper science, developement, engineering etc. Most of those are not capped by people being unable to pay for them but by people being unable to do these courses. Drop out numbers have been high always, when the funding doesn't come from the pupils themselves they skyrocket. What is growing like cancer is soft sciences, easy courses, mostly useless degrees. Stuff that serves little to no purpose but to waste everyone's money and help get people think in certain ways.
This. How the fuck is it possible that your medicare is so fucking expensive to the government and yet people still need to either buy an insurance or pay exorbitant fees for a single night in a hospital?
First off, foodstamps are worth more then 1$ on the scale of the millions who use them.
Secondly, the other one is for military purposes that allow other countries to sit safely knowing big boy America can help them if they're in trouble.
Thirdly, no one is bitching about foodstamps, just put some limit on them so that lazy people don't exploit the system.
You realize you wouldn't be able to shitpost on this site or any other without the government funded research, right?
People will have jobs in the soda industry even if the government does not give people money to purchase they products they make.
People will not have jobs in the American armament industry if the government does not purchase the products they build..
It's a program created out of compassion so they are very forgiving with its costs and reluctant to make cuts to it.
Good ideas everyone, lets pour more money into the military (whose only purpose is to fight wars) and fuck education, fuck healthcare, fuck college, fuck everything that doesn't benefit the rich.
This is EXACTLY why I support socialism.
Food stamps create a lot more jobs. You know, if people couldn't buy groceries the shops would lose their customer base and have to quit.
I am aware. The internet is probably the best thing the government ever spent money on to develop. But if they hadn't turned it over to the private sector it'd still be the government's private mail/communications system and not the unstoppable commercial juggernaut of the 21st century.
False equivalencies as far as the eye can see, that's how I know, you're a scumbag liberal.
No, it is not. Certain courses in college absolutely do have to do with science, developement and general societal progress in terms of technology and training people in them. College itself does not. Literature, history, even other "proper" courses have very little to do with science and many of the new type of education we've seen make it's way are actually HURTING the colleges and increasingly worming their way into proper science harming it.
Healthcare itself has nothing to do with science, it is basically welfare for health. Unless you want to tell me welfare somehow progresses a civilization, helps the economy and drives progress you have no case.
>unnecessary tanks
>unnecessary drones
The only things on there that are unnecessary are the Zumwalt and F35, and people havent been told how bad those are because the media is full of fucking shills
The problem isn't "conservatives", the problem is military industrialists, lobbyists, and career politicians.
So it'd cost only 18 billion a year (27 if the overall cost rises to 1,5 trillion), roflmao.
>But saying that healthcare and college have nothing to with science is just ignorant.
Not when you're talking about government spending. Healthcare and Education spending have nothing at all to do with scientific development, they're just another form of welfare.
Is the F-35 really that bad?
>Giving money to niggers
If we have no military then China will invade.
*sips green tea*
4 of 5 of those things hold some value... one does not... I'll give you 3 guesses
>(/k/ here, inb4 zumwalt)
>fuck education, fuck healthcare, fuck college
How would more money help any of these fundamentally broken things? I'd be all for spending money on these things in principle, and especially if you came up with a plan that utterly scraps the shit we have now and provides a real, tangible benefit for the money being spent. As is, simply throwing money at destitute school districts and handing out checks to anyone that can convince a doctor they have a back injury isn't my idea of money well spent.
Yes, but the program invented some cool shit that will make the next planes good
Actual conservative here. Military spending is fiscal liberalism, proper conservatives are anti-war spending.
Can be used against islamists and communists who want to bomb me, benefits me.
Can be used against islamists and communists who want to bomb me, benefits me.
Can be used against islamists and communists who want to bomb me, benefits me.
Can be used against islamists and communists who want to bomb me, benefits me.
>Food stamps
Actively works against natural population controls on the population of humans who can't hack it in America, literally the most (bar none) prosperous society in mankind's history. Harms me by increasing the number of shitskins and retards in my day-to-day. Actively uses a portion of my resources against me.
It was an overly ambitious project. Not a total loss if you consider it led to innovation in many areas of plane design, but the project itself is totally infeasible. Even if they did manage to push through a final version it'd be prohibitively expensive.
>the scientific courses in college are not actually college
alright, hans you win...
How the hell do you expect there to be healthcare advancements without patients to treat? And yes, welfare, bloated and abused as it may be, can help to drive the economy when legitimate recipients use it to get back on their feet and re-enter the workforce. Even Hitler understood this.
Right, because the U.S. totally only spends a dollar per year for the entire nation's food stamps. Uh huh, tell me more 'facts.'
>Making up stuff nobody ever said because you have no arguments to make your cause.
Good job muritard. Also I'm British living in Germany you faggot.
You should maybe fucking fix your education and medicare first. And btw, you can't do that by mearly dumping money in dem programs, you need to hard reset them.
I'm sorry Muhammad
>what is the Military Industrial Complex
Hell yeah I'm pissed off.
Work for a living. Go to grocery. Dead Beat in front of me buying steaks and shit I can't afford. And using my tax dollars to pay for it.
its actually 398 million dollars a day forever. average. You dramatically underestimate how bad it is.