Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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I used to hate Israel...
Until I realized that Palestine is full of sandniggers who are terrorists.
Fucking nu Sup Forums
You're damn right I will, I support Israel.
I don't believe we should be giving them tons of aid etc, but they have every right to defend the clay they live on now. Fuck kikes in white countries though.
These elections were a shitshow anyway. Trump is a buffoon who acts like a big child and has grand ideas but will get nothing done in the end. Hilary is Hilary. And both are much more liberal than any presidential candidate should be allowed to be.
Fuck queefs
Fucking David Icke sjw
Israel is a great country. Who gives a fuck if they bomb some sandniggers who breed like rabbits. Yes,American jews are libtards trying to destroy the west, but they aren't real jews. They have Jewish last names, but they are more or less secular. There are allot of good jews in Israel.
Easy solution, hate both.
>not wanting to spite king nigger and every liberal
Israelis are different then western Jews and are far superior to paleishitians, OP
Lesser of two evils. It's either support Israel or Iranian funded terrorist aka Hezbollah.
this. Well fucking said.
Fuck off nu Sup Forums
The point i'm getting at is Western Jews are fake Jews. Jewish in name only. Kind of like Americans who have Irish or Italian surnames. That doesn't make them Irish or Italian. They are in name only. Much like Western Jews.
Israel was founded through terrorism, doesn't prosecute theirs, and even make them prime minister(Yitzhak Shamir). They deserve each other.
>Not being friend of Israel
Now all Trump has to do is have Israel pay us to kill them and saudi arabia to pay for the refugee crisis.
Reminder that the (enemy) has left Israel and is leaving it out in open water to be picked by the UN and mudslim scavengers.
Reminder their only use of the Israeli State was to destabilize the middle east in order to send Islamic terrorist to the western world and destabilize the west as well.
The Jews have always been the enemy, but some jews are more dangerous than others
Republicans control both the house and the senate, and will control the supreme court.
Fuck this taking sides bullshit, the middle east as a whole needs to be fucking glassed. Shills and wishywashy faggots fan fuck off.
Is the Czech Republic "racist" enough to stay unblacked like Poland? I love the country.
According to the aid agreement the most of the money goes to us made weapons/military equipment so pretty much the money go back to the us weapons industries
ok and it's supposed to matter? Enjoy the illusion of choice the kikes cooked up for you over the past centuries.
Go fuck yourself, OP. Jews are amazing kebab removers.
If you support Palestine over Israel you're a fucking cuck.
Now, Jews might be greedy backstabbers, but beyond that they are intelligent and innovative and actually contribute to society unlike Muslim scum.
>jews export muslims to white countries
>lets give jews in their country money to kill people trying to get into theirs
What the fuck Sup Forums
Muh muh left wing muh faggots muh brownies muh refugees
This. Also this board has been filled with Trump supporters who shill for the tribe. Before there were less alt-lite people and more alt-right people. Now the ratios have kind of flipped.
I will say this, as a white nationalist I support the jews having a homeland to fuck off to. Because I don't want them in white countries. I also know that Trump is neither a white nationalist or alt-right. But he has the potential to be very helpful to whites by bringing back jobs and deporting mestizos.
He's no savior of the white race but he could be very beneficial to european americans.
>Israelis are different then western Jews
Fucking how?
Bibi is based.
and now we all know why he disliked obama that much
Wow, so it's really like a gift to ourselves! Thank you jizzrael.
They're indistinguishable from arabs and just as stupid.
Get out. This is a Christian board
Oh look, alt-right SJWs are trying to destroy Trump because were tricked by Hitler memes.
Fuck off you crypto-commies.
That doesn't help though.
>Money gets taken out of taxpayers pockets in extremely large amounts
>Most gets sent to a weapons industry
Even ignoring the fact the weapons industry is likely kike controlled, the taxpayers are still getting raped for your shitty country.
It's like you faggots have never read the art of the deal.
Israel is fucked now that Obongo didn't veto the security council resolution against Israel.
They are desperate and Trump picks up on it for political support.
Congress is basically controlled by AIPAC. Trump assures Israel he will VETO future bills in the security council, but they must unjew congress.
Obongo basically gave him a game ball.
they're literally the children of diaspora jews from Europe
Its the same shit, and they don't deserve my money.
You tell him! (((Civic-Nationalism))) is clearly the only way forward.
>implying diaspora jews aren't better than fucking arabs
Please leave your buttfuck nowhere Wisconsin home and meet some fucking people
Anyone ever see the video of Israel jews shaming blacks & foreigners?
They sound redpilled as fuck.
I prefer Emu-Nationalism
No, that's the Ashkenazim. Completely different people.
Has the possibility entered your brain that I support neither? Why does it have to be A or B? Divide and conquer?
You're right! Let's join the leftists and destroy DRUMPF!
Stop blaming other people.
We're the ones that take them.
Or do you mean that the next thing closest to an ally we could have for stability in the middle east is Lebanon?
Sup Forums loves Israel, Let all the jews move there.
It's also an ethnic cleansing lebensraum grabbing ethnostate.
Tired of all the MIDF shilling here against Israel. Now they have no excuse to be in our countries.
Better than niggers at least. Emu's look after their children.
Trumpberg Trumpstein is NOT my president. I'm voting Democrat from now on.
>Please leave your buttfuck nowhere Wisconsin home and meet some fucking people
I don't care if they're better than arabs, they still don't deserve my money
how the fuck can you all hate giving niggers welfare and money fo dem programs but be okay with giving free money to the literal overlords of finance?
Gave me a hearty chuckle
Sup /arabs/ (formerly known as Sup Forums)?
Hezbollah and Hamas
Although Hezbollah, contrary to what many on Sup Forums may think is secular, and only hates Israel and the Salafis
It would be something if Trump was just cozying up to him so he can knife him in the back under the cover of plausible deniability, like he did on his bankruptcies. Not saying that's what he's doing but it would be funny as shit to see/hear all the cuckservatives and their zany mental gymnastics and magical thinking defending Israel.
I'd rather live next to Jews that Muslims any day
Why are Israelis so damn beautiful?
>that one south african jidf shill
I thought you died in the riots you faggot
Mohammads throughout the planet are literally shaking. Bibi is coming for you.
Because they aren't shitskinned & they serve in the military
>coons seldom target their agitators
And by secular I meant in the sense that they're open to others practicing there own religion and don't persecute them for it.
>knows how to use weapons
>respects gun ownership
>can protect themselves and their families
Remind me again why we hate Israelis?
israel should just deport all non-ashkenazis tbqh
Daily reminder Sup Forums is a pro-Isreal board. Zionism is not the enemy, globalism is.
>Easy solution, hate both.
That IS what most average people do IRL. Left and right both Hence, the reason for all the hasbara nonsense online (only) that no one really believes. Then there's the MMS fake-news and anti-fake-news-fake-news like infowhores and the like but we all know who owns them.
remember Bernadotte you disgusting cuck
im still wondering why israel hates this guy.
he must be bad for israel in some way we dont understand.
Do you think the yids will make the holoco$t into another shitty Hollywood reboot?
Because someone who claimed to be redpilled got the idea that niggers and muslims were good & israelis were the problem.
this guy gets it.
if only the part about Sup Forums was true tho...
but we're getting there
globalism is a tool of zionism
>not supporting Israel
Are you sure that you're not gay?
What kind of living cartoon character white power Trump voters didn't see this coming? You really thought Trump was Hitler?
this fucker gets it
So much shilling/astroturfing here now, god JIDF just kill yourself kikes.
I'm not a kike but thanks for the compliment, social justice warrior.
Hezbollah are unironically doing a better job of Crusading than all of Western Christendom combined, especially the DEUS VULT larpers on Sup Forums and the shabbos goy evangelicals who support ISIS via supporting israel
The Nation of Israel is fine in my book. It's the kikes in (((Hollywood))), (((Academia))) and the (((Banks))) that need to go.
If they want a stable ally for the future, that's fine. It's when they try to destabilize my country from within to ensure Israeli dominance for the future that rustles my jim jams.
>being a jew hating nazi makes you a sjw now
kek, nice try shlomo
>wants to give money to poor oppressed jews
>calls anyone else SJW
youre a fucking cuck
This man is your FRIEND
He fights for FREEDOM
You realize Israel is setting up a global surveillance network. Trump is there puppet.
It's 1984
Israel is as sovereign & prosperous as a nation can get. You're a social justice warrior because you think Israel is the problem while Tyrone is in your backyard reaping what you sow & Muhammed is at your workplace rigging an IED underneath your car.
keep you friends close. Keep your enemies closer
Only if Trump kills Netanyahu.
Good idea.
Put it this way, fuck Israel.
But if I could kill one group of people, it wouldn't be them. It'd be the western Jews.
You don't know the truth.
Remind me again how Tyrone is winning?
Muhammed is attacking a Jewish proxy.
Destroy the globlist jews plans.. nationalist jews move in. Did we actually accomplish anything here?
>he doesn't support revisionist zionists
>calls himself redpilled
they are the best ally against their globalist brethen
also, supporting their nationalism gives legitimacy to supporting our own
kike detected
If they would stay in their containment shithole I would be elated t b h m80
The cold truth is this...
Uncovering this global conspiracy of yours is going to get you nowhere. It doesn't effect your day-to-day & even if it did you're not going to unravel the mess the world is.
My advice...
Focus on yourself, kike the system, stop hating jews, and worry about how Tyrone is playing the welfare system while Jihadi muslims flood our country because Israel was smart enough to build a wall.
16 year old detected.
some things never change...
Does pol support Israel? What makes them different from American kikes?